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Bhagyanagar Properties Ltd Management Discussions

Dec 9, 2022|03:55:38 PM

Bhagyanagar Properties Ltd Share Price Management Discussions


Bhagyanagar Properties Limited (‘the Company) is engaged in the real estate business, incorporated on 25th April, 2006. During the year 2016-17, a Scheme of arrangement was entered by the Company with M/s. Bhagyanagar India Limited which was sanctioned by the Honble High Court of Andhra

Pradesh & Telangana on 21.11.2016 and became effective

23.01.2017. Pursuant to which the "Real Estate Undertaking" of Bhagyanagar India Limited merged with the Company. The shares of the Company were listed on Stock Exchanges w.e.f. 20.07.2017. The Company is planning to develop the land situated at the prime IT Centres of the City, in view of the rapid growth of e-commerce with a focus on customer satisfaction and evolving itself into countrys one of the most promising mid cap companies.


Real Estate: Real estate sector is one of the most globally recognized sectors. It comprises of four sub sectors - housing, retail, hospitality, and commercial. The growth of this sector is well complemented by the growth in the corporate environment and the demand for office space as well as urban and semi-accommodations. Despite pandemic exigencies, the real sector has continued to show resilience and steady growth in 2022. Indias real estate sector is witnessing a healthy increase in demand in 2022 and this momentum is expected to hold for the rest of the year. From commercial spaces to the residential market, the overall market outlook is a bright one for the real estate industry.

Government reforms such as RERA, GST, REIT, etc., have made the sector safer by bringing greater transparency in the industry. Additionally, flagship schemes of the Government such as ‘Housing for all have seen major traction in the market, with affordable housing being given the infrastructure status. The government continues to prioritize the affordable housing segment and parallelly looking at ways to strengthen the existing financing systems to provide liquidity to stuck real estate project.

Warehousing: The Countrys warehousing sector gained prominence in the last 5-6 years as the ecosystem for efficient supply chain had been triggered the implementation of GST in 2017. In the same year, the central governments grant of ‘Infrastructure Status to the logistics sector including warehousing, had also proven to be a catalyst. Since then, this segment has undergone a rapid change towards institutionalization.

The warehousing sector has seen a sharp increase in demand due to advancement in e-commerce. Due to Covid-induced setbacks, the warehousing sector is expected to witness a sustained growth, fuelled by e-commerce companies and catering to the customers directly by closing the last-mile delivery gap. This has resulted in a substantial rise in demand for warehousing in commercial areas, residential landscapes apart from making inroads into tier II and III cities. Given the priority accorded to safety and hygiene norms, the demand for grade-A warehousing would continue to catch-up. Hyderabad is being looked upon as a warehousing hub as the government has been developing infrastructure in the western and northern corridors of the city. Also, the city is strategically positioned in the south-central zone, which is one of the reasons behind the increased demand. E-commerce and consumer durables companies have pushed up the warehousing demand in H2 2021 in Hyderabad. Incidentally, the warehousing sector had 66 percent demand from e-commerce, followed by consumer durables, which had 17 percent demand.


The Company is fortunate to have most of its land situated at prime IT centres of the city where e-commerce companies thrive most of its business for better support and competitive edge. Moreover, there is a constant rise in the demand of large warehouses and office space in the areas where the company is having sizeable land bank to give on lease. The Company had set up a warehouse at Gachibowli, Hyderabad with around 1,50,000 Sq.ft. Presently the Company is having tenants like Amazon, Flipkart, ITC, Kia Motors, Hyundai, Skoda, Steelcase, Spinny Cars, Zepto etc. Further your Company has setup co-working space around 30,000 Sq.ft with high standard facilities for IT. The Company has entered into Lease Agreement with various parties for commercial lease of some part of open land.

The Government of Telangana vide G.O.Ms. No.69, dated 12th April, 2022 has revoked a 26-year-old Government Order (GO-111) that prevented big constructions and industries in the 10 km radius of two Nizam-era water reservoirs, Osman Sagar and Himayat by Sagar, and its catchment on the citys outskirts. By lifting of GO-111, Govt of Telangana has unlocked as much as 1.32 lakh acres across 84 villages adjoining Hyderabad for development and strengthen the real estate market.

With this, the Company will have immense benefit and potential growth for construction and development of its prominent land located in the heart of IT hub, Gachibowli.


Your company is exposed to various risks i.e., strategic, financial, legal, regulatory and political which impact its performance and business. To monitor and address such risks, the Company has developed and implemented the Risk Management Policy. The Audit Committee has an additional oversight in the area of financial risks and controls. Major risks identified by businesses and functions are systematically addressed through extenuating actions on a continuous basis. The Board of Directors is also apprised of the risks faced by the Company, and of the adequate and timely risk management measures taken to mitigate them.


