Metrochem Industries Ltd merged Share Price directors Report
The Members,
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting their Twenty Third Annual Report
together with the audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st
March, 2010
31-03-2010 31-03-2009
Sales & Other Income 5962.57 22342.21
Profit Before Interest,
Depreciation and Tax 4460.39 1055.48
Less: Interest 3.53 711.61
Depreciation 118.49 868.17
Profit/(Loss) Before Taxes 4338.37 (524.30)
Less: Provision for Tax
Current Tax 0.00 0.00
Deferred Tax 0.00 (204.00)
Fringe Benefit Tax 0.00 6.00
Short Provision Earlier Years 268.55
Profit/(Loss) After Tax 4069.82 (326.30)
Balance brought forward from the previous year 764.94 1091.24
Profit Available for Appropriation 4834.76 764.94
Transfer to General Reserve 406.98 0.00
Proposed Dividend on Equity Shares 228.67 0.00
Tax on Dividend 38.86 0.00
Total 674.51 0.00
Balance Carried to Balance Sheet 4160.25 764.94
During the year under review, sales and other income amounted to Rs.
1900.19 Lacs (Previous Year Rs. 22342.21 Lacs) and Gain on Demerger of
Vadodara Unit of Rs. 4062.38 lacs (Previous Year Rs.Nil). In view of the
de-merger the figures for the current year are not comparable with those of
the previous year.
Against Net loss of Rs. 326.30 lacs during the previous year, there was a
Net profit of Rs. 4069.82 lacs (including Gain on Demerger of Vadodara
Unit) during the year under review.
There was no sale of Iron Ore during the year as well as during the
previous year.
The Board of directors have recommended dividend @20% (Previous Year Nil)
on paid up capital of the Company for the year ended on 31st March,2010,
subject to approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
Your Company have made a net addition of Rs. 95.77 lacs to various
manufacturing fixed assets (Previous Year Rs. 936.80 lacs) during the year
under review. Further, all fixed assets of Vadodara Unit becomes Nil due to
demerger of the same unit during the year under review.
The fixed assets and stocks of the Company are adequately insured.
The Company continues to embark upon the environment and pollution control
measures. In order to keep the plants environmental friendly, natural
plants and trees are developed in and around the manufacturing area and all
measures to keep pollution in control are taken.
The Honble High Court of Gujarat was please to sanction the scheme of De-
merger on 15th May,2009. With filing of necessary form with office of
Registrar of Companies, the scheme has become effective from 17th June 2009
and accordingly Baroda Division of Company has been transferred to Baroda
Textile Effects Limited a company owned by Huntsman International (India)
Private Limited. As per the Agreement necessary tolling arrangement for
Vatva units have also been entered into by Company.
Company has given undertaking that they shall not for a period of three
years from the Closing Date by itself or through its affiliates (directly
or indirectly) engage in activities competing with the Business.
Company has diversified its business in investment in Infrastructure and
real estate business during the year under review. Company has acquired the
land in partnership and put residential Scheme namely Alpine Hights Near
Income tax, Ahmedabad-380009.
Company has signed the Merger Agreement and approved a Composite Scheme of
Arrangement in its Board meeting held on 25th August, 2010- in the nature
of Amalgamation for merger of Metrochem Industries Limited ( MCIL) with
Global Boards Limited (GBL). This is proposed in order to have efficient
working, explore business possibilities for the benefit of the Shareholders
and public at large. The Amalgamation of Metrochem Industries Limited would
be subject to requisite approval of the shareholders and creditors of the
Company, Statutory authorities including Approval/ Intimation to Bombay
Stock Exchange, honourable High Court of the applicable jurisdiction.
Details of voting by means of postal ballot process conducted during the
year under review for seeking approval of Shareholders are as under:
Resolution No as 1.
given in the
Postal Ballot
Notice dated
22nd August,
Type of Resolution; Special Resolution
Date of Result: 30th September,2009
Description of the Special Resolution pursuant to the Section 17 of the
Resolution Companies Act, 1956 for insertion of the new Sub-clause
no 2 to 11 to the Clause III (A) under the head Main
Objects Clause of the Memorandum of Association of the
Results Total number of votes in favour of the resolution were
8414227 as against 400 the. Resolution was passed as a
Special resolution.
