Breakout Stocks is a list of all those stocks in an Index / a Group which have broken their 30 / 50 / 150 Days Simple Moving Average in either of the directions (Positive / Negative). This list gives Company Name, Current Market Price, % Change and Simple Moving Average levels for 30, 50 and 150 Days.

CompanyCMPChg (%)- Simple Moving Average -
30 Days50 Days150 Days
ICICI PN 5 Year57.151.1880521963915856.47956.030854.7837333333333
Zerodha Nifty 1D103.480.409153392091844103.058333333333102.8024
DSP BSE LR ETF1022.290.400045831764681018.216666666671015.4866
Bharat Bond 20311237.550.338502077632491233.3751225.63081189.96306666667
Bharat Bond 203013850.317055009961691380.622666666671373.70281345.7202
Nippon ETF Liq.1000.010.0008666655111073161000.001333333331000.00181000.00166666667