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List of Mutual Funds Articles

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Nifty BeES, a combination of a share and a mutual fund unit, trades on the capital market segment of NSE


One way to check the growth of mutual fund investments is by the AUM growth. A much better way to check retail participation is via folios.


Investing in mutual funds for a period of one-year needs a mix of capital safety and liquidity. You basically want to earn stable returns even if it is less than other longer-term investment plans. Obviously, when you talk of 1 year investment horizon, it cannot be an equity fund or even a hybrid fund. Even in debt funds, you cannot go for long term debt […]


The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) are the two principal stock exchanges in India that are currently active. Both exchanges are entirely electronic, with a combined total of over 7,000 firms. Millions of trades take place on both of these exchanges every trading day. Because these are electronic exchanges, you'll need a demat account to participate in the trading process.

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A mutual fund pools money from multiple investors and invests that money across various securities. It facilitates well-diversified portfolios and professional management.


Normally, growth investing and value investing are seen as two opposite sides of investment strategy, although it may not always be true.


What if you have money, know that you have to invest but do not know how to go about it? The answer is portfolio management. Let us look at a practical situation. For a moment that you have a corpus of around Rs.2 crore either in your bank or in the form of shares. What can you really do with these funds? There are various […]


As the name suggests, hybrid funds are a mix. That means they combine equity and debt in different proportions. It is somewhere in between an equity fund and a debt funds in terms of risk and returns. Typically, hybrid funds invest your money in both debt and in equity.


Investing in mutual funds includes various options. There is a growth plan, dividend plan and dividend reinvestment plan. This article describes the intricacies of an automatic reinvestment plan in detail.


It is quite common to use the terms money market funds and liquid funds interchangeably. The differences are minor and for the purpose of understanding you can just ignore the difference at this point of time. Typically, the idea of money market funds is to restrict the investment portfolio to assets that have a very short term maturity profile of less than 91 days. That […]


As an investor, you must know more than the basics to become a savvy investor. To advance in your investment journey, you need to understand advanced concepts such as risk-return trade-offs. The return of investment is of prime importance for every investor. But, while generating higher returns, investors fail to consider the risks involved. The returns of any investment in a financial market is directly […]


Mutual Funds have emerged as a major investment vehicle for Indian investors today. With an AUM of Rs.38 trillion and an equity AUM of more than one-third of the total corpus, mutual funds have surely come a long way. What exactly is a mutual fund and how do they fit into the investment structure in India? Can you explain the concept of Mutual Funds for […]


Mutual funds have become extremely popular in recent times due to the many advantages it offers. For example, mutual funds diversify risk, they take away the hassle of deciding what to buy and when to buy, they give you a wide choice and above all, mutual funds help you to meet financial goals. There is generally a myth in the market that investing in mutual […]


Investors are always looking for ways of investment that will help them accumulate wealth over time. Investing itself is relatively easy, but choosing where to invest is difficult. In this article, we’ll help you understand and differentiate between two very similar-looking investment options: the mutual funds, and the Unit Linked Insurance Policy or ULIP. What is a mutual fund? A mutual fund is an investment […]


Find out what DDT is, how it is calculated, and who is applicable to pay it. When you buy shares of a company via the stock market, there are two main ways by which you can make money. The first is by the usual technique of buying stocks when the market is low and selling when the market is high, thus making a profit. The […]


If you have invested in mutual funds, you have surely heard of Sharpe and Treynor ratios. In fact, if you open the fund factsheet of any equity mutual fund, you will find the Sharpe ratio disclosed of the fund under the fund analytics section. Some funds even disclose the Treynor ratio for the particular equity fund. What exactly are these Sharpe Ratios and Treynor ratios […]


Investing in Mutual Funds are an efficient and effective way of getting more bang for the buck. Today, the number of mutual fund folios in India has crossed 12.3 crore while the number of SIP folios has crossed 5.3 crore. For any investor, the big challenge is about selecting the right mutual fund which is among the top performers in the category.