The Company has implemented an internal control framework to ensure all assets are safeguarded and protected against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and transactions are authorized, recorded and reported correctly. The framework includes internal controls over financial reporting, which ensures the integrity of financial statements of the company and reduces the possibility of frauds. The company has clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all managerial positions and all operating parameters are monitored and controlled. These systems are augmented by written policies, an organizational structure providing division of responsibilities, careful selection and training of qualified personnel, and a program of internal audits.



The Equity Share Capital of the Company is 6,39,90,000 (Rupees Six Crore Thirty Nine Lakhs Ninety Thousand only) comprising of 3,19,95,000 (Three Crore Nineteen Lakhs Ninety Five Thousand) Equity Shares of 2 (Rupees Two only) each fully paid.

Other Equity:

The Other Equity of the Company as on 31st March, 2022 stands at 10747.32 lakhs as compared to 10760.84 lakhs in the previous year.

Property, Plant and Equipment:

During the year, there are no additions to the Property, Plant and Equipment of the Company. The total net block of assets as on 31st March, 2022 is 4053.50 lakhs.

Trade Receivables:

Trade receivables as on 31st March, 2022 is 30.52 lakhs. These debtors are considered good and realizable.

Cash and Bank Balances:

Cash and Bank balances as on 31st March, 2022 is 18.73 lakhs as against 82.02 lakhs in the previous year.

Loans (Non-current):

Long Term Loans and Advances as on 31st March, 2022 is 7523.15 lakhs as against 7426.81 lakhs in the previous year.

Other Current Assets:

Other Current Assets as on 31st March, 2022 is 12.28 lakhs as against 56.92 lakhs in the previous year.

Financial Liabilities:

Financial Liabilities as on 31st March, 2022 is


Other Current Liabilities:

Current Liabilities as on 31st March, 2022 is 848.33 as against 865.11 in the previous year. ii) OPERATIONAL RESULTS: Turnover:

During the year 2021-22, the turnover of the Company was 8.01 lakhs as compared to

201.78 lakhs in the previous year.

The Income from other sources as on 31st March, 2022 was 139.01 lakhs compared to 130.00 lakhs in the previous year.


The Company has provided a sum of 12.30 towards depreciation for the year ended on 31.03.2022.

Net Profit:

The Net Profit of the Company for the year after tax is (13.53) as against 137.29 lakhs in the previous year.

Earnings Per Share:

The Earnings Per Share of the Company as on

31st March, 2022 is Nil per share for Face Value of 2 as against 0.43 per share for Face Value of 2 in the previous year.


Ratios 2022 2021 Change (%)
Debtors Turnover (No. of days) 0.26 1.50 (83)
Inventory Turnover - - -
Interest Coverage Ratio 0.08 1.75 (95.69)
Current Ratio 0.36 0.52 (30.76)
Debt Equity Ratio - - -
Operating Profit Margin - - -
Net Profit Margin (1.69) 2.23 (175.81)
Return on Net Worth (0.0011) 0.01 (108.03)


Debtors Turnover Ratio (No. of days): Change in trade receivables turnover ratio, net capital turnover ratio is due to decrease in sales for the current period

Inventory Turnover Ratio: As there is no inventories, hence inventory turnover ratio has not been calculated.

Interest Coverage Ratio: Change in debt-service ratio is due to decrease in finance costs on account repayment of loans.

Current Ratio: Change in current ratio is due to decrease in investments and trade receivables (on account of decrease in sales).

Debt-Equity Ratio: As there is no outstanding debt, trade payables. Hence Debt-Equity ratio has not been calculated

Net Profit Margin: Change in Net Profit ratio is due to decrease in operating profits during the year.

Return on Net Worth: Change in return on net worth is due to decrease in sale during the year.


Your Companys industrial relations continued to be harmonious during the year under review. The Company believes that the Companys growth and future success depend largely on the skills of the Companys workforce, including executives and officers, as well as the designers and engineers and the attraction of critical skills. The Companys success also depends, on its continued ability to attract and retain experienced and qualified employees. The organization maintains harmonious relations at all levels within the company and employees are well motivated round the year to meet the goals set for them.


Statements in the Management Discussion and Analysis describing the Companys objective, projections, estimates and expectations may constitute ‘forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Actual results might differ materially from those either expressed or implied in the statement depending on the circumstances.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
DIN-00075086 DIN-00077296
Place: Secunderabad
Date: 23.07.2022

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