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Crane Infrastructure Ltd Directors Report

Mar 6, 2025|03:40:00 PM

Crane Infrastructure Ltd Share Price directors Report


The members,

Crane Infrastructure Limited,


The directors submit the 16th annual report of Crane Infrastructure Limited along with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2024.


PARTICULARS 2023-24 (Rs. in lacs) 2022-23 (Rs. in lacs)
Revenue from Operations & Other Income 355.39 106.58
Profit/(Loss) Before Interest & Depreciation 200.29 65.06



Depreciation 13.16 13.14
Profit before exceptional and extraordinary items 187.13 52.46
Profit/ (Loss) before Tax 187.13 52.16
Income Tax-(Current Tax) 42.16 13.26
Profit (Loss) after Taxation 144.97 39.20
EPS-Basic 2.00 0.54
EPS-Diluted 2.00 0.54


The management wants that the profits earned during the financial year will be retained and redeployed for the operations of the Company. As the Company needs further funds to enhance its business operations, upgrade the efficiency. No dividend is being recommended by the Directors for the Financial Year 2023-24.

Transfer to reserves

The Company proposes to retain an amount of Rs. 144.97 lakhs in the profit and loss account.

Share Capital

The paid up Equity Share Capital as on 31st March, 2024 was Rs. 7,24,20,000. The Company has not issued shares with differential voting rights nor granted stock options nor sweat equity.

Companys performance

During the Year under review revenue from operations for the financial year 2023-24 was 353.11 and for the previous financial year 202223 it was Rs.102.94 lakhs and it was increased by 243 % over the previous financial year due to sale of the land inventory. Profit Before tax (PBT) for the financial year 2023-24 was Rs.187.13 Lakhs and for the previous financial year 2022-23 it was 52.46, it was increased by 256.7 % over last year Profit After tax (PAT) for the financial year 202324 was Rs.144.97 Lakhs and it was 39.20 for the previous financial year 2022-23,it was increased by 269.82 % over the last year.

Opportunities & Industry out Look

The real estate is the second largest employer after agriculture and is slated to grow at 30% over the next decade. The real estate sector comprises of four sub sectors - housing, retail, hospitality, and commercial. The growth of this sector is well complemented by the growth of the corporate environment and the demand for office space as well as urban and semi-urban accommodations.

The construction industry ranks third among the 14 major sectors in terms of direct, indirect and induced effects in all sectors of the economy. The global warehousing and storage industry has witnessed significant growth during the last five years. The Indian warehousing industry is set to grow at a CAGR of 8%-10% and modern warehousing at 25%- 30% over the next 5 years due to various factors including the anticipated increase in global demand, growth in organized retail and increasing manufacturing activities, presence of extremely affordable and desirable e- commerce options and growth in international trade. The Government of India along with the governments of the respective states have taken several initiatives to encourage the development in the sector. The Smart City Project, where there is a plan to build 100 smart cities, is a prime opportunity for the real estate companies. While Goods and Services Tax (GST) continues to remain in a state where several loose ends still need to be tied up, logistics companies - both domestic and global, are not just bullish about the sector but are actively making investment plans for the coming fiscals as well. It may increase the demand of hi-tech large modern Warehouses, Logistics Parks etc. As India awaits policy reforms to pick up speed, your Company firmly believes that the demand for Real Estate & Warehousing in India should remain strong in the medium to long term.

Management Discussion & Analysis

A detailed Management Discussion and Analysis forms part of this annual report, which is attached to this Report in Annexure II

Extract Of the Annual Return

Pursuant to Section 92(3) read with Section 134(3)

(a) of the Act, the Annual Return as on March 31, 2024 is available on the companys website on https://craneinfrastructure.com

Directors responsibility statement

Pursuant to Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, the board of directors, to the best of their knowledge and ability, confirm that:

i. in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed and there are no material departures.

ii The directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the profit of the Company for that period;

iii. The directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

iv. The directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis;

v. The directors had laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and such internal financial controls are adequate and operating effectively.

vi. The directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.

Changes among Directors and key managerial personnel

I. Re appointment of Mr.CH.V.S.S Kishore Kumar (DIN: 01823606), whose office was liable to retire by rotation at annual general meeting of the company:

Mr.CH.V.S.S Kishore Kumar (DIN: 01823 606),director liable to retire by rotation under the Articles of Association of the Company, in 15th Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offer himself for reappointment as Director. The Shareholders approved his re-appointment as a Director of the company at 15th Annual General Meeting of the company held on 15.09.2023.