Mid cap funds are all the rage this season. How do we define mid-caps in the first place? As per the latest SEBI definition, stocks listed on stock exchanges are first classified based on their market capitalisation. Stocks from position number 1 to 100 on market capitalization are large cap stocks. They typically have a market cap above Rs.30,000 crore. Stocks from 101 to 250 […]


Nifty BeES, a combination of a share and a mutual fund unit, trades on the capital market segment of NSE


Introduction of Value Fund Value investing in stocks focuses on buying undervalued stocks and holding them for the long-term. Read further to know why this type of investment is popular among diligent investors. What is Value Fund? Value funds are open-ended equity schemes that follow a value investment strategy. This type of fund invests in shares of the companies and are traded at discounted rates. […]


One of the best things about the mutual fund industry is switching from one scheme to another in the same fund house. Not many of you may know about it, but you can take advantage of shifting to another scheme if you invest in mutual funds via Systematic Transfer Plan or STP. Read further to know about its features and how it will benefit you […]


Mutual funds are one of the most popular securities to invest in currently. Diversified, convenient and professionally managed, mutual funds offer attractive returns. However, these investments come with their own risks. Although mutual funds are considered to be a relatively safe investment tool, their performance depends on the prevailing market variations. Like any other scheme, investing in mutual funds involves a certain amount of risk. […]


Mutual fund investment is a wise decision because of its variety and suitability for different investors. Since not all mutual funds are the same, investors must know the details about each type of fund to help make an informed decision. What Are Focused Funds? A focused mutual fund is a type of equity mutual fund that invests in a limited or a small number of […]


What exactly do we understand by an NFO or a new fund offering? Typically, you can understand NFO as the mutual fund equivalent of an IPO. NFO is the fresh issue of a mutual fund scheme to raise fresh capital from investors. Currently, SEBI allows an AMC to have one fund per category, except in case of sector funds and index funds , where there […]


Performing risk assessment is vital while choosing an investment avenue.


Every fund is an investment opportunity. Therefore, does an opportunity fund imply a double or higher volume of returns?


When investors do not diversify mutual fund investment portfolio and invest in two or more funds with the same objective, fund overlapping occurs. In this article, let’s get to know more about mutual fund portfolio overlap. What is Mutual Fund Overlap When a person invests in different investment schemes which have the same holdings, there is a fund overlap. Mutual fund overlap happens when an […]


Disciplined investing is one of the most challenging habits to incorporate as a young investor. They fear market fluctuations and often think that now is not the right time to invest.


A Net Asset Value or NAV plays a major role when buying a mutual fund investment. The latter is still considered as one of the most popular safe investment choices worldwide.


Becoming financially independent post-retirement is one of the most important financial goals an individual seeks. It has always been encouraged to start investing as early as possible, to make your savings last during retirement. An overview of investment plans for retirement The percentage of senior citizens in India is proliferating, and it is expected to reach 20% of the overall population in 2050. As the […]


People invest in mutual funds for various reasons – that could be to create wealth or to fulfil long-term financial goals. Mutual fund investment is subject to market risks, and it all depends on investors risk-taking ability. If you’re investing in equity funds – you can choose either the growth or the dividend option. In this article, let’s discuss the growth option. Getting Started with […]


You must have come across the popular usage that you got a stock at dirt cheap price. What you are talking about is value investing, which is the investment strategy based on deep value. When you talk of value investing, the 2 most popular names that come to mind are Ben Graham and Warren Buffett. What is exactly a value stock? It is an inexpensive […]


Just like you want to monetize your assets at some point to raise money, you also need to redeem your mutual funds. You may not do it in the short term, but in the medium to long term you would still need to redeem your mutual funds. What does redemption mean? It is nothing but selling the mutual funds you have bought. In the old […]


One of the common problems in lump sum investing is that you are already invested and don’t have liquidity on hand to capitalize on opportunities that may arise from time to time. That is why, if you are looking at a long term plan then Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) approach works better. It gives the added advantage of rupee cost averaging (RCA). This would obviously […]


While most AMCs (Asset Management Companies) now have online platforms from where investors can buy mutual funds, a lot of beginners are unaware of the steps they should follow. Steps to Buying Mutual Funds To begin with, let us first have a look at the crucial part of your first mutual fund purchase process- completing KYC or eKYC. What is KYC or eKYC? As per […]


Mutual funds investment is one of the best ways to grow your wealth. It is worth investing in mutual funds instead of keeping your money idle. However, while investing, a major obstacle is switching in and switching out of mutual funds. Read further to know how you can make a jump from one fund to another. What Is Switching Of Mutual Funds? Every mutual fund […]


