Agnite Education Ltd Share Price directors Report
The Members
Agnite Education Limited.
Chennai 600042.
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the Twentieth Annual Report of
the Company along with the Audited Statement of accounts for the period
ended 30th September 2011. The Report also includes Management Discussion
and Analysis in accordance with the guidelines on Corporate Governance.
(Rs. in Cr)
Particulars Period ended Year ended
30th September 2011 31st March 2010
Income from operations 47.87 409.86
Other income 2.31 0.20
Total Revenue 50.18 410.06
Total expenditure before Interest & Depreciation 49.60 351.23
Operating profit / Loss PBIDT 0.58 58.83
Interest 0.08 54.09
Depreciation / Amortization 1.57 2.11
Profit before tax (1.07) 2.63
Provision for tax 0.32 0.40
Profit after tax (PAT) (1.39) 2.23
Surplus brought forward 487.08 484.85
Balance carried to Balance sheet 482.05 487.08
During the year, your Company has transformed itself into a Company devoted
to provide online education at a global scale. To offer better education
globally through a series of on-line solutions and provide the best
possible education and training, the Company had decided to change its name
from Teledata Informatics Ltd to Agnite Education Limited.
Lines of Business:
Educational Solutions: Agnite Education Limited has developed solutions and
services by partnering with key institutions and has positioned itself to
offer subject matter expertise in key areas. The solutions offered by
Agnite are as below:
* Tuition Edge - Tuition Edge offers holistic education in the field of
High School Studies, Preparatory Studies, Professional Studies and General
* Skill Set - Through Skill Set, Agnite focuses to offer skill development
programme by focusing on Trade Skills, Office Skills and Soft Skills.
* Distance Learning for Educational Institutions
Agnite offers a varied range of products and software solutions for
educational/ training institutions.
MonitorSIS - is a highly customizable product capable of providing high -
quality and cost effective solutions specific to the schools needs.
WebEIM - is a complete solution to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
requirements for educational institutions. WebEIM brings students, staffs,
parents, educational administrators and financial managers together using
standard browser based access.
Directors Responsibility Statement:
In accordance with the provisions of Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act,
1956, your Directors confirm that:
* in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting
standards had been followed along with proper explanation relating to
material departures;
* they had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently
and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent, so as to
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end
of the financial year and of the profit of the Company for that period;
* they had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate
accounting records, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, for
safeguarding the assets of the company and for preventing and detecting
fraud and other irregularities, and
* they had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis.
Corporate Governance
The disclosure requirements on corporate governance prescribed under clause
49 of the listing agreement is annexed herewith as part of the report.
Gp.Capt. K. Balasubramanian IAF (Retd), Director is retiring by rotation
and has conveyed his acceptance to continue as a Director of the company.
Mr. M.S. Ramakrishnan has resigned from the position of Director of the
Company with effect from 01st October 2010.
Financial Year
The Company has received approval from the Registrar of Companies, Chennai
vide their letter dated 22nd July 2011 for the purpose of extension of
financial accounting year from 01st March 2010 to 30th September 2011.
Consecutively, the extension for conducting the Annual General Meeting was
granted by the Registrar of Companies, Chennai for 3 months i.e. upto 30th
March 2012 vide their letter dated 22nd July 2011.
CEO Certification
The Managing Director has submitted a Certificate to the Board Meeting
regarding the Financial Statements and other matters as required and Clause
49 (V) of the Listing Agreement.
Fixed Deposits
Your Company has not accepted fixed deposits and as such, no amount of
principal or interest was outstanding as at the Balance Sheet date.
Particulars of Employees
None of the employees of the company are falling under the information to
be furnished as per section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act 1956.
M/s N.R. Krishnamoorthy and Company Chartered Accountants, retire at the
ensuing Annual General Meeting and have confirmed their eligibility and
willingness to accept Office as Statutory Auditors if re-appointed.
The financial statements of the subsidiaries of your Company are drawn up
in accordance with the applicable Accounting Standards and forms part of
the Consolidated Financial Statements in the Annual report. Your Company
believes that the consolidated accounts present a full and fair view of
state of affairs and financial conditions. The financial information
relating to the subsidiary companies are not appended to this report.
As per Section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956, we are required to attach
the Directors Report, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of our
subsidiaries. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India vide
its circular no. 2/2011 dated February 8, 2011 has provided an exemption to
companies from complying with section 212, provided such companies publish
the audited consolidated financial statements in the Annual Report.