Directors Liable to Retire by Rotation In the ensuing Annual General Meeting:

Sri Venkata Satya Lakshmi Kantha Rao.G (DIN: 01846224),director liable to retire by rotation in ensuing Annual General Meeting being eligible, offer himself for reappointment as a Director. The Board recommends his re-appointment.

Independent Directors to be appointed in ensuing AGM:

Subject to approval of shareholders at this ensuing Annual General Meeting of the company, as per the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee the Board has proposed to appoint Sri Ragav Kaliappan (Din: 02185155) as a Non-Executive independent Director of the company for a period of five years w.e.f 29.08.2024 for the first term. The Board have opinion that it is very much beneficial to the company and therefore it is desirable to appoint and avail his services as an Independent Director. Accordingly, it is proposed to appoint Sri Ragav Kaliappan (Din: 02185155) as a Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company, not liable to retire by rotation and to hold office with effect from 29-08-2024 to 28-08-2029 for the first term of 5 (five) consecutive years on the Board of the Company.

Meetings of the Board

During the Financial year 2023-24 Four meetings of the board were held on the following dates: 29-05-2023, 14-08-2023, 14-11-2023 and 12-022024 with a gap between not exceeding the period of 120 days between any of the two meetings as prescribed under the Act and all the members were present at the above meetings, so the necessary quorum was present for all the meetings.

Board evaluation

The board of directors has carried out an annual evaluation of its own performance, Board committees and Individual directors pursuant to the provisions of the Act and the corporate governance requirements as prescribed by Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI") under regulation 27 of the SEBI(LODR) Regulations 2015.The performance of the Board was evaluated by the Board after seeking inputs from all the directors on the basis of the criteria such as the Board composition and structure, effectiveness of board processes, information and functioning, etc. The performance of the committees was evaluated by the board after seeking inputs from the committee members on the basis of the criteria such as the composition of committees, effectiveness of committee meetings, etc.

The Board and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee reviewed the performance of the individual directors on the basis of the criteria such as the contribution of the individual director to the Board and committee meetings like preparedness on the issues to be discussed, meaningful and constructive contribution and inputs in meetings, etc. In addition, the Chairman was also evaluated on the key aspects of his role.

In a separate meeting of independent Directors, performance of non-independent directors, performance of the board as a whole and performance of the Chairman was evaluated, taking into account the views of executive directors and non-executive directors. The same was discussed in the board meeting that followed the meeting of the independent Directors, at which the performance of the Board, its committees and individual directors was also discussed.

vi. During the year two separate meetings of the independent directors were held on 29-05-2022, and 12-02-2024 inter-alia to review the performance of non-independent directors and the board as a whole.

vii. The Board periodically reviews compliance reports of all laws applicable to the Company, prepared by the Company.

Relationships between directors inter-se Except the Two Independent Directors all the other directors of the company are having relationship with each other. i.e relatives.

i. Observations of Board evaluation carried out for the year: Nil

ii. Previous Years observations and actions taken: Nil

iii. Proposed actions based current year Observations: Nil

Policy on directors appointment and remuneration and other details

The current policy is to have an appropriate mix of executive and independent directors to maintain the independence of the Board, and separate its functions of governance and management. As on March 31, 2023, the Board consists of seven members, three of them are independent directors. The Board periodically evaluates the need for change in its composition and size.

The policy of the Company on directors appointment and remuneration, including criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes, independence of a director and other matters provided under Sub-section (3) of section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013, adopted by the Board is recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. We affirm that the remuneration paid to the directors is as per the terms laid out in the nomination and remuneration policy of the Company.

Audit committee:

A. Brief description of terms of reference

The Terms of Reference of this committee cover the matters specified for Audit Committee under Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013SEBI(LODR) Regulations 2015 and as follows:

a. Oversight of the Companys financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible.

b. Recommending the appointment and removal of external auditor, fixation of audit fee and also approval for payment for any other services.

c. Reviewing with management the annual financial statements before submission to the Board, focusing primarily on:

> Any changes in accounting policies and practices

> Major accounting entries based on exercise of judgment by management

> Qualifications in draft Auditors Report

> Significant adjustments arising out of audit

> The going concern assumption

> Compliance with stock exchange and legal requirements concerning financial statements

> Any related party transactions i.e. transactions of the company of material nature, with promoters or the management, their subsidiaries or relatives etc., that may have potential conflict with the interests of the Company at large.

d. Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function, including the structure of the internal audit department, staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure coverage and frequency of internal audit.

e. Discussion with internal auditors of any significant findings and follow up there on.

f. Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the internal auditors into matters where is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the board

g. Discussion with external auditors, before the audit commences, the nature and scope of audit as well as have post audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern.

h. Reviewing the Companys financial and risk management policies.

i. Reviewing with the management, external and internal auditors, and the adequacy of internal control systems.

j. Other matters as assigned/specified by the Board from time to time.

k. The scope of the Audit Committee also includes matters which are set out in SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015, read with Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made there under, as amended from time to time.