Resolution No as 2.
given in the
Postal Ballot
Notice dated
22nd August,
Type of Resolution: Special Resolution
Date of Result: 30th September,2009
Description of the Special Resolution pursuant to the Section 17 A read
Resolution with section 146 of the Companies Act, 1956 for
Shifting the Registered office from Village : Umraya,
Vadodara to Plot No: 491,
GIDC, Phase-II, Vatva, Ahmedabad
Results Total number of votes in favour of the resolution were
8414227 as against 400 the resolution. Resolution was
passed as a Special resolution.
Special Resolution under section 17 of the Companies Act.1956 for addition
to the New Object to the Main Object Clause and to make investment and
loans in excess of the limit prescribed under Section 372A of the Companies
Act,1956 is proposed through Postal Ballot.
Your Company has appointed Kiran J. Mehta & Co., Cost Auditors, a firm of
Practising Cost Accountants, for the financial year 2010-11 for the cost
audit of the Companys cost records pursuant to an order of the Department
of Company Affairs, Company Law Board, and New Delhi.
As required under Clause 32 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock
Exchanges, audited consolidated financial statements form part of the
Annual Report.
As required under section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956, the Audited
Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account along with the Reports of
Directors and Auditors of Metrochem Capital Trust Limited, Subsidiary of
the Company, are annexed hereto
Shri Nilesh R. Desai and Shri Anil M. Jain, Directors of the Company,
retire by rotation and being eligible offer themselves for reappointment.
Shri Anil M. Jain has shown his unwillingness to continue as a Director. So
Shri Anil M .Jain will vacate his office as Director w.e.f 29th
The Company has not accepted/renewed fixed deposit during the year under
review .
Management Discussion and Analysis Report as required under the Listing
Agreement with the Stock Exchanges is enclosed as Annexure II.
A separate report on Corporate Governance, along with Auditors Certificate
on its compliance, is enclosed as Annexure III
In compliance of Section 217 (2AA) as incorporated by the Companies
(Amendment) Act, 2000 in the Companies Act, 1956, your Directors confirm
a) The company has followed the applicable accounting standards in the
preparation of the Annual Accounts and there had been no material
b) The directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them
consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
Company as at March 31, 2010 and of the Profit of the Company for the year
ended on that date.
c) The directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance
of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for
preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities.
d) The directors have prepared the Annual Accounts on a going concern
M/s. Deepak Soni & Associates, Chartered Accountants, Ahmedabad, the
Auditors of the Company, hold office until the conclusion of the ensuing
Annual General Meeting and are eligible for reappointment. They have
expressed willingness to serve, if reappointed.
Observations of the Auditors are self-explanatory.
The statement containing the necessary information required under the
Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of the Board of
Directors) Rules, 1988 is given in Annexure and forms part of this Report.
As required under Clause 3 (e) of the Securities and Exchange Board of
India ( Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) regulation ,1997 ,
persons constituting Group ( within the meanings as defined in the
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act,1969) for the purpose of
availing exemption from applicability of the provisions of Regulation(s) 10
to 12 of the aforesaid SEBI Regulations are given in Annexure IV attached
herewith and said Annexure forms part of the report.
There was no employee drawing salaries exceeding the limit stipulated under
Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act 1956, read with the Companies
(Particulars of Employees) Rules 1975.
During the year under review, the industrial relations remained harmonious
and cordial. The Directors wish to place on record the unstinted efforts
and dedicated services extended by the employees at all levels. With their
support the Company looks forward to a brighter future.
The Directors extend their sincere thanks to the Bankers, Central and State
Government Authorities, Customers, Shareholders and all other who have been
associated with the Company, for their co-operation, continued support and
for the confidence reposed in the management of the Company.
For and on behalf of the Board
Ahmedabad GAUTAM M. JAIN
28th AUGUST, 2010 Chairman & Managing Director
Information as required Under Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956
read with the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of the
Board of Directors) Rules, 1988.
The Company is making continuous effort for energy conservation. Effective
measures have been taken to monitor generation & consumption of energy
during the process of manufacture.
Total energy consumption and energy consumption per unit of production:
From A is annexed.
Form B is annexed.
Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo:
In view of the de-merger the figures for the current year are not
comparable with those of the previous year.
