Brabourne Enterprises Ltd merged Share Price directors Report
Your directors present this annual report and audited statement of accounts
of the Company for the year ended on March 31, 2008 and also management
discussion and analysis thereon.
The Scheme of Arrangement between RPG Life Sciences Ltd. (formerly known as
RPG Pharmaceuticals Ltd.), Instant Holdings Ltd. and Instant Trading and
Investment Company Ltd. and the Company under sections 391 to 394 read with
sections 100 to 103 of the Companies Act, 1956 approved by the members at
the court convened meeting held on October 23, 2007 was sanctioned by the
Honble Bombay High Court by order passed on December 14, 2007 and has
become effective from February 5, 2008 (the Scheme). Pursuant to the
* the entire pharmaceuticals business of the Company has been sold to RPG
Life Sciences Ltd. (formerly RPG Pharmaceuticals Ltd.) with effect from
April 2, 2007 on going concern basis along with all assets and liabilities
pertaining to the said business, at consideration of Rs. 46 crores.
Consequently, the said pharmaceuticals business of the Company vests in and
stands transferred to RPG Life Sciences Ltd. (formerly RPG Pharmaceuticals
Ltd.) from April 2, 2007 being appointed date fixed under the Scheme.
* the investments held by the Company have been sold to Instant Holdings
Ltd. with effect from April 1, 2007, at consideration of Rs. 53 crores.
Consequently, various investments held by the Company vests in and stands
transferred to Instant Holdings Ltd. from April 1, 2007 being appointed
date fixed under the Scheme. Instant Trading and Investment Company Ltd.,
the subsidiary of the Company, has been merged with Instant Holdings Ltd.
and thus stands dissolved.
* RPG Life Sciences Ltd. (formerly RPG Pharmaceuticals Ltd.) has discharged
the consideration by issue of fully paid up equity shares of face value of
Rs. 8 in the ratio of 1:1 at aggregate premium of Rs. 34,50,49,200 to those
members of the Company whose names appeared in the register of members/who
were beneficial holders of the companys shares on February 22, 2008, being
record date fixed for the purpose. 1,43,68,850 equity shares so issued by
RPG Life Sciences Ltd. (formerly RPG Pharmaceuticals Ltd.) have been listed
and admitted for trading by Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock
Exchange w.e.f June, 10, 2008.
* Instant Holdings Ltd, has discharged the consideration by issue of fully
paid up 99,50,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10 to the Company at
aggregate premium of Rs. 43.05 crores. Consequent to issue of these shares
to the Company, Instant Holdings Ltd. has become subsidiary of the Company.
* the Company has changed its name from RPG Life Sciences Limited to
Brabourne Enterprises Limited upon fresh certificate of incorporation
consequent upon change of name dated February 8, 2008 issued by the
Registrar of Companies.
(Rs. in crores)
Total Income -
Expenses 0.09
Exceptional Item 27.16
Loss for the year before tax from continuing operations 0.09
Loss for the year before tax from discontinuing operations 27.16
Less: Reversal of Deferred Tax Assets 2.97
Loss for the year after tax from discontinuing operations 30.13
Loss for the year after tax 30.22
In view of sale of the Pharmaceuticals business and investments under the
Scheme of Arrangement, the Company did not have any income during the year
under review. The amount of net loss from discontinuing operations has been
adjusted against the share premium account pursuant to provisions of the
Scheme of Arrangement. The profit and loss account has balance of Rs. 1.41
crores consequent to transfer of Rs. 1.50 crores from debenture redemption
reserve account.
In view of losses during the year, the directors do not recommend any
dividend for the year under review.
The directors confirm:
(i) That in the preparation of the annual accounts for the year under
review, the applicable accounting standards have been followed and that no
material departures have been made from the same;
(ii) That they have selected appropriate accounting policies and applied
them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
Company at the end of March 31, 2008 and of loss for the year ended on that
(iii) That they have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance
of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for
preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; and
(iv) That they have prepared the annual accounts for the year ended on
March 31, 2008 on a going concern basis.
