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Gayatri Projects Ltd Management Discussions

Mar 6, 2025|03:31:06 PM

Gayatri Projects Ltd Share Price Management Discussions


India is expected to become the third-largest construction market globally by 2022. The private sector is emerging as a key player across various infrastructure segments, ranging from roads and communications to power and airports. The infrastructure sector has seen some major developments, investments and support from the government in the recent past.

In Union Budget 2022-23, the Union Government has given a massive push to the infrastructure sector by allocating H 10 lakh crore to enhance the infrastructure sector. The government has allocated H 134,015 crore to National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and H 60,000 crore to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. Therefore the future outlook of the infrastructure sector looks on track with pandemic easing out and Government spending is growing in infrastructure sector.


Gayatri Projects Ltd (GPL), founded in 1963, is one of the oldest & most experienced pure-play EPC companies within the Indian Infrastructure space. It has over five decades of experience in execution of major civil works and is diversified across geographies & infrastructure segments. The company has pan India operations within several infrastructure verticals like roads, irrigation works, water distribution works, mining works & industrial construction projects. Gayatri Projects works largely with State Government entities, NHAI, MORTH and other companies & mostly executing the EPC projects.

Due to changes in business conditions on account of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a delay in recovery of Trade Receivables, increase in materials cost and increase in cost of services, non-availability of adequate working capital to execute the contract works on hand, non-awarding of fresh contract works due to lenders reluctant to provide bank guarantee or other facilities, etc., have severely affected the business operations and billing cycle of the company. This has triggered default in repayment of dues to its lenders and devolvement of significant Non-Fund based facilities. In view of this and most of the lenders have recalled their financial facilities extended to the company.

Your company has appointed a leading consultant as Corporate Debt Advisors for Debt Restructuring proposal / amicable debt settlement proposal in the best interest of the company and the lenders. Your company is also discussing with various financial investors to raise the equity to overcome the present crisis. The management is confident to resolve all these issues at the earliest in the best interest of the companys affairs, business operations, and lenders business interests.


Your Company, Gayatri Projects has achieved revenue of H 3102.34 crores in FY2022 as against H 3900.52 crores in the previous year on a standalone basis. However, the revenue from operations has declined by 20.46% in FY2022 when compared to the last year due to working capital stress on account of Covid pandemic, countrywide lockdown and delay in receivables from the State Government Departments.

Your Company has incurred losses of H 788.37 crores before exceptional items/taxes for the current financial year as against profit of H 51.22 crores in the previous year. The main reasons for incurring the losses are on account of increase in materials cost, increase in cost of overheads, non-availability of adequate working capital to execute the works on hand, non-awarding of fresh contract works due to lenders reluctant to provide bank guarantee etc., have severely affected the business operations of the company. As a result the Company has defaulted in repayment of dues to its lenders and devolvement of significant Non-Fund based facilities has happed and most of the lenders have recalled their financial facilities extended to the company. The loans and other facilities sanctioned to the company have been classified by the lenders as Non-Performing Assets (NPA).

During the current financial year, the National highways Authority of India (NHAI) has unilaterally and arbitrarily invoked the bank guarantees given in favour of it in respect of mobilization advances given by NHAI for

Varanasi road project. The NHAI has also charged huge interest on the mobilization advance which is contested by the company. In the similar manner, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH) has charged interest on mobilization advance which was contested by the company. In order to follow prudence concept of accounting, the said interest amount of H 140.51 crores, which was otherwise recoverable from the NHAI & MORTH has been charged to the profit & loss account as exceptional item in the current financial year. The management of the company, is confident to recover the interest charged by the above clients in future claims.


The company is focusing on the execution and completion of the current order book to improve the cash flows and to meet the expenses. Your Company is proposing for restructuring of the debt or any other settlement with lenders to overcome the present financial crisis. The Company is also aiming to raise the equity to settle the lenders dues and infuse the working capital to complete on-going works. Your Company is also expediting the monetisation and realisation process of its arbitration claims and use the proceeds to de-leveraging of its balance sheet and to improve working capital margin.


Construction Industry faces risks such as increase in construction cost risk, delays in completion risks, quality and standard of the work risks. Further, Construction sector also faces operating risks includes increase in raw material cost risks, labour availability risks, changes in political and regulatory risks and capital cost risks etc. Most of the above risks are manageable and risks can be mitigated by close monitoring of the projects and better contract management.