(Rs. Lacs)
2009-10 2008-09
Earnings 358.57 9599.59
Outgo 2.53 2138.74
In view of the de-merger of Vadodara manufacturing unit, the figures for
the current year are not comparable with those of the previous year.
PARTICULARS 2009-10 2008-09
1. Electricity
a) Purchased
Units (kwh/Lacs) 1.61 62.04
Total Amount (Rs.Lacs) 13.45 392.63
Rate/Unit (Rs.) 8.35 6.33
Own Generation Through Power Plant
Units (kwh/Lacs) - 18.93
Total Amount (Rs. Lacs) - 126.11
Rate/unit - 6.66
b) Own Generation Through Diesel Generator
Unit (kwh/Lacs) - 0.13
Unit per litre of diesel oil - 1.32
Rate/unit (Rs.) - 9.95
2. Light Diesel Oil (LDO) and Furnace Oil
Quantity (ltr/Lacs) 0.05 18.77
Total Cost (Rs. Lacs) 2.24 509.59
Average Rate (Rs/Ltr) 44.80 27.15
3. Fire wood
Quantity (M.T.) - 2348.04
Total Cost (Rs. Lacs) - 52.97
Average Rate (Rs. Lacs/MT) - 2.35
In view of the de-merger the figures for the current year are not
comparable with those of the previous year.
Production of Dyes & Dyes Intermediates (MT) 669.69 10241.81
(i) Electricity (Units/MT) 161.14 791.93
(ii) LDO and Furnace Oil (per MT) 10.59 183.25
(iii) Firewood (Units per tonne) - 0.23
There are no separate standards available for each product since the
product range consists of various products with different consumption.
Form for disclosure of particulars with respect to:
1) Areas in which R & D is being carried out:
In view of de-merger of Vadodara Unit Company is pursuing alternate
business opportunities.
2) Benefits derived as a result of above R & D:
In view of de-merger of Vadodara Unit Company is pursuing alternate
business opportunities So there is no R & D activities during the year
under review.
3) Future plan of action:
Company is exploring good business opportunities.
4) Expenditure on R & D. (Rs. Lacs)
Particulars 2009-10 2008-09
i) Capital 0.00 0.00
ii) Recurring 0.00 12.67
iii) Total 0.00 12.67
iv) Total R & D Expenditure
as percentage to turnover 0.00 0.06
In view of de-merger of Vadodara Unit Company is pursuing alternate
business opportunities So there is no technology absorption, adaptation and
innovation during the year under review.
In recent years, India has been amongst the fastest growing economies in
the world. The productivity growth rate of Indian economy is estimated to
be around 8% and it is expected to sustain until 2020. Moreover, at this
rate of GDP growth, India is poised to become the second largest economy in
the world after China. Further, the World Bank has ranked India as one of
the top economic reformers worldwide in the last decade. India has
simpli?ed business registration procedures, cross-border trade and payment
of taxes. It has eased access to credit and strengthened investors
interest. Factors like rapid industrial growth, Foreign Institutional
Investments and Foreign Direct Investments in?ow, balance-of-payments
metrics, merchandise exports, invisible accounts and foreign-exchange-
reserves have made a substantial contribution towards the growth rate of
Indian GDP.
Real Estate sector witnessed a complete turnaround with signs of economic
stabilization and moderate growth in global economic performance in second
and third quarter of 2009. Property markets in India began to exhibit signs
of revival during this time. With the return of liquidity in the real
estate sector and firm prices in the recent months, cash flows of realty
players improved- resulting in renewed construction of stalled projects and
a few new launches as well.
The investment environment, however, remains challenging. Private equity
transactions in 2009-10 fell by over 6070% compared to peak volumes
reported in 2008-09. Activity in 2009-10 remain focused primarily towards
residential, with disappointing flows into commercial properties.
With the liberalization and opening of the economy, larger numbers of
companies have entered into the housing construction activities. In the
changing scenario the players in the housing industry have become not only
highly competitive but also customer-centric, which has enormously
benefited the ultimate consumer. Using the latest technology, methods and
providing superior service to clients has become concomitant of the Real
estate industry.
Your Company has also diversified and made investments in the Realty and
Infrastructure business. Your company has acquired land and entered into
partnerships with established Realty developers to launch new residential
projects. Your Company has increased its investment allocation to the
Realty and Infrastructure business.