In view of sale of the pharmaceuticals business with effect from April 2,
2007. the Company did not have any activity during the year ended on March
31, 2008. Consequently. there is no information to furnish as required
under section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956. read with the Companies
(Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of Board of Directors) Rules,
During the year, none of the employee of the Company was in receipt of
remuneration prescribed for disclosure under section 217(2A) of the
Companies Act, 1956.
The public deposits held by the Company have been transferred to RPG Life
Sciences Limited (formerly RPG Pharmaceuticals Ltd.) pursuant to the
Scheme. Thus, there are no public deposits held by the Company.
During the year under review. Instant Holdings Ltd. has become subsidiary
of the Company. However, the accounts as of March 31, 2008 and the report
of the directors and auditors of Instant Holdings Limited are not attached
pursuant to exemption granted by the Central Government. The members are
informed that annual accounts of the said subsidiary and the related
detailed information will be made available on request. The accounts of the
said subsidiary for the period ended on March 31, 2008 are also open for
inspection to the members at the registered office of the Company.
Subsequent to the year under review, Mr. H.V. Goenka, Mr. C.L. Jain, Mr.
Ajit Gulabchand, Mr. Niraj Bajaj, Mr. Manoj Maheshwari, Dr. Lalit S.
Kanodia, Mr. Mahesh S. Gupta, Mr. P.K. Mohapatra, Mr. Dilip Sen and Mr.
Arvind Vasudeva have ceased to be directors consequent to their resignation
from the board of the Company.
Mr. P.Sampath, Mr. Suresh Mathew, Mr. H.N. Singh Rajpoot, Mr. J.P. Mehrotra
and Mr. T.M. Elavia have been appointed as directors in casual vacancy
caused by resignation of Mr. Dilip Sen, Mr. Ajit Gulabchand, Mr. Mahesh S.
Gupta, Mr. Niraj Bajaj and Mr. Arvind Vasudeva respectively.
Mr. P. Sampath, Mr. Suresh Mathew and Mr. H. N. Singh Rajpoot hold office
of director until conclusion of ensuing annual general meeting. A notice
has been received under section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956 from members
of the Company along with requisite deposit for appointment of Mr. Suresh
Mathew and Mr. H.N.Singh Rajpoot to the office of director of the Company.
The resolutions for their appointment as director of the Company at the
ensuing annual general meeting, are being placed before the members for
approval. None of the directors of the Company is related to any other
director of the Company.
Ray & Ray, auditors of the Company, hold office until the conclusion of the
ensuing annual general meeting. Ray & Ray have expressed their willingness
and confirmed their eligibility for re-appointment as auditors of the
As regards auditors comments vide paragraph 2 and 12 of annexure to their
report, your directors have to inform you that (i) the assets given on
lease could not be physically verified due to certain dispute with the
lessee; and (ii) prior to the Scheme of Arrangement, the Company had
internal audit system commensurate with the size and nature of the
business. However, post Scheme of Arrangement, the Company is in the
process of redesigning internal audit system and has also appointed a firm
of Chartered Accountants as internal auditor to assist the Company in this
A certificate from practising company secretary on compliance of conditions
of corporate governance is annexed to this report. The management
discussion and analysis report and compliance report on corporate
governance as required by clause 49 of the listing agreement form part of
this annual report.
In view of absence of business activity at present, there are no specific
risks perceived by the Company. The recent spurt in inflation and fall in
capital market remains a cause of concern.
The Company has an adequate system of internal controls. The internal
control system provide for clearly spelt out policy guidelines and approval
procedures. To supplement internal controls, the Company has also appointed
a firm of Chartered Accountants as internal auditors to carry out audits
and report thereon to the audit committee.
All employees in service of the Company on February 5, 2008 have become
employees of RPG Life Sciences Ltd. (formerly RPG Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)
without any break in their service and on the terms and conditions not less
favourable than those applicable whilst in service of the Company.
For and on behalf of Board of Directors
P. Sampath
Place: Mumbai
Date : June 30, 2008