Accordingly, the Annual Report 2010-11 does not contain the financial
statements of our subsidiaries. The audited annual accounts and related
information of our subsidiaries, where applicable, will be made available
upon request. These documents will also be available for inspection during
the business hours at our registered office in Chennai, India.
Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption, Foreign Exchange Earnings
and Outgo
The particulars prescribed under Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act,
1956 read with the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of
Board of Directors) Rules, 1988 are set out separately, which forms a part
of this report.
Your directors extend their gratitude to customers, alliance partners and
employees for their continued valuable support. The unrelenting
contribution made by our employees to ensure customer care deserves a
special acknowledgement. Your directors place on record their appreciation
for the excellent continued co-operation from Bankers, vendors and various
Government and Non-Government Agencies including SEBI, Stock Exchanges,
Registrar of Companies, STPI, RBI & others and look forward to their
continued support in the future.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Sd/- Sd/-
K. Padmanabhan N. Sakthivel
Managing Director Director
Place : Chennai
Date : 16.03.2012
Directors Comments on the Qualifications made by Auditors in their report
on financial statements of the Company
1. a. We draw attention to Note No.22 of Schedule Q on booking of revenue
on sale of products of marketing agents. The quantification and evaluation
of amounts for products lying unsold cannot be determined
DC- The Company has agreement with marketing agents in various countries
through whom products are sold. As there has been no sales return in past
years, the revenue is normally recognized by the Company on sale of
products to marketing companies and this policy is being followed by the
company consistently over past years which are in tune with the agreement
entered into by the Company with respective parties
b. We are unable to comment on the ultimate realisability of investments
amounting to Rs.110.33 crores in Rainforest Trading Limited and amount
advanced to Baytech Inc BVI to the tune of Rs.186.13 crores, in the absence
of audited financial statements for the last five years of their ultimate
subsidiary ESys Technologies Pte Limited which is the substance of the said
investments/advances as referred to in Note No.19 of Schedule-Q
DC - The Board of directors are of the opinion that the investments
amounting to Rs.110.33 crores in Rainforest Trading Limited and amount
advanced to Baytech Inc BVI of Rs.186.13 crores are realizable and
necessary legal proceedings have been initiated against parties concerned
for recovery of the dues.
2. In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and the
Cash Flow Statement dealt by with this report have been prepared in all
material respects in compliance with the applicable Accounting Standards
referred to in Section 211(3C) of the Companies Act, 1956 except for non-
compliance in respect of the reinstatement of debtors, creditors and
advances in accordance with Accounting Standard 11 - Effects of Changes in
Foreign Exchange Rates (Revised)
DC -The Company will be taking steps to comply with the provisions of
Accounting Standard 11 - Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
3. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given
to us and having regard to the explanation that purchases of certain items
of contents and consumables for projects are for the Companys specialized
requirements for which suitable alternate sources are not available to
obtain comparable quotations, there are adequate internal control
procedures commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its
business with regard to purchase of contents through approval by the
technical committee, fixed assets and with regard to the provision of
services. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations
given to us , we have not observed any continuing failure to correct major
weaknesses in internal controls except incase of the sale of goods and
services wherein the Company does not keep the details of the end users of
the software licenses sold through the agents.
DC- The Company has marketing agreement with marketing agents in various
countries through whom products are sold and hence the onus of keeping
details of end users of software licenses lie on the above marketing
agents. The revenue is normally recognized by the Company on sale of
products to marketing agencies and this policy is being followed by the
Company consistently over past years which are in tune with the agreement
entered into by the Company with respective parties.
4. According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company
is not regular in depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed
statutory dues including provident fund, employees state insurance, income
tax, sales tax, wealth tax, service tax and other statutory dues applicable
to it. As explained to us, the Company did not have any dues on account of
customs duty and excise duty.
Further, since the Central Government has till date not prescribed the
amount of Cess payable under section 441A of the Companies Act, 1956, we
are not in a position to comment upon the regularity or otherwise of the
Company in depositing the same.
According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed
amounts payable in respect of the aforesaid dues were outstanding as at
September 30th, 2011 for a period of more than six months from the date of
becoming payable other than:
a. Provident fund previous year amounting Rs. 0.29 Crores
DC- The company is arranging to pay the same on priority basis.
5. Based on our audit procedures and according to the information and
explanations given to us, the Company has continuously defaulted in
repayment of dues to banks and the advances received by the Company from
the State Bank of India to the tune of Rs. 314.99 crores and from other
banks to the tune of Rs. 87.58 crores as on the Balance Sheet Date have
been classified as Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) by the Banks.