A Systematic Investment Plan, commonly known as SIP is where regular fixed amounts are invested in your preferred Mutual Fund scheme. A Fixed amount is deducted each month from your savings account which is invested in the Mutual Fund of your choice. Advantages of investing in SIP: Here is a look at the advantages of investing in SIP: Simplicity of choice With SIP, you can […]


Sector fund or thematic funds have been around for a long time in India. In fact, as per AMFI there are 102 sectoral / thematic schemes in India managing nearly Rs.133,000 crore across these sectoral funds. Most of the sector funds are small in size. How is a sector fund different from a thematic fund? In a way, both are same in the sense that […]


When you invest your money in any financial instruments, you would expect valuable returns. Today, there are several investment options for investors based on your goals, risk appetite, and expected returns One of the popular investment options among investors in India is Mutual Funds. Mutual fund investments provide relatively higher returns than traditional investment options like Fixed Deposits and Recurring Deposits. Other benefits include it […]


New fund offerings (NFOs) of mutual funds are somewhat like an IPO for equities. An NFO is issued either because the AMC wants to raise funds for the first time or because there is a new category of fund where the AMC does not have an exposure. What exactly is an NFO or new fund offering? When a fund house issues units for the first […]


Investing in diverse financial assets aids you in augmenting your accumulated wealth. If there’s any such asset class that boosts your income levels, it’s mutual funds.


A sinking fund is a fund created specifically to save or set aside money to pay off a debt or a bond. A company may face an immense outlay when the time comes to pay off debts and bonds issued in the past.


Investing in mutual funds can be highly beneficial especially if you are looking for a simple yet diversified way of investing. Mutual funds are professionally managed and convenient. A mutual fund is a financial instrument, which pools the money of different investors and then a fund manager invests them in different investment options and securities. When you invest in a mutual fund, you become the […]


Money market mutual funds are not an investment product but an avenue to park short term surplus. They are highly liquid and can be converted to cash at short notice. Also, the withdrawals can be structured as systematic investment plans(SIPs) so the post-tax returns can be more attractive than bank savings accounts. They allow you to earn higher returns compared to pure bank savings or […]


You must have come across gold ETFs traded on the stock exchanges. Globally gold ETFs are huge and are just about catching on in India. Gold ETFs are like a gold mutual fund, the only difference being that the gold ETF is traded on the stock exchange like any other stock and you can hold it in your demat account like any other stock. Unlike […]


Abnormal returns — also popularly known as ‘alpha returns’ or ‘excess returns’ — are unexpected returns from a security or a portfolio, that are not congruent with market returns. Instead, it is the result of investor expertise.


When you talk about long term capital gains tax on mutual funds you talk about debt and equity separately. However, when it comes to equity funds, there are two phases of LTCG calculation. There is pre-2018 budget and post-2018 budget. That is because, it was only in the Union Budget 2018 that the long term capital gains tax on equity mutual funds was made taxable […]


An Equity Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS) is an equity mutual fund with a tax benefit on investment. The taxation of the dividends and the capital gains will remain the same as in other cases? When we talk of tax benefits here we need to understand the tax benefit as distinct from the tax benefits on dividend and capital gains. An ELSS Fund scores over other […]


Most things come at a cost. These costs can be fixed expenses like rent or insurance or variable expenses like your personal care, entertainment, shopping, etc. Investments are popular for their return-generating power, but it has a few expenses.


Once you have decided to invest in a mutual fund, the next step is how to go about it. Mutual funds are regulated by SEBI so there are some basic formalities to go through before you can invest. Today there are a variety of options to invest in a mutual fund. Here are a few such options in front of you. Methods of investing in […]


Did you just hear the anchor on CNBC or that fund manager talking about Alpha? You must surely be confused about what this concept is all about? Here is a quick rundown on what alpha is all about? What exactly is meant by alpha of a fund? Let us start with a very simple question as to why does a person invest money in mutual […]


Mutual funds have been gaining popularity in the recent past. When a mutual fund provides investors with a well-diversified portfolio in a quick and hassle-free procedure, a higher expense ratio is one of the biggest issues investors suffer.


A systematic investment plan or SIP is all about making the investment work hard for you. If you have a target of making a crore in just 10 years, you have various options. You can start off with lumpsum and then add a SIP on top of that. However, that is assuming that you already have a corpus. The second is to take higher risk […]


Management of mutual funds entails cost at the time of entry and exit. The back-end load is an exit cost upon selling the shares linked to the fund.


