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Golden Bull Research & Growth Ltd Management Discussions

Dec 23, 2015|12:00:00 AM

Golden Bull Research & Growth Ltd Share Price Management Discussions

The Management of GOLDEN BULL RESEARCH & GROWTH LIMITED (Formerly Known as Kausambi Vanijya Limited) in its Analysis Report has highlighted the performance and outlook of the Company in order to comply with the requirement of Corporate Governance. However, investors and readers are cautioned that this discussion contains certain forward looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties.


Risks to global growth in the form of deflation, slowdown in China, lower commodity prices and interest rate hike in USA continue to weigh heavily on the growth momentum and outlook.

GDP growth in Europe is expected to remain low as the strength of supportive factors (accommodative monetary policy, low energy prices and Euro depreciation) diminishes, amidst uncertainty relating to Britains referendum, migrant crisis and geo-political tensions. Europe continues to face multiple headwinds due to high debt levels, a fragile banking sector and increasing political impasse.

India is expected to continue its growth momentum in Financial Year 2017-18 on the back of robust manufacturing sector growth. Further, various measures such as ‘Make in India, ‘Smart Cities, ‘Digital India that the Government has been taking in the last couple of years are beginning to show results and the gradual implementation of structural reforms will continue to broaden and contribute towards higher growth.

The global textile industry was affected by volatile raw material and finished goods prices, result was that the exchange rate fluctuations, increase in costs and inconsistent governmental policies. The Indian market also witnessed a decline in textile exports.



The Indian textiles industry is extremely varied, with the hand-spun and hand-woven textiles sectors at one end of the spectrum, while the capital intensive sophisticated mills sector at the other end of the spectrum. The close linkage of the textile industry to agriculture (for raw materials such as cotton) and the ancient culture and traditions of the country in terms of textiles make the Indian textiles sector unique in comparison to the industries of other countries. The Indian textile industry has the capacity to produce a wide variety of products suitable to different market segments, both within India and across the world.

Market Size

The Indian textiles industry, currently estimated at around US$ 108 billion, is expected to reach US$ 223 billion by 2021. The industry is the second largest employer after agriculture, providing employment to over 45 million people directly and 60 million people indirectly. The Indian Textile Industry contributes approximately 5 per cent to Indias Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and 14 per cent to overall Index of Industrial Production (IIP).

The Indian textile industry has the potential to reach US$ 500 billion in size#. The growth implies domestic sales to rise to US$ 315 billion from currently US$ 68 billion. At the same time, exports are implied to increase to US$ 185 billion from approximately US$ 41 billion currently.


The textiles sector has witnessed a spurt in investment during the last five years. The industry (including dyed and printed) attracted Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) worth US$ 1.85 billion during April 2000 to March 2017.

Some of the major investments in the Indian textiles industry are as follows:

• One of the leading manufacturers and exporters of terry towel, home textile, yarn and paper in India, has entered into a partnership with French firm Lagardere Active Group, to launch a premium range of home textiles under the renowned French lifestyle brand Elle Dcor in India.

• Raymond Group has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Maharashtra government for setting up a textile manufacturing plant with an investment of Rs 1,400 crore (US$ 207.53 million) in Maharashtras Amravati district.

• Grasim Industries has invested Rs 100 crore (US$ 14.82 million) to develop its first fabric brand, ‘Liva, which it will distribute through 1,000 outlets as part of a plan to stay in sync with changing consumer behaviour.



India is today recognized as one of the best sourcing destinations for garments, textiles, accessories and finish: It provides a perfect blend of fashion, design, quality, patterns, textures, colours and finish.

Number of policy measures has been announced by the Government to boost investments which includes an investment allowance for manufacturing companies, policy measures for creating affordable housing and addressing requirements of agriculture sector through measures other than price supports. Various measures are being adopted taken to address requirements of mining and power generation sectors which will remove supply bottlenecks to a number of sectors. With the governments initiative to boost infrastructure projects, NBFCs can also look for growth in asset financing.


It is to be noted that Indias position in global arena is on a shaky platform as it is facing tough competition from its neighbouring countries such as China & Bangladesh. Talking about these three Asian countries the labour in Bangladesh is cheapest and Indias labour is costliest. The fuel prices in India are the highest among these countries. China is the leader in exports with more than 40% market share.

Threats like high inflation, high interest rates, liquidity issues, decrease in value of Indian Currency, political changes etc. act as a barricades for the Companys business. The growth of the Companys assets and ability to raise funds depends significantly on the economy. Due to unfavourable events in the Indian economy, the consumers sentiments can be affected and in turn impact consumer decision to purchase financial products. Various other factors such as cut throat competition from a broad range of financial services providers and changes in regulatory framework could impact the Companys operations.


Golden Bull Research & Growth Ltd. was mainly engaged in Trading in sarees as its principal business, as the Company has decide to diversify its business activity from textile Trading in garment and sarees to Research Activity. It also Invests inequities through the secondary markets and provides Loans & Advances to Corporate, Individuals etc.

In an interdependent, fast-moving world, organizations are increasingly confronted by risks that are complex in nature and global in consequence. Such risks can be difficult to anticipate and respond to, even for the most seasoned business leaders.

An economic slowdown or other factors that affect the economic health of the country may affect our business. Our net income may get reduced if Government of India slashes the subsidies given. Changes in the policies of the Government of India or political instability could delay the further liberalization of Indian economy, which could impact our business prospects. Our failure to complete the orders in agreed time frame may negatively affect our profitability. Our client contracts are often conditioned on our performance, which, if unsatisfactory, could result in lesser revenues.


The Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for ensuring that Internal Financial Controls have been laid down in the Company and that such controls are adequate and operating effectively. The foundation of Internal Financial Controls (IFC) lies in the Companies Code of Conduct, policies and procedures adopted by the Management, corporate strategies, annual management reviews, management system certifications and the risk management framework.

The Company has appointed its own Internal Audit system, the scope and authority of the Internal Audit function is to maintain its objectivity and independence, the Internal Audit function reports to the Chairman of the Audit Committee.

The Internal Audit team monitors and evaluates the efficacy and adequacy of internal control systems in the Company, accounting procedures and policies of the Company. Based on the report of internal audit function, process owners undertake corrective action(s) in their respective area(s). Significant audit observations and corrective action(s) thereon are presented to the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee reviews the reports submitted by the Internal Audit team annually.


The Company regards its human resources as amongst its most valuable assets and proactively reviews policies and processes by creating a work environment that encourages initiative, provides challenges and opportunities and recognizes the performance and potential of its employees attracting and retaining the best manpower available by providing high degree of motivation, training and structured compensation was the main thrust this year.


This report contains forward-looking statements based on certain assumptions and expectations of future events. Actual performance, results or achievements may differ from those expressed or implied in any such forward looking statements. The Company assumes no responsibility to publicly amend, modify or revise any forward looking statements, on the basis of any subsequent developments, information or events.

Place: Kolkata
Date: 14/08/2017 Sd/- Sd/-
Pankaj Jain Naveen Kumar
Regd. Off. (Managing Director) (Director)
128, Hozra Road, Khirod Ghosh Market, DIN: 06829557 DIN: 07136843
Kolkata – 700 026

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