List of Financial planning Articles

financial planning

What are the Types of Financial Planning?

Financial planning is not just a one-off activity. It is a summation of a number of different types of plans, which actually constitute the sub-plans of the overall financial plan.

How to Create a Financial Plan?

If you have understood what is a financial plan, that is just part of the job. The real job is to get down to the brass tacks.

What is Goal Setting?

It is said that a financial plan is the framework on which your financial future is based. Better the financial plan and the more robust the implementation, the better the output and the better the chances of meeting your life goals.

What is Certificate of Deposits?

Certificate of Deposit or CD is a fixed-income financial instrument governed under the Reserve Bank of India issued in a dematerialized form where the amount at withdrawal is assured from the beginning.

Budget 2020 – What it Means for the Common Man?

The day of the annual budget speech is an important day for all Indians. The budget speech gives people an idea of their tax liabilities for the year. The budget speech also affects the prices of property, vehicles, electronic goods - therefore having an impact on people’s purchasing decisions.

About Certificate of Deposit India

Certificate of Deposit or CD is a fixed-income financial instrument governed under the Reserve Bank and India (RBI) issued in a dematerialized form.

How an Irregular Income Can Affect Your Finances Badly?

With the changing socio-economic situation, increasing globalization and turbulent political scenario, the nature of employment and jobs have become uncertain.