DC- The Company is taking steps to repay the amount to the bank and is
confident of repaying the dues to the bank.
6. According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company
is not dealing or trading in shares, securities, debentures and other
investments. All securities and other investments have been held by the
Company in its own name except in case of investments in certain foreign
companies where shares are held by its directors/nominees as referred to in
Note No.19(a) of Schedule Q of notes to accounts wherein the share
certificate for the investments are not in possession of the Company.
DC- The Company is taking effective steps to recover the investments made
by the company.
Directors Comments on the Qualifications made by Auditors in their report
on Consolidated financial statements of the Company
1. We report that subsidiaries as disclosed in Note No 4 (b) of Schedule Q
have been consolidated on the basis of unaudited financial statements which
reflect total assets (net) of Rs. 5.39 Crores as at 30th September, 2011,
total revenues of Rs. 7.42 Crores and aggregate Profit of Rs. 0.45 Crores
for the period ended on that date. The financial statements of the above
said subsidiaries have been certified by the management and have been
furnished to us and in our opinion in so far as it relates to the amounts
included in respect of the subsidiaries are based solely on certified
unaudited financial statements. We have relied on management certifications
for elimination of inter-company transactions of the group in the absence
of any confirmation from the directors/auditors of group companies.
DC - The Board of Directors of the Company felt that as financial year of
subsidiaries are not in coincidence with the financials of the parent
company, the parent company is not in a position of giving consolidated
audited financial statement and such accounting treatment are in agreement
with provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.
2. We report that the Group has not consolidated the results of a
subsidiary company i.e. PT Teledata Energy Services, Indonesia and Insoft
System Pte Ltd, Singapore in accordance with AS 21 on Consolidated
Financial Statements(Refer Note No. 2(h) of Schedule Q) in the absence of
any financials to this effect .We also report that the Group has not
consolidated the results of the subsidiary companies i.e., Baytech Inc. BVI
and Rainforest Trading Ltd (SPV) in accordance with AS 21 on Consolidated
Financial Statements(Refer Note No. 2(h) of Schedule Q) due to the ongoing
legal proceedings against Vikas Goel , The Managing Director of eSys
Technologies Pte Ltd and eSys Technologies Pte Ltd, Singapore which is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Rainforest Trading Ltd (SPV) . Effectively the
profit and loss account and balance sheet is understated to the extent of
financials of these subsidiaries.
DC- The Board of Directors are of the opinion that financials of PT
Teledata Energy Services Ltd., Indonesia is being reconciled and of the
opinion, that it will not materially affect the financials of the company
on a consolidated basis. In the case of Baytech Inc and Rainforest Trading
Pvt Ltd, Company has initiated legal proceedings for breach of terms of
Share Purchase Agreement which includes non submission of Audited
3. We draw attention to Note No. 18 of Schedule Q on booking of revenue on
sale of products to marketing agents by the Parent Company and legal action
against debtors, wherever necessary
DC- The Company has agreement with marketing agents in various countries
through whom the products are sold. The company has initiated legal action
against debtors wherever necessary to recover the dues to the company.
4. We are unable to comment on the ultimate realisability of investments
amounting to Rs..110.33 crores made by the Parent Company in Rainforest
Trading Limited and amount advanced to Baytech Inc BVI to the tune of
Rs.186.13 crores in the absence of audited financials for the last five
years of their ultimate subsidiary Esys Technologies Pte limited which is
the substance of the said investment/advances as referred to in Note No.
15(a) of Schedule Q.
DC - The Board of directors are of the opinion that the investment
amounting to Rs.110.33 crores in Rainforest Trading Limited and amount
advanced to Baytech Inc BVI of Rs. 186.13 crores are realizable and
necessary legal proceedings have been initiated against parties concerned
for recovery of the dues
5. The Group has not complied in respect of the reinstatement of debtors,
creditors and advances in accordance with Accounting Standard 11 - Effects
of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates (Revised).
DC -The Companies shall be taking steps to comply with the provisions of
Accounting Standard 11 - Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
A) Conservation of Energy:
The operations of your Company are not energy intensive. The Company has,
however, taken adequate measures to conserve energy consumption by using
efficient computer terminals and building management systems. The impact of
these efforts has enhanced energy efficiency. As energy cost forms a very
small part of total expenses, the financial impact of these measures is not
material and not measured.
