Breakout Stocks is a list of all those stocks in an Index / a Group which have broken their 30 / 50 / 150 Days Simple Moving Average in either of the directions (Positive / Negative). This list gives Company Name, Current Market Price, % Change and Simple Moving Average levels for 30, 50 and 150 Days.

CompanyCMPChg (%)- Simple Moving Average -
30 Days50 Days150 Days
UTI Nifty 10 yr24.60.60389601537686724.452333333333324.3104
Bharat Bond 20331184.510.5062746950331751178.543333333331175.32221140.24826666667
MO 5Yr G-Sec ETF58.740.50188205771646758.446666666666758.230457.1365333333333
MAN 1D RL ETF Gr1013.420.477624489062081008.60266666667
Bharat Bond 20311291.280.3837491847046751286.343666666671282.71521250.90873333333
Zerodha Nifty 1D106.60.383579531543289106.192666666667105.9262104.638
DSP BSE LR ETF1053.040.3788769431582971049.065333333331046.43861033.761
Nippon ETF Liq.10000.000100000099997735999.999999.9984999.9998
DSP BlackRockETF10006.66667111247225E-05999.9993333333331000.00041000.0002