The year 2009-2010 has been an eventful year in which your company has de-
merged its major manufacturing unit of Padara, Vadodara to Baroda Textiles
Effects Limited and subsequently it has been acquired by Huntsman
International India (Private) Limited w.e.f. appointed date April 01, 2009
and Scheme becoming effective on June 22, 2009.
Indias investment in infrastructure business during the last three years
is about 3 % to 4% of the nations GDP. The government has now plans to
take it up to 12% by the end of 2012.
Your Company has changed its Main Object Clause and added new business of
Realty and Infrastructure development, manufacturing of paper and its
products, manufacturing of soft drinks, etc. by way of special resolution
passed by postal ballot on September 30, 2009.
Your Company has made investments in the Realty and Infrastructure
business. It operates its Realty business through Special Purpose Vehicles
(SPV) and also by partnering with renowned and established developers in
the same field.
Your Company has acquired land at prime location off CG Road, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad and launched luxurious 4-BHK residential apartment project under
the name of Metro Luxuria. Your Company has also made investment in land
at prime location at Bhat Village on Gandhinagar Highway through a SPV
named Ornet Infrastructure Private Limited whereby it holds a stake of
35.34%. Your company has also entered in partnership with Metro-Samved
Engineers and launched 2-BHK high-rise residential apartment project under
the name of Alpine Heights at the prime location near Income Tax office
on Ashram Road, Ahmedabad. Your company has also acquired land at Village
Gota (Town Plan-32), Ahmedabad in partnership with Simandhar Construction
Private Limited for putting up a residential apartment project under the
name of Simandhar Metro.
Your Company has given an undertaking while de-merging its Vadodara
facility that they shall not for a period of three years from the Closing
Date by itself or through its affiliates (directly or indirectly) engage in
activities competing with the Business. So there is no scope available for
the development in Dyes and dyes intermediates industry.
Your Companys business may be subject to many other significant
Opportunities and Threats including the following:
Real Estate - Opportunities:
Despite the slowdown which plagued economies across the world, the current
economic environment offers new windows of opportunities. Indias realtors
see an impetus in this segment from renewed home buying and government
infrastructure contracts and from public and private sector banks
announcing attractive package for home loan borrowers in various
In recent years, various reforms have been initiated at the Central as well
as State level which have led to greater organization and transparency in
the real estate sector. Some of these reforms include the liberalization of
Land Laws, modifications in the rent control statutes, rationalization of
property taxes in a number of States and the permission of FDI in the real
estate sector.
Accelerated growth of the Indian economy combined with the revival of the
global economy and improvement in the liquidity scenario are the key
factors that are expected to signal a revival in demand for residential
real estate. A large proportion of the demand for residential developments,
especially in urban centers is likely to be for high-rise residential
buildings which shall in turn lead to a faster growth rate than the
traditional urban housing segments.
Real Estate - Threats:
The instability of the economy coupled with a cautioned approach of the
buyers has resulted in a major shift in the buying patterns of the end
In India, land ownership is usually fragmented with multiple owners
resulting in low availability of large contiguous land parcels with a
single owner and reduced availability of land with a clear title.
The Indian real estate sector is highly fragmented with many small builders
and contractors accounting for a majority of the housing units constructed.
As a result, there is less transparency in dealings or sharing of data
between players.
The legal and regulatory framework for land acquisition is complex.
Inconsistent and overlapping state and union government laws lead to
further complications and delays.
Acquisition of land is essential for Realty Development business. Due to
increasing number of entrants into the Realty & Infrastructure segment, the
land prices have increased to exorbitant levels. Any fluctuation in market
economy can cause a meltdown in the land prices causing a major threat to
Realty development.
Real estate developers face challenges in generating demand for projects.
The factors that in?uence a customers choice of property is not restricted
to quality alone, but is dependent on a number of other external factors,
including proximity to urban areas, amenities such as schools, roads, water
supply, electricity & other infrastructure, each of which is often beyond
the developers control. Demand for housing units is also influenced by
policy decisions relating to housing incentives.
The real estate sector is dependent on a number of raw materials such as
cement, steel, bricks, wood, sand, gravel, paints etc. As the revenues from
sale of units are predetermined, adverse changes in the price of any raw
material directly affect the profitability of the developers.
