Compucom Software Limited (Formerly known Geotech Software Private Limited) was incorporated as a Private Limited Company in March, 1995. The Companys name was later changed to Compucom Software Private Limited in March, 1999. Subsequently, the Company converted into a Public Limited Company and acquired its present name, Compucom Software Limited.CSLs main activities are in the offshore business areas of telecom software and GIS software//conversion. Its current activities also involve software development, on-site resource contracting, data conversion, education and IT consulting. Apart from these activities, it operates in areas like E-Governance projects, ICT Education Projects, software design & development, learning Solutions, IT Training, including Skilling and placement activities, Wind Power generation etc.The company has offshore business tie-ups with Tekmark Global Solutions LLC (the strategic alliance partner in USA) and a wholly owned subsidiary set up Compucom Global Solutions Inc in New Jersey, USA for strengthening marketing base in USA and commenced operations in July 1999. Its export revenues increased to Rs.1,381.54 lacs achieving 341% growth, as telecom software and web based applications/solutions were the key growth drivers.During the year 2000-2001 the company had started its new software development lab at Jaipur.To provide computer education the company secured a contract from BSER in secondary government schools in Rajasthan.The total period is for five years.The company has also signed a MOU with M/s Shyam Telelink Ltd Jaipur to collaborate on Cyber Kiosks operation carried out from Compucom centers in Rajasthan State.A eCRM product iCARE was launched during the year and put to test in USA with the help of Tekmark.The Company commissioned 1.2 MW Wind Power Generation Plant in Gorera Village of Jaisalmer District costing Rs 5.79 Cr. on March 10, 2004. It started two call centres for Vidyut-Vitaran Nigam Limited at Kota and Bikaner in 2004-05. It had set up 5 Wind Power Generation Plants of 0.6 MW each at Jaisalmer and Sikar, Rajasthan and also set up a Wind Power Plant in Tumkur district of Karnataka, which was commissioned on 29 March, 2007. The school project at Rajasthan got completed on 30th June, 2007. The Company acquired two new big educational project, First is an ICT project by Secondary Education Department Rajasthan for providing Computer Education on BOOT basis in 2292 Govt. Schools of Rajasthan worth Rs 142 Crores (approx). It established a new 0.8 MW Plant at Krishna (Andhra Pradesh) during 2009-10. During Financial Year 2010-11, the Company had rewarded the shareholders by allotting bonus shares in the ratio of 1:2 and made an allotment of 2,51,25,188 bonus shares of Rs. 2/- (two) each, to the eligible shareholders of the Company effective on October 20, 2010. The Company made strategic investment of Rs. 3.25 Crores in the form of equity shares at par in CSL Infomedia Pvt. Ltd., making it a subsidiary , to venture into Educational, Television, Entertainment and Media segments in 2010. The Company implemented various educational projects viz. ICT Phase-I worth Rs. 141 Crores involving 2292 Govt. Higher Secondary Schools, ICT Phase II worth Rs. 77.77 Crores involving 1550 Govt. Higher Secondary Schools, Delhi School project worth Rs. 14.82 Crores involving 568 schools. Out of these projects, the ICT Phase I and Delhi Project got completed in June 2012. Further it implemented CALP-I and CALP-II projects in 836 Primary Schools each worth RS. 10.68 Crores and Rs. 10.41 Crores respectively. Jan TV , Satellite TV channel of Compucom Software Limiteds subsidiary Company CSL Infomedia (P) Ltd., was inaugurated on May 13, 2012. During the Financial Year 11-12, the Equity shares of Compucom Software Limited were admitted for trading at National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) w.e.f. March 2, 2012. It completed Second Delhi School Project in December, 2012. It further completed another education project ICT Phase-II involving 1550 Govt. Higher Secondary Schools in August 2015. CALP-II worth Rs.10.41 Crore covers 836 Govt. schools of Rajasthan was completed in September 2015. ICT Project Phase III worth Rs. 158.50 Crore, for 1,373 Govt. Schools of Rajasthan was commissioned in February, 2014.
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