Have you ever found yourself going through recipes on YouTube and later trying them out in your kitchen? What if a fund manager did that and got you returns?


Find out why you need to start investing in mutual funds as early as possible for your child’s education. Getting Started with Mutual Funds for Child Education The importance of education cannot be overstated enough. If you’re a new parent or planning to be one, then the thought of educating your child must have already crossed your mind. As we are aware, the cost of […]


Mutual funds allow investors to average out the market risk and provide a steady and systematic investment profile. Because of its lower risk, it is considered to be the best diversification tool.


The National Pension Scheme (NPS) is one of the best ways for salaried employees and self-employed professionals to build a retirement corpus. This post talks about the features and benefits of the NPS. Getting Started With National Pension Scheme (nps) Retirement planning is one of the most common goals among working professionals. After all, comfortable post-retirement life is only possible if you start planning for […]


It has been observed that systematic investment plans or SIPs are best suited to long term creation of wealth. But there are some very critical advantages of SIPs. Here are a few. SIPs give the benefit of rupee cost averaging. In good times you get more value and in bad times you get more units. SIPs are a discipline. By default, each month on a […]


For most investors, this may not really be a choice. Typically, a lump-sum investment makes sense only if you have a substantial sum of money available in your hand to invest in one go. Otherwise, you are better off doing a regular Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) out of your regular income. Here are 5 things you must know about lump sum investing, before we move […]


Do you like paying shipping charges on your online purchases or delivery fees on food orders?


It is quite common that nowadays you may go to invest in a mutual fund after a gap of few years and the fund house tells you that your KYC (know your client) verification has expire. The KYC is time bound and after the time period, it needs to be renewed. Also, the KYC can become idle for various reasons like not mapping Aadhar or […]


One of the biggest advantages of investing in mutual funds is the fact that there are schemes to suit every type of investor. Regardless of your investment horizon or the capital available at your hands, there are different types of mutual fund schemes to match your investment goals. Another great benefit of mutual funds schemes is that they help you save taxes. Popularly known as […]


New investors or those who are not very experienced with investing look for more risk-free and stable options like a diversified mutual fund. However, seasoned and experienced investors can increase their risk appetite to earn 2-3% more returns. There are numerous investment instruments capable of giving higher returns than others but demand a higher risk appetite. One high-risk, high reward investment instrument is the credit […]


As compared to large-cap and mid-cap mutual funds, small-cap mutual funds have higher returns potential. If you are an aggressive long-term investor, 2020 can be a great year to invest in small-cap funds. This article has information about 5 of the top small-cap funds you can consider for your portfolio. Equity mutual funds are widely popular for their long-term growth potential. When categorized based on […]


Clean shares refer to shares of mutual funds, such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index funds. A clean share does not carry embedded expenses like most traditional mutual fund products. The expense ratio is lower than most traditional products and is transparent.


Equity Mutual funds, known for their high return potential and their risk possibility, are exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that invest majorly in equity and equity-oriented instruments. As per SEBI guidelines, any fund that invests 65% or more of its corpus in equity is referred to as equity fund. Since these funds invest majorly in equity, they are known for their higher return potential. However, many people are […]


You may have heard the terms “large cap,” “small cap,” and “mid cap” thrown around while talking about stocks as a novice investor. Mid-cap companies are sometimes disregarded and misunderstood, whereas large-cap stocks are well-known household brands, and tiny caps frequently garner attention for their development potential. We will explore the definition of mid cap stocks companies, their traits, and the reasons you ought to […]


To achieve your financial goals through investing, you need professional guidance to keep you on track for accomplishing your goal by helping you choose the best investment strategy. For this, a professional mutual fund advisor is your best bet. Investing in Mutual funds can seem overwhelming, especially if you are a first-time investor. Many factors decide the success of a mutual fund, such as past […]


Today, debt funds have emerged as one of the most popular mutual funds in the country. They offer stability and flexibility with low risk and are, hence, considered a favourite among conservative investors. Now, the question arises: which type of debt fund is optimal for you and your financial goals? What are debt funds? Mutual funds are one of the most popular and preferred modes […]


A feeder fund is a one-of-a-kind investment vehicle that does not make direct investments. This is a type of mutual fund that invests in debt or equity securities.