B. Composition, Meetings and Attendance during the year :

The Audit Committee comprises of total three Non-Executive Directors in which two are Independent Directors and one director is non executive non independent director (woman director).

The committee comprises as follows:

1. Mr.Venkata Nageswara Rao.K (Chairman)

2. Mr. Santhi Kumar.N -Member

3. Mrs.M. Himaja- Member

The details of meetings and attendance of its members are given below:

Name Category Number of meetings during the financial year 2023-24
Held Attended
Mr.Venkata Nageswara Rao.K (Chairman) I & NED 4 4
Mr. Santhi Kumar.N - (Member) I & NED 4 4
M.Himaja (Member) NED 4 4

Four Audit committee meetings were held during the year and the gap between two meetings had not exceeded 120 days. The dates on which the said meetings were held on 29-05-2023, 14-082023, 14-11-2023 and 12-02-2024.The necessary quorum was present for all the meetings

Nomination and Remuneration Committee:

(a) Terms of Reference

The Company had constituted the Nomination and Remuneration Committee under Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013

The broad terms of reference are to determine and recommend to Board, Compensation payable to Executive Directors, appraisal of the performance of the Managing Directors / Whole-time Directors and to determine and advise the Board for the

payment of annual commission/compensation to the Non-Executive Director and to recommend to the Board appointment/ reappointment and removal of Directors. To frame criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and Independence of Directors and to create an evaluation framework for Independent Directors and the Board. The scope of the Committee also includes matters which are set out in SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 and the rules made there under, as amended from time to time

(b) Composition, Meetings and Attendance during the year

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee comprises of total three Non-Executive Directors in which two are Independent Directors and one director is non executive non independent director (woman director).

The committee comprises as follows:

1. Mr.Venkata Nageswara Rao.K (Chairman)

2. Mr. Santhi Kumar.N -Member

3. Mrs.M. Himaja- Member

The details of meetings and attendance of its members are given below:

Name Category Number of meetings during the financial year 2023-24
Held Attended
Mr.Venkata Nageswara Rao.K (Chairman) I & NED 4 4
Mr. Santhi Kumar.N - (Member) I & NED 4 4
M.Himaja (Member) NED 4 4

Four Nomination and remuneration committee meetings were held during the year and the gap between two meetings had not exceeded 120 days. The dates on which the said meetings were held on 29-05-2023, 14-08-2023, 14-11-2023 and 12-02-2024.The necessary quorum was present for all the meetings.

(c) Selection and Evaluation of Directors:

The Board has based on recommendations of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, laid down following policies:

1. Policy for Determining Qualifications, Positive Attributes and Independence of a Director

2. Policy for Board & Independent Directors Evaluation

(d) Performance Evaluation of Board, Committees and Directors

Based on the criteria laid down in the Policy for evaluation of Board and Independent Directors, the Board carried out the annual performance evaluation of Board Committees and the Independent Directors, whereas at a separate meeting, Independent Directors evaluated the performance of Executive Directors, Board as a whole and of the Chairman. Nomination and Remuneration Committee also evaluated individual directors performance.

i) As per the said Policy, evaluation criteria for evaluation Board inter alia covers: Composition in light of business complexities and statutory requirements; establishment of vision, mission, objectives and values for the Company; laying down strategic road map for the Company & annual plans; growth attained by the Company; providing leadership and directions to the Company and employees; effectiveness in ensuring statutory compliances and discharging its duties / responsibilities towards all stakeholders; Identification, monitoring & mitigation of significant corporate risks; composition of various committees, laying down terms of reference and reviewing committees working etc.

ii) Performance evaluation criteria for Executive Directors inter alia include: level of skill, knowledge and core competence; performance and achievement vis-a-vis budget and operating plans; Effectiveness towards ensuring statutory compliances; discharging duties/responsibilities towards all stakeholders; reviewing/monitoring Executive management performance, adherence to ethical standards of integrity & probity; employment of strategic perception and business acumen in critical matters etc.