B) Technology Absorption, Adaptation and Innovation:
The Companys business demands constant absorption of and adaptation to
changing technologies to stay competitive in the rapidly changing world.
C) Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo:
Your Company is making continuous efforts to explore new foreign markets
and increase its share in the market for export of software. The details of
foreign exchange earned and the outgo is as under:
(Rs. In Cr)
Particulars 30th September 2011 31st March 2010
Foreign exchange earnings 44.10 400.99
Foreign exchange outgo 38.96 318.50
Earnings in Foreign currency 71.80 86.99
on receipt basis
Expenditure in foreign currency 33.12 56.55
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Sd/- Sd/-
K. Padmanabhan N. Sakthivel
Managing Director Director
Place : Chennai
Date : 16.03.2012
The Indian education market has witnessed a series of developments and
changes in the last few years, which resulted in a significant increase in
market size of the education industry compared to previous years. The
present Indian education industry is in its development stage. With
increasing per capita income, national economic growth and enhanced
technology it has become necessary to develop the structure of the Indian
education sector. Private players have taken several initiatives for
development of education infrastructure and quality. The emergence of new
segments like e-learning and V-SAT training is slowly shifting the
education market towards new heights.
Indian education market consists of two segments formal and non-formal
education system. K-12 segment has shown tremendous increase in terms of
market growth and revenue from past years and is expected to grow at same
pace. Private professional institutes are expanding with a strong growth
rate which has opened the doors for foreign universities. There is
tremendous opportunity in the test preparation market in India.
Indias e-learning Industry
The growing IT industry in India is driving IT education and training
market as well as enhanced teaching techniques. Increase in GDP and per
capita Income has raised the enrollment ratio in education sector. Growth
in service sector revenues and collaborations with foreign universities
have also driven the sectors growth.
Nasscom has pegged the growth rate of major players in the field to be the
rate of 25% annually. With this growth rate, we can expect top players
expand their e-learning business and this will open up greater
opportunities for skilled workforce in India.
The e-learning outsourcing business in India is likely to grow at a rate of
15 per cent annually for the next three years to touch 603 million dollars
by the end of 2012, a study says.
According to a study by business intelligence and research provider Value
Notes, the e-learning outsourcing industry will suffer the impact of the
global economic recession for the next 6-8 quarters but growth is likely to
pick up after that.
While, the economic recession will impact the growth in the industry for
the next 6-8 quarters, the market will recoup and grow much faster until
2012, the study said.
Further, the market size of Indian e-learning outsourcing business will
touch the 603 million dollars level by the end of calendar year 2012, it
Last year, the revenues from the e-learning off shoring industry in the
country stood at approximately 341 million dollars.
Opportunities and Threats
- Can engage subject matter experts within the company who then can use e-
learning as a blended solution
- Increase volumes of those receiving training
- E-learning content development
- E-learning being seen as not cost effective
Future Outlook :
The greatest challenge faced by the players in the industry is the
acceptance of the concept of e-learning amongst the people as they do not
understand the value of the software for learning purposes. Still founders
and heads of most elearning companies in India are confident about the
growth and the huge profits that lie in the coming years.
E-learning has many processes that can be outsourced. By the end of 2012,
it is estimated that the Indian e-learning offshore industry will touch
$603 million! At present, the industry employs more than 11,000 people and
is estimated to stand at around $316 million in revenues. Of course, in the
education and training market, to be a part of the e-learning industry is
working in a growing field. Even though the sector is facing its share of
challenges, with emerging technologies and awareness, this year around, it
will surely become a stronger one.
In short, e-learning market has a bright and promising future ahead!
I. Analysis of Profit and Loss Account :
Turnover & other Income
The company has reported a turnover of Rs.47.87 Crores for the period 18
months ended 30th September, 2011 compared to Rs.409.86 Crores for the
previous year ended 31st March, 2010.
The company has turned itself into a education company and during the year
company had concentrated on development of e-Learning contents for general
education relating to CBSE, All state boards , ICSE etc. The company has
developed over 300 courses relating to skill development. The Company has
suspended selling its old software products during the current period.
1. Purchase of Software
The purchase of Software during the period stood at Rs.39 Crores compared
to Rs. 318.52 Crores in the previous year. The company follows a
conservative policy of writing off the expenses incurred in the same year
itself on purchase of software.