Mutual Fund investments are among the most popular investment avenues in India. If you are a beginner, looking to invest your money in Mutual Funds, then understanding the fundamentals of these funds is necessary. What are Mutual Funds? A Mutual Fund is a diversified basket of stocks and bonds, which are managed by professionals of Asset Management Companies (AMCs). They are an indirect form of […]


Members of the Exchange are hereby informed, that an additional facility of Early Pay-in of Securities (EPN) and Early Pay-in of Funds (EPF) without requirement of uploadingEPN, and .EPF files for client details is also being provided to members.


We often get to hear the word Blue Chip stocks and blue chip funds quite often in the context of the stock markets. Normally, a blue chip stock is not about high returns but pedigree and performance over the years. These are stocks with stable business models and established brand names. In the Indian context, names like Tata Group, HDFC Bank, SBI, Reliance, Hindustan Unilever […]


Do Hybrid Funds really add value to your portfolio? Why exactly should an investor be investing in Hybrid funds and which hybrid funds to select? What is a Hybrid Fund all about? Hybrid mutual funds, as the name suggests, are a category of mutual funds that invest in a combination of asset classes such as equity and debt as well as other asset classes like […]


In the last few years, you must have heard of the concept of side-pocketing of funds quite often.


It is said that mutual funds are a solution to a lot of problems and challenges. Planning for your child’s education and secure future is one such challenge and here again it is mutual funds that come in very handy.


In the past, people earned, saved and piled the savings in the savings account to achieve their short and long term goals. Nowadays, people prefer to invest their money in financial instruments that offer them much higher returns than savings accounts. To accumulate wealth and fulfil their goals, investors are increasingly turning towards mutual funds investment, by far one of the most popular forms of […]


ELSS or Equity Linked Savings Scheme is similar to any other diversified equity mutual fund except that it comes with a 3-year lock-in period and tax advantage. You can also invest in an ELSS fund through an SIP or Systematic Investment Plan. ELSS mutual funds are one of the most popular types of mutual funds among investors. Apart from bringing diversification to your portfolio with […]


Investor Protection Fund is the fund set up by the Stock Exchanges to meet the legitimate investment claims of the clients of the defaulting members that are not of speculative nature. SEBI has prescribed guidelines for utilisation of IPF at the Stock Exchanges.


Many of us think that fixed maturity plans (FMPs) and bank fixed deposits are almost the same. The basic similarity between FMPs and bank FDs is that both of these products are close ended and have a definite maturity date. The below article provides an in-depth analysis of what FMPs are.


If you look at the mutual fund flows in India in the last few months, there has been a sudden surge of interest in exchange traded funds or ETFs. What exactly are these ETFs and how do they add value to investors. What is this concept of etf and how is it different from mutual funds? Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are a popular form of […]


Equity funds are one of the most popular types of mutual funds among investors. Owing to their high- return potential, many include it in their investment portfolio. However, there are various types of equity funds, based on their characteristics and risk-reward potential. By knowing the risk-reward potential, you can select the best equity funds to add to your portfolio. But before that, let’s learn about […]


There is a tendency to equate contra funds with value funds. While they do share some of the common characteristics, there is an essential difference between. Value funds focus on buying stocks that are available well below their intrinsic value. Like Buffett said, they look for margin of safety. However, Contra Funds focus on stocks that are currently underperforming but are expected to turnaround in […]


‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’, is a common phrase used in the investment world. It means that putting all the eggs in one basket increases the risk as if the basket falls; all the eggs will break.


You must have heard the terms like value investing and growth investing for a long time. For instance, when it comes to direct equity investing, most people are familiar that a growth investors looks for high growth


Mutual fund investments have become an investor-favourite. Some advantages of mutual funds include a diversified portfolio, professional management, flexibility, accessibility, safety, etc., making them suitable for novice investors, too.