iii) Performance of Independent Directors is evaluated based on: objectivity & constructively while exercising duties; providing independent judgment on strategy, performance, risk management and Boards deliberations; devotion of sufficient time for informed decision making; exercising duties in bona fide manner; safeguarding interests of all stakeholders, particularly minority shareholders; upholding ethical standards of integrity & probity; updating knowledge of the Company & its external environment etc

iv) Committees of the Board are evaluated for their performance based on: effectiveness in discharging duties and functions conferred; setting up and implementation of various policies, procedures and plans, effective use of Committees powers as per terms of reference, periodicity of meetings, attendance and participation of committee members; providing strategic guidance to the Board on various matters coming under committees purview etc

(e) Remuneration Policy for Directors:

The Committee has formulated Policy for Remuneration of Directors, KMP & other employees. As per the Policy, remuneration to Non-executive Independent Directors includes:

a. Sitting Fees for attending meetings of the Board as well as Committees of the Board, as decided by the Board within the limits prescribed under the Companies Act.

b. Travelling and other expenses they incur for attending to the Companys affairs, including attending Committee and Board Meetings of the Company.

• Remuneration to Executive Directors:

The appointment and remuneration of Executive Directors including Managing Director, Joint Managing Director and Whole Time Director is governed by the recommendation of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, resolutions passed by the Board of Directors and Shareholders of the Company. The remuneration package of Managing Director, Joint Managing Director and Whole Time Director comprises of salary, perquisites, allowances and other retirement benefits as approved by the shareholders at the General Meetings of the Company.

• Remuneration to Non-Executive Directors:

The Non-Executive Directors are paid remuneration by way of Sitting Fees. The Non Executive Directors are paid sitting fees for each meeting of the Board and Committee of Directors attended by them.

Stakeholders Relationship Committee:

The Company has a stakeholders relationship committee of directors to look into the redressal of complaints of investors.

i. The stakeholders relationship committee of the Company is constituted in line with the provisions of read with Section 178 of the Companies Act and Regulation 20 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015.

Composition, Meetings and Attendance during the year

The Committee comprises of total three NonExecutive Directors in which two are Independent Directors and one director is non-executive non independent director (woman director).

The committee comprises as follows:

1. Mr.Venkata Nageswara Rao.K (Chairman)

2. Mr. Santhi Kumar.N -Member

3. Mrs.M. Himaja- Member

The details of meetings and attendance of its members are given below:

Name Category Number of meetings during the financial year 2023-24
Held Attended
Mr.Venkata Nageswara Rao.K (Chairman) I & NED 4 4
Mr. Santhi Kumar.N - (Member) I & NED 4 4
M.Himaja (Member) NED 4 4

Eight Stake Holders Relationship Committee meetings were held during the year and the gap between two meetings had not exceeded 120 days. The dates on which the said meetings were held on 29-05-2023,14-08-2023,14-11-2023,27-112023,12-02-2024,16-02-2024,28-02-2024, and 20-03-2024. The necessary quorum was present for all the meetings.

Particulars of Employees and Related Disclosures

The information required under Section 197 of the Act read with rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 are given below

a. The ratio of the remuneration of each director to the median remuneration of the employees of the Company for the financial year: NIL

During the financial year 2023-24 The Company has not paid any remuneration to Non- Executive Directors

b. The percentage increase in remuneration of each director, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, company secretary in the financial year: 8.69%

c. The percentage increase in the median remuneration of employees in the financial year: Nil

d. The number of permanent employees on the rolls of Company: 1

e. Average percentile increase already made in the salaries of employees other than the managerial personnel in the last financial year and its comparison with the percentile increase in the managerial remuneration and justification thereof and point out if there are any exceptional circumstances for increase in the managerial remuneration: Nil

Revenue Rs.355.39 Lakhs

Remuneration of KMPs as a percentage of revenue: 0.84%

f. Variations in the market capitalization of the Company, price earnings ratio as at the closing date of the current financial year and previous financial year:

Particulars March 31, 2024 March 31, 2024 % Change
Market Capitalization 14,69,40 180 8,87,86 920 65.49
Price Earnings Ratio 10.14 22.7 (55.33)

Increase in the managerial remuneration for the year was: 8.69%

There were no exceptional circumstances for increase in the managerial remuneration

g. Comparison of each remuneration of the key managerial personnel against the Performance of the Company:

Remuneration in FY 2023-24 3.00Lakhs
Revenue Rs.355.39 Lakhs
Remuneration (% of Revenue) 0.84
Profit before Tax Rs. 187.13 Lakhs
Remuneration (as % of PBT) 1.60

h. Affirmation that the remuneration is as per the remuneration policy of the Company:

The Company affirms remuneration is as per the remuneration policy of the Company.

i. The statement containing particulars of employees as required under Section 197(12) of the Act read with Rule 5(2) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014: NA

Statement on Declaration Given By Independent Directors:

In terms with Section 149 (7) of the Companies Act, 2013, All the Independent Directors of the Company have declared that they meet the criteria of Independence in terms of Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (LODR) regulations, 2015. Hence that there is no change in status of Independence.

It is confirmed that Independent Directors have complied with the Code for Independent Directors prescribed in Schedule IV to the Act web linkwhere details of familiarisation programmes imparted to independent directors is disclosed: https://craneinfrastructure.com

Meetings of the Independent Directors

During the year under review, two meetings of independent directors were held on 29-05-2023, and 12-02-2024 in compliance with the requirements of schedule IV of the companies act, 2013.The Independent Directors at the meeting, inter alia, reviewed the Performance of NonIndependent Directors and Board as a whole. Performance of the Chairperson of the Company, taking into account the views of Managing Director and Non-Executive Directors and Assessed the quality, quantity and timeliness of flow of information between the Company Management and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties.


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 139 of the Act and the rules framed there under M/s. Pundarikakshyam & Associates (ICAI Registration No.0011330S)., Chartered Accountants, as statutory auditors of the company for a period of five consecutive years from the conclusion of 13th annual general meeting of the company held on 30-09-2021 ,till the conclusion of 18th annual general meeting to be held in the year 2026,for this the share holders of the company had given their consent by way ordinary resolution in the annual general meeting held on 30-09-2021.

In accordance with the Companies Amendment Act, 2017, enforced on 7th May, 2018 by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the appointment of Statutory Auditors is not required to be ratified at every Annual General Meeting. The Report given by the Auditors on the financial statement of the Company is part of this Report.

Auditors report

There has been no qualification, reservation, adverse remark or disclaimer given by the Auditors in their Report. Auditors report is given as an Annexure- V which forms part of this report.

The statutory auditors of the company have not reported any fraud as specified under the second provision of section 143(12) of the companies act 2013 (including any statutory modification(S) or re-enactment(S) for the time being in force.

Secretarial Auditors

Pursuant to provisions of Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 9 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules 2014, your Company engaged the services of M/s. K. Srinivasa Rao& Nagaraju Associates; Company Secretaries in Practice, Vijayawada has conducted the Secretarial Audit of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2024.

Secretarial Audit Report:

The detailed reports on the Secretarial Audit in Form MR- 3 are appended as an Annexure VI to this Report. There were no qualifications, reservations or adverse remarks given by Secretarial Auditors of the Company. Except the following:

The Company has disclosed the Audited Financial Results For The 4Th Quarter Period/ Financial Year Period Ended On 31-03-2023 for the F.Y2022-23 to the stock exchange with delay of 2minutes and The Company has disclosed the un Audited Financial Results For The 1St Quarter Period Ended On 30-06-2023 For The F.Y 2023-24 to the stock exchange with delay of 8 minutes.

Clarifications if any on Secretarial Audit report or annual secretarial compliance report:

The Board clarified that the delay in disclosing of the Audited Financial Results For The 4Th

Quarter Period/Financial Year Period Ended On 31-03-2023 for the F.Y2022-23 to the stock exchange with delay of 2minutes on the 29-052023 was not intentional and the reason for delay was happened due to the major electrification works were being carried out by the electricity department on the day of board meeting and also due to the delay of OTPs to the mobile as well as Email from BSE to file the same and also the delay in disclosing the un Audited Financial Results For The 1St Quarter Period Ended On 30-06-2023 For The F.Y 2023-24 to the stock exchange with delay of 8 minutes on the 14-08-2023 was due to the delay of OTPs to the mobile as well as Email from BSE to file the same and it is bring to your notice that the all the reasons were conveyed to the exchange.

Cost Audit

Cost Audit is not applicable to the Company for the Financial Year 2023-24.

