South Asian Petrochem Ltd merged Share Price Management Discussions
Industries structure and developments:
South Asian Petrochem Ltd is engaged in the manufacture of Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate (PET) resin, having the second largest market share of the
PET industry in the country. The product is increasingly used for bottled
drinks, beverage, liquor, FMCG and pharmaceutical sector. PET resin
represents the building block in the manufacture of PET jars and bottles.
PET bottles have manifold advantages vis-a-vis competing products. It is no
wonder that PET resin has become the material of choice for the food and
beverage packaging industry.
Opportunities and threats:
The application of PET resin is increasing due to its qualities like
purity, strength, transparency, lightweight and safe attributes which makes
it one of the leading materials for bottling and packaging today. The
carbonated soft drinks market - the principal user of PET bottles together
with beverages - an intrinsic part of everyday living in that part of the
world, the FMCG sectors preference for to prefer the use of PET bottles
due to usage functionality and a growing preference of consumers to view
the content prior to purchase represents an attractive opportunity for
companies like South Asian Petrochem Ltd.
Some of the main threats to PET industry include sharp fluctuation in crude
prices and PTA/MEG prices, which are the primary raw materials for the PET
resin industry and to control the consequent inventory losses. Increase in
production capacity of PET resins within the country and abroad, as well as
the competition from polycarbonates, tetrapack and glass bottles are major
threats. The Company continues to reconfigure its existing capability and
maintains high quality to overcome the threats.
Segment-wise or product-wise performance:
The Company has two geographical segments - domestic and exports. During
the year, the Company earned 58% of its revenue from overseas sales
spread across 48 countries. The balance was derived from the domestic
As a sensitive manufacturer, we are open to various changes in consumer
preferences. The PET consumption world wide is increasing and to tap the
increasing market demand, the Company is investing in its Egyptian
subsidiary company, Egyptian Indian Polyester Company S.A.E. The Company is
continuously looking at various cost reduction measures and hopes to
maintain the current margins. The Company looks forward to greater reach
and significant holding of hands with newer consumers in the years to come.
The Company also expects to enhance stakeholder value through a responsible
strategy directed at building value over the long-term.
Risks and concerns:
Risks and prospects are un-separable components of any companys business.
The Directors and the Management of your Company keep this in mind in
taking all decisions such that no single stakeholder is adversely affected
on account of any decision taken by the Company. The Company identified
various risks and constituted a Risk Management Committee, comprising heads
of departments which meets regularly to assess the risks and minimise their
incidence, so that the returns can be maximised.
Internal control system and their adequacy:
The Company introduces internal control system to ensure that all assets
are safeguarded and protected against loss and that the transactions are
authorised, recorded and reported correctly. The Executive Director and Sr.
V P (Finance) and CFO of the Company oversee the entire internal control
systems. To ensure state-of-the art monitoring and control system, the
Company is maintaining its books of accounts through Oracle, E-Business
Suit, an ERP Software.
Further, the Company uses the service of an external firm of Chartered
Accountant as internal auditors of your Company who submit reports on
quarterly basis. The reports are placed before the Audit Committee and
comments and suggestions made by the internal auditors are noted and
implemented by the Company.
Material development in human resources, industrial relation front:
Employee relations in the organisation were cordial and peaceful. The
Company consciously and constantly adhered to the policy of investing in
human resources. Since inception, the Company successfully recruited the
right personnel as per its designed employment plan. Trained personnel are
there to manage its operation at various levels. The actual number of
personnel employed by the Company as on 31st March 2009 was 228.
Cautionary statement:
Statements in this Management Discussion and Analysis Report may be
forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities
laws and regulations. These statements are based on certain assumptions
and expectations of future events. Actual results could differ materially
from those expressed or implied. Important facts that could make a
difference to the Companys operations include economic conditions
affecting global and domestic demand and supply, raw-material costs and
availability, changes in Government regulations, tax regimes, economic
developments within India and other factors such as litigation and
industrial relations. The Company assumes no responsibility to publicly
amend, modify or revise any forward looking statement, on the basis of any
subsequent developments, information or events.
For and on behalf of the Board
of Directors
Place: Kolkata P K Khaitan
Date : 9th May 2009 Chairman