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Beta-Kappa Investments Ltd Management Discussions

Jun 3, 2014|12:00:00 AM

Beta-Kappa Investments Ltd Share Price Management Discussions

BETA KAPPA INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2007-2008 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS: 1. industry structure and development: The Indian economy is estimated to be growing by around 9% in 2007-08, GDP growth has also been noteworthy. However, high oil price have the potential to affect the economic growth. 2. Opportunities, threats and outlook: The investment activity promises a great opportunity. A judicial selection of liquidity and higher yield in the segment is of paramount importance. 3. Segment-wise/product-wise performance: The company is exploring opportunities for safe and profitable investment and during the year under review, the major revenue is from trading in consumer fast moving goods. 4. Risks and concerns: The company has not made any borrowings and a conservative approach in investing the resources of the company has been taken. 5. Internal control systems and their adequacy: Adequate internal control systems support the present activities. 6. Discussion on financial performance with respect to operational performance: Your companys financial during 2007-08 was a beginning towards finding new avenues of investment and the company is looking forward to stability and improved financial performance. 7. Human Resources: The company is in the process of creating a conducive environment for attracting suitable talented candidates in tune with its business plans. 8. Cautionary Statement: Certain statements in the Management Discussion and Analysis describing the companys views about the industry, expectations/ predictions, objectives etc. may be forward looking within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the statement. Companys operations may be affected with the supply and demand situations, input prices and their availability, changes in government regulations, tax laws and other factors such as industrial relations and economic development etc. Shareholders are requested to bear the above in m ind. 9. PERSONNEL: The particulars of employees as required under section 217{2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975 are not applicable as the Company has not employed anyone drawing more than the prescribed amount of remuneration. 10. CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION. FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO: Information required under Sec 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1956 read with the Companies {Disclosure of Particular in the Report of Directors) Rules 1988. A) Conservation of Energy : Nil B) Technology Absorption : Nil C) Research & Development : Nil D) Foreign Exchange Earnings Outgo : Nil BY ORDER OF THE BOARD For BETA KAPPA INVESTMENTS LTD. Sd/- V. Kunchithapatham Director Sd/- P.R. Varadhan Director Place: Chennai Date : 31.07.2008

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