Trinethra Infra Ventures Ltd Share Price Management Discussions
Industry Structure and Developments:
The strong population growth in India and growing economy are generating
enormous pressures to modernize and expand the countrys infrastructure.
India lags behind in developing its infrastructure by a wide margin and
this is the key constraint to India achieving a higher economic growth
trajectory. All economic sectors can benefit from more comprehensive
infrastructure in the country.
Government envisages USD 500 billion infrastructure opportunity for the
Eleventh Plan based on assumptions of high rate of economic growth in the
country (9% across the plan), marked improvement in the pace of
infrastructure creation, improvement in government finances, and ample
availability of capital in both domestic and foreign markets.
Indias rapid economic growth has put a strain on the countrys existing
infrastructure, which has not kept pace with development. Indias economy
has enjoyed a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8% plus over the past
five years. Strong economic growth and confidence in future prosperity have
produced strong consumption growth. Favorable demographics lie at the core
of Indias success with 50% of the population below 25 years of age,
forming a massive consumer base in the years ahead.
The Company is confident that the present environment of investments in
infrastructure by the State and Central Governments assures sustainable
operations going forward, and possibility to maintain the growth rates
achieved in earlier years.
Challenges, Risks and Concerns:
Though the past year has been full of challenges, your Company has managed
to sail through it, thanks to the unstinted support of its employees. With
the worst of the economic crisis behind us we are poised for new
challenges, increased productivity and profitability. Competition from the
existing and emerging local and International players continues to pose
challenges to the domestic markets. The Company has to reckon with
aggressive strategies from the new entrants in the market.
Internal Control:
The Company has proper and adequate internal control systems to ensure that
all assets are safeguarded and protected against loss from unauthorized use
or disposition and the transactions are authorized, recorded and reported
correctly. The internal control system provides for well documented
policies, guidelines, authorizations approvals and procedures. The
observations arising out of audit are subject to periodic review,
compliance and monitoring. The significant observations, made in internal
audit reports, along with the status of action thereon are reviewed by the
Audit Committee of the Board of Directors on a regular basis for future
appropriate action, if deemed necessary.
Discussion on Financial Performance with respect to Operational
1. Total Income:
During the year under review Trinethra has achieved a gross total income of
Rs. 100.98 Crores
2. Share Capital:
The paid up share capital as on 31st March, 2010 is 6,45,59,000 divided
into 3,22,79,500 Equity Shares of Rs.2/- each.
3. Net Profit:
The Companys operating profit during the year under review has resulted in
a net profit of Rs.4.64 Crores.
4. Dividend:
The Board of Directors has recommended a dividend of 10% on the paid-up
capital of Rs.6,45,59,000 for the financial year ended March 31, 2010.
5. Earning Per Share (EPS):
The Earning Per Share for the Financial Year 2009-10 is Rs.1.44/- per share
(Face Value: Rs.2/- each).
Human Resources Development and Industrial Relations:
Trinethra Infra Ventures Limited firmly believes that Human Assets are more
critical then physical and financial assets as they are the ones who manage
and sustain the growth of physical and financial assets of the company.
Trinethra is well on its way in establishing an integrated system of
workforce, which endeavors to develop the capability of its employees that
clearly aligns with the business objectives and performance.
Further, we also encourage individual and team awards to sustain and
institutionalize the various workforce practices. This helped in giving
lots of encouragement to the workforce who have been striving hard to
achieve various goals.
Cautionary Statement:
The statements contained above may be forward looking statements within
the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Actual results may differ
substantially or materially from those expressed or implied. Important
developments that could affect the companys operations include changes in
economic environment, rise in input costs and competitive pressures.