Significant Changes in Key Financial Ratio

The following are significant changes in key financial ratios of FY 2021-22 as compared to previous year FY 2020-21 and reasons for such changes:

S.No Ratio FY 2021- 22 FY 2020-21 % of Change Explanations for Significant Changes
1 Current Ratio 0.79 1.15 -31.25% The Company has defaulted in repayment of dues to its lenders and devolvement of significant Non-Fund based facilities h as h apped and most of th e lend ers have recalled their financial facilities extended to the company. The loans and other facilities Therefore entire debt of the lenders is classified as current assets and hence the current ratio has been deteriorated in FY 2021-22.
2 Debt-Equity Ratio 36.58 1.98 1750.45% During the current financial year 2021-22, the company has incurred loss of H 92,629.16 Lakhs and there has been substantial erosion in the net worth of the company on account of huge losses incurred during the current financial year. Further the fund based limits of the company has increased substantially due to devolvement of Non-Fund based facilities. As a result of the erosion of net worth and increase in FB debt, the DE ratio has increased substantially during FY 2021-22.
3 Debt Service Coverage Ratio -0.19 0.23 -180.24% Due to substantial losses incurred by the company and increase in fund based limits of the company during the current financial year due to devolvement of Non-Fund based facilities, the Debt Service Coverage Ratio deteriorated in FY 2021-22.
4 Return on Equity Ratio -1218.60% 5.66% -21648.11% Due to substantial losses during the current financial year, the return on equity ratio has deteriorated.
5 Net profit ratio -29.86 1.45 -2158.40% The company has suffered losses are on account of increase in materials cost, increase in cost of overheads, non-availability of adequate working capital to execute the works on hand, non-awarding of fresh contract works due to lenders reluctant to provide bank guarantee etc.
6 Return on Capital employed -0.17 0.13 -233.91% Due to substantial losses during the current financial year, the return on equity ratio has deteriorated.

Equity Share Capital: There is no changes in the equity share capital of the company during the year under review.

Other Equity: In line with the Companys stated plan to concentrate on core business ofconstruction and reduce the group debt, the company has sold the investment in the power company Sembcorp Energy India Limited (SEIL) for an amount of INR 406.77 Crores. Out of Sale Consideration of H 406.77 Crores, an amount of H 100.29 crores is repaid the margin advance along with interest to SEIL, cleared loan of INR 220 crores to ECL Finance Ltd sanctioned to subsidiary company, H 6.00 Crores is utilised for redemption of Optionally Convertible Debentures issued by subsidiary company. The remaining amount ofH90.37 Crores is to our company to clear the bank dues/working capital requirements. The above transaction result an exceptional loss of H 445.34 Crores in the books of our company. The exceptional loss on account of sale of investment is onetime and mandatory adjustment as per Accounting Standards of ICAI, hence the same is provided.

As a part of consideration, the Purchaser (SEIL) will pay to the Seller (GEVPL) the "Earnout", if any, which will be calculated using the formulas as set out in the Share Purchase Agreement upon the occurrence of the "First Secondary Sale of Equity Shares" of the Company (SEIL) for Cash Consideration to any unrelated third party. The prospect of getting the upside by GEVPL is high and the present loss can be set off from the gains of the above Earnout, if any.

The profits from the "Core Operations" of the Company (Construction) are positive and in line with the past and also in line with the peers.


The companys processes and systems are designed to empower employees and enable innovation within the workplace. Gayatri Projects is committed to providing an environment that encourages employees to perform to full potential and allows them to grow professionally as well as personally. The company continuously invests in the development of its human resources through measures aimed at talent acquisition, development, motivation and retention. As a supportive gesture, the company has also taken personal accident insurance for all its employees. As on March 31, 2022, the Company has 2390 employees.


The company has a well-defined and elaborate Risk Management procedure, which is based on three pillars: Business Risk Assessment, Operational Controls Assessment and Policy Compliance processes. The Risk Management Committee monitors the key risks in the various business segments and evaluates strategies to mitigate these. It also reviews each tender carefully for any potential risks before the bidding process begins. The Companys internal control systems are commensurate with the nature of its business. They are tested periodically and certified by Statutory as well as Internal Auditors. The Audit Committee reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of our internal control environment and monitors the implementation of audit recommendations. The company has a qualified and independent audit committee, where majority of directors are independent.

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