2. Administrative Expenses
The Administrative expenses for the period stood at Rs.6.62 Crores compared
to Rs.25.03 Crores in the previous year.
a. Personnel Cost
The personnel cost of the period stood at Rs.3.53 crores, compared to
Rs.6.08 Crores in the previous year.
b. Travelling and Conveyance
The travelling expenses during the period stood at Rs.0.29 Crores, compared
to Rs.0.40 Crores in the previous period.
c. Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous expenses for the period stood at Rs.0.50 Crores as against
Rs.1.05 Crores in the previous year.
d. Difference in Exchange
The gain on account of Exchange fluctuation during the period stood at
Rs.0.97 Crores as against loss of Rs.7.66 Crores during the previous year.
This is due to increase in value of USD against Indian Rupees as compared
to previous year.
e. Service Charges
There was payment of 0.47 Crore for Service Charges for the period (which
has been classified under Professional & Consultancy Charges) as against
Rs. 0.63 Crores in the previous year.
f. Others
The following major expenses have been incurred during the period 18 months
ended against in the previous years.
1. Interest & other Finance charges
The outgo on account of interest expenses for the period stood at Rs.0.08
Crores as against Rs. 54.09 Crores in the previous year. The company has
not provided any interest & other finance charges during the period as its
accounts have become NPA.
2. Selling & Distribution Expenses
The Selling and Distribution expenses for the period stood at Rs.0.66
Crores as against Rs.2.04 Crores during the previous year.
3. Depreciation
The depreciation for the period 18 months ended stood Rs.1.57 Crores as
against Rs.2.11 Crores.
4. Profit / (Loss) before tax
Profit / (Loss) before tax for the period stood at Rs.(1.07) Crores as
against profit of Rs.2.63 Crores during the previous period.
5. Provision for tax
Provision for tax during the period is Nil.
6. Profit / (Loss) after Tax
The Profit / (Loss) after tax for the period 18 months ended stood at
Rs.(1.39) Crores as against profit of Rs.2.23 Crores during the previous
II. Analysis of Balance Sheet:
I. Share Capital
A) The Authorised Share Capital of the Company stood at Rs. 150 for the
period ended as compared to the same in the previous year.
Paid up capital of the Company stood at Rs.39.33 Crores for the period 18
months ended 30th September 2011 as compared to the same in the previous
II. Reserves & Surplus
The Increase during the period 18 months ended under Reserves & Surplus is
mainly due to increase in Foreign Currency Translation Reserve on account,
which is on account of strengthening of USD against Indian rupee.
III. Secured Loans
The overall Secured Loans for the period stood at Rs.390.54 Crores as
compared to Rs.392.51 Crores in the previous years.
IV. Unsecured Loans
The outstanding unsecured loans at the end of the period was at Rs.273.15
Crores as against Rs.270.86 Crores during the previous year.
V. Fixed Assets
The Addition to Fixed Assets during the period 18 months ended stood at
Rs.0.59 Crores as compared to Rs.0.09 crores in the previous year.
VI. Investments
The Investments at the end of the period 18 months ended stood at Rs.125.09
Crores as compared to the same in the previous year.
VII. Sundry Debtors
Sundry debtors stood at Rs.1670.97 crores for the period 18 months ended
30st September 2011 as against Rs.1699.84 crores in the previous year.
VIII. Cash and Bank Balances
The Cash and Bank Balances at the end of the period stood at Rs.3.85 Crores
as against Rs.5.77 Crores in the previous year.
IX. Loans and Advances
Loans and Advances during the period stood at Rs.265.15 Crores as against
Rs.246.49 Crores in the previous year.
X. Current Liabilities and Provisions
a. Sundry Creditors
The outstanding sundry creditors as at 30/09/2011 stood at Rs.743.77 Crores
as against Rs.756.34 Crores in the previous year.
b. Unclaimed dividend
The unclaimed dividend during the period 18 months ended is at Rs.0.24
Crores as compared to Rs.0.24 Crores in the previous year.
c. Provisions
The provisions for the period 18 months ended stood at Rs.48.01 Crores
compared to Rs.44.91 Crores in the previous year. The increase is due to
increase in provisions for gratuity.
During the period, the company has transformed itself into an Educational
company which can provide online educations at a global scale.
The company has contents in e-Learning ranging from general education to
skill courses to professional educational programmes, supported by visually
catching media. The medias facilitate easy understanding by the students
on subjects which are difficult to understand in normal course.
The marketing of these products are expected to commence in April 2012 and
company expects an improved performance in the coming financial years.
The Company has provided only services in education during the period.