Starting a mutual fund investment on your own is never easy. It takes a lot of time first to understand all the different kinds of mutual fund schemes and then match them with your financial goals. Direct schemes are not a specific type of mutual fund, like equity, debt, or hybrid. No matter what type of mutual fund scheme you end up selecting, you will […]


Dividend plans of mutual funds made a lot of sense as long as the dividends were tax free in the hands of the investor. However, this benefit was withdrawn in two steps. Firstly, the Income Tax Act introduced dividend distribution tax (DDT) on dividends to be paid by the payer. This was tantamount to reduction of dividend. Subsequently, the dividends were made fully taxable two […]


If you really want a kind of a compromise between equity funds and debt funds, the answer lies in Hybrid funds. Hybrid funds, as the name suggests, are a combination of equity and debt and at times even more than that. What exactly does a Hybrid Fund do? Here are some of the highlighters that you need to remember about hybrid funds in the Indian […]


Let us start with a small riddle. In March 2020 the Nifty was at 25,700. In October 2021, Nifty touched 60,000. What would have been a better choice for you in March 2020; lump-sum investing or systematic investment plan (SIP) investing? Obviously, you would have been better off investing lumpsum in March 2020 because then your equity funds would have been up 133.5% over the […]


Equity-oriented mutual funds come with higher return potential, although they also carry a certain amount of risks. This post will help you understand what these funds are and how they work. They are primarily of three types – Equity Funds, Debt Funds and Hybrid Funds. Equity mutual funds are those where the predominant percentage of the corpus of the collected fund is invested in equity […]


The Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme or the (RGESS) was launched in 2013 to encourage retail and small investors to participate in the equity cult. However, the scheme had too many limitations and had to be eventually wound up in 2018. Here is a quick look at the RGESS scheme for equity investing. What was the RGESS scheme all about? The Congress led UPA government […]


Thanks to the internet, investing in mutual funds is now easier than ever. But if you’re new to mutual funds, you should know that there are multiple ways to start investing in them online. Here is a list of 5 of the most popular ways for online mutual fund investment. In the past, the only way to invest in mutual funds was through your broker […]


Investors tend to opt for risk-free financial instruments like fixed deposits or recurring deposits when they begin their investing journey. While these instruments offer guaranteed returns, they are unlikely to help achieve your financial goals, given the inflation rate. Hence, many financial institutions recommend amateur investors to invest in financial instruments like mutual funds. As novice investors, it is natural to be concerned about the […]


Let us first understand what is Fixed Income investing. The world’s largest institutional by AUM, Blackrock, defines fixed income investing as an investment approach focused on preservation of capital and income. It typically includes investments like government and corporate bonds, CDs and money market funds. Fixed income can offer a steady stream of income with less risk than stocks. Mutual funds that invest in such […]


AUM or assets under management is a popular measure of evaluating a fund or an AMC. AUM can be measured at a fund level or at an AMC level or at an overall industry level. If you are doing a quick system check before investing in mutual funds, you might have come across experts recommending to review the AUM of the scheme. But, what exactly […]


One of India’s leading credit rating agencies, CRISIL, has a dedicated rating model for mutual funds also, apart from debt and infrastructure projects, where they specialize. The CRISIL model essentially ranks mutual funds based on various parameters. Rating plays a crucial role in determining the authenticity of the fund and its ability to perform in the future. While ratings are not a guarantee of future […]


A closed-end fund that holds both common shares and preferred stock shares is a dual-purpose fund.


ELSS funds enhance your yields by providing tax exemptions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. The beauty of this scheme is that it is a long term wealth creator with low lock in period. At the same time, the tax exemption enhances the yields on the fund, as compared to a normal equity fund. Some Of The Key Merits Of Equity-linked Savings Scheme […]


If you are looking for high equity exposure for wealth generation over the long term, large-cap ventures are a good option. Read on to learn about the benefits of this investment vehicle. Getting started with Large-Cap Funds If you are new to mutual fund investment and are wondering which funds will generate good returns with relatively less risk.Large-cap mutual funds are a good starting point […]


Just like all-season shoes, all-weather funds are designed to perform well in every market condition.


In the past, large cap, mid cap and small cap stocks were classified based on market cap. Normally, the companies with market cap of less than Rs.5,000 crore are classified as small cap stocks. However, subsequently, SEBI has changed this definition for the purpose of mutual funds. Now small cap is defined based on ranking as under. The top 100 stocks ranked on market cap […]


There are numerous investment options in the capital market that have unique features and different return potential. However, investors often confuse two of the most sought after investment instruments; Fixed Deposit (FD) and SIP (Systematic Investment Plan). Should you stick to standard fixed deposit (FD) or consider SIP for investment? Which is a better option that will give you value for money? Difference Between SIP […]

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