Since Your Company has given an undertaking of non-compete to Huntsman
Group while demerging the Vadodara unit, the turnover of its Dyes and dyes
intermediates is very limited. Your Company entered into an exclusive toll
manufacturing agreement with Huntsman Group. Hence Your Company is having
turnover in Dyes and dyes intermediates only related to the Huntsman Group
in the year under review.
Your Company has also signed a Merger Agreement and approved a Composite
Scheme of Arrangement in its Board meeting held on August 25, 2010 in the
nature of Amalgamation for merger of Metrochem Industries Limited (MCIL)
with Global Boards Limited (GBL). This is proposed in order to have
efficient working, explore business possibilities for the benefit of the
Shareholders and public at large. The Amalgamation of Metrochem Industries
Limited would be subject to requisite approval of the shareholders and
creditors of the Company, Statutory authorities including Approval/
Intimation to Bombay Stock Exchange, Honourable High Court of the
applicable jurisdiction.
The Company has also proposed to change its name in case of amalgamation to
Your Company will continue to focus on the Realty Development business. It
will continue to acquire land in prime locations and also continue to
partner with established and prominent developers for development of new
residential as well as possible commercial projects. Your Company is
currently exploring opportunities of investing in to properties in other
prime cities like Mumbai.
The Company was engaged in the business of Dyes and dyes intermediates,
Realty and Infrastructure and trading of Iron ore during the financial year
under review.
Dyes and Dyes Intermediates:
The turnover of the Dyes and dyes intermediates during the year under
review is Rs.12.12 crores as against Rs. 223.19 crores during the previous
year due to the demerger of its Vadodara division to Baroda Textile Effects
Limited. Hence the turnover figures of the current years are not comparable
with the figures of the previous year. During the year Your Company has had
Gain of Rs. 40.62 crores on account of de-merger of Vadodara Unit.
Realty and Infrastructure :
Your Company has made an investment of Rs. 32.29 crores in the Realty and
infrastructure business during the year under review. Your Company has an
income of Rs. 1.36 crores from the Realty and Infrastructure Segment during
the year under review. It is hopeful to see better returns on the
investments made and results in the coming years.
Iron Ore :
There was no sale of Iron Ore during the year as well as during the
previous year.
Others :
Your Company has made in Investment of Rs. 89.30 crores in the Shares,
Mutual Funds and Loan and Advances as Investments during the year under
review. Your Company has an Income of Rs. 3.83 crores from the Shares,
Mutual Fund and Loan and Advances as Investments during the year under
review. The Investment in Shares are subject to Market Risk.
Many issues like competition with similar business players which leads to
price cuts and low operating margins, high instability in prices of major
raw material such as cement, steel, etc. and labour shortage is the major
risk in the Realty and Infrastructure business.
In order to minimize the risks and smooth functioning of the company,
planning and risks management becomes the main objective of Your Company.
To minimize the risks and to keep cost escalation minimum, Your Company has
entered in to long term arrangement with suppliers for requisite raw
materials for each projects, thus ensuring continuous flow.
The company also endeavours to maintain a healthy work environment and
positive relationship with all employees.
The Company ensures that the risks it undertakes are commensurate with
better returns. The management is positive about Your Companys long term
Your Company has adequate internal controls for its business across
departments to ensure efficiency of operations, compliances with internal
policies and applicable laws and regulations, protection of resources and
assets and accurate reporting of financial transactions.
The internal control system is supplemented by extensive internal checking
system, regular reviews by management and standard policies and guidelines
to ensure the reliability of financial and all other records.
Your Company believes that it is the employees skills and capabilities
which will provide the necessary cutting edge to face challenges and market
competition. Your Company re-emphasizing philosophy that employee well-
being is extremely important, welfare activities have been given a boost.
Your Company strives to maintain a professional work environment where
every employee feels satisfied and appreciated.
Certain statements in this report may be forward-looking statements. Such
forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties
like regulatory changes, local, political or economic developments,
technological risks, and many other factors that could cause our actual
results to differ materially from those contemplated by the relevant
forward-looking statements.
The Company will not be in any way responsible for any action taken based
on such statements and undertakes no obligation to publicly update these
forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.