Risk management

The Board of the Company has formed a risk management committee to frame, implement and monitor the risk management plan for the Company. The committee is responsible for reviewing the risk management plan and ensuring its effectiveness. The audit committee has additional oversight in the area of financial risks and controls. Major risks identified by the businesses and functions are systematically addressed through mitigating actions on a continuing basis. The development and implementation of risk management policy has been covered in the management discussion and analysis, which forms part of this report.

Particulars of loans, guarantees and investments

There were no loans, guarantees and investments made during the financial year.

Transactions with related parties

None of the transactions with related parties falls under the scope of Section 188(1) of the Act. Information on transactions with related parties pursuant to Section 134(3)(h) of the Act read with rule 8(2) of the Companies(Accounts) Rules, 2014 are given in Annexure I in Form AOC-2 and the same forms part of this report.

Corporate social responsibility

Your Directors are pleased to inform that the provisions of section 135 of the Act, read with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 are not applicable to the Company.

Deposits from public

The Company has not accepted any deposits from public and as such, no amount on account of principal or interest on deposits from public was outstanding as on the date of the balance sheet.

Un-secured loans taken from the Directors

During the year the company has not received any un- secured loans from the directors.

Internal financial control systems and their adequacy

Based on the framework of internal financial controls and compliance systems established and maintained by the Company, work performed by the internal, statutory and secretarial auditors and external consultants and the reviews performed by management and the relevant board committees, including the audit committee, the board is of the opinion that the Companys internal financial controls were adequate and effective during the financial year 2023-24.

Conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo Conservation of energy:

CIL continues to work on reducing carbon footprint in all its areas of operations through initiatives like

(a) green infrastructure

(b) Procurement of renewable energy through onsite solar power generating units. CIL continues to add LEED certified green buildings to its real estate portfolio, but during the year no Procurement of renewable energy through onsite solar power generating units were made.

Technology absorption, adaption and innovation:

The Company endeavours to adopt the using of latest technologies for improving the productivity and quality of its services, but during the year no new technology absorption, adaption and innovation was made.

Foreign exchange earnings and outgo

Foreign exchange earnings and outgo Export in financial year 2023-24: Nil

Material changes and commitments, if any, affecting the financial position of the company which have occurred between the end of the financial year of the company to which the financial statements relate and the date of the report:

No material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the Company occurred between the end of the financial year to which this financial statements relate on the date of this report.

Significant and material orders passed by the regulators or courts or tribunals impacting the going concern status of the company.

There are no significant and material orders passed by the Regulators or Courts or Tribunals which would impact the going concern status of the Company

Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

Your directors confirm that the company has adopted a policy regarding the prevention of sexual harassment of women at work place and has constituted Internal Complaints Committees (ICC) asper the requirement of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 (‘Act) and Rules made there under, your Company.

(i) number of complaints filed during the financial year; Nil

(ii) number of complaints disposed of during the financial year; Nil

(iii) number of complaints pending as at the end of the financial year: Nil

Human resources

Your Company treats its "human resources" as one of its most important assets. Your Company continuously invests in attraction, retention and development of talent on an ongoing basis. A number of programs that provide focused people attention are currently underway. Your Company thrust is on the promotion of talent internally through job rotation and job enlargement.

Report on Corporate Governance

Your Directors are pleased to inform that as per SEBI Amended Circular No. CIR/CFD/POLICY CELL/7/2014 dated September 15, 2014, compliance with the provisions of Corporate Governance was not be mandatory for the Company for the financial year 2023-24.

Vigil Mechanism

The company had set up vigil mechanism to enable the employees and directors to report genuine concerns and irregularities, if any in the company, noticed by them. The Whistle Blower Policy/ vigil mechanism (as amended) has been posted on the Website of the Company (https:// craneinfrastructure.com) and also given as Annexure III in this report.

Transfer of Amounts to Investor Education and Protection Fund

Your Company did not have any funds lying unpaid or unclaimed for a period of seven years. Therefore there were no funds which were required to be transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF).

Details of Demat suspense account and unclaimed suspense account: Nil


The directors thank the Companys employees, customers, vendors, investors and academic institutions for their Continuous support. The directors also thank the government of various countries, government of India, the governments of various states in India and concerned government departments / agencies for their co-operation. The directors appreciate and value the contributions made by every member of the Crane Infrastructure Limited

For and on behalf of the board of
Crane Infrastructure Limited
Place : Guntur Sd/- Sd/-
Date : 30.05.2024 (P.BhaskaraRao) (K.Praveen)
Independent Director Executive Director
(DIN: 01846243) (Din: 07143744)

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