List of Mutual funds/mutual fund guide Articles

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Tips And Tricks on How to Calculate CAGR

Be it profits or sales or investments; the one thing you want to figure out is how they grew over time. When the growth is for a period of one year it is quite simple. But what if the capital appreciation of your investment is over a longer period of 3-5 years.

Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT): Meaning, Applicability, Provisions

Find out what DDT is, how it is calculated, and who is applicable to pay it.

FD VS SIP: Which Offers More Bang for Your Buck?

There are numerous investment options in the capital market that have unique features and different return potential. However, investors often confuse two of the most sought after investment instruments; Fixed Deposit (FD) and SIP (Systematic Investment Plan).

PPF For A Child: How To Open Kids’ PPF Account?

A Public Provident Fund, or PPF in short, is a long-term savings scheme devised by the government to help Indian citizens invest and build a

Understanding the Importance of Mutual Fund Expense Ratio

While managing your investment, the Asset Management Company (AMC) incurs expenses like advertising expenses, management fees, administrative expenses, transaction and brokerage costs, registrar and audit fees, etc., to ensure promising returns on your investment.

Types of Mutual Funds

Schemes for every type of investor are responsible for the widespread popularity of mutual funds in India. All these available options make it difficult for the investors.

What are Mutual Funds?

Mutual Funds have emerged as a major investment vehicle for Indian investors today. With an AUM of Rs.38 trillion and an equity AUM of more than one-third of the total corpus