Polar Pharma India Ltd Share Price Management Discussions
India is one of the largest and most populated countries in the world, with
over one billion inhabitants. Of this number, its estimated that around
2.4 million people are currently living with HIV. With this number in mind
Government of India have initiated various social awareness programmes
regarding family planning and prevention of spreading of HIV which in turn
have increased the demand for condoms in India.
The Company believes that business projections have an inherent element of
uncertainty owing to unknown factors and presumed that managing risks is a
paramount need for ensuring present and future growth plan. Over the years,
the Company has encountered several risks and concerns during the process
of its business. In keeping with problem solving approach that
characterized the Company, it has taken several steps to counter and
mitigate these, while simultaneously pursuing every possible risk.
Increased demand in market owing to various reasons has considerably raised
the demand for the product in both local and international market. As a
result, your Company is trying to optimize this opportunity to its level
best by bagging the orders of Government.
Large numbers of players have entered the market therefore creating huge
competition and also threat to the business. Moreover hike in the price of
indigenous product is also a matter of concern.
However, your Company is confident to pass all the hurdles of the time and
ready to face all the threats and at the same time rationally use the
As the Company is dealing only in latex prophylactics there is no other
identifiable business segment. FUTURE OUTLOOK
Outlook of the Company appears optimistic and your Company expects to get
orders from Government of India as well as trying to get orders from
international markets also. Future outlook seems to be very good.
The analysis presented in the Industry Scenario and Opportunities and
Threats section of this Report throws light on the unavoidable risks and
concerns faced by your Company. Steps are taken to minimize such risks.
Safety is the core concern for your Company and is an important part of any
business decision.
In compliance with the revised Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, steps
are being taken to improve the existing Risk Management System.
The Company remains committed to ensure the prevalence of an effective
internal control environment commensurate with its size and nature of
business that provides reliable financial and operational information
ensure compliance of corporate policies and applicable statutory
regulations and safeguards Companys assets. Your Company in relation to
internal controls intends to offer reasonable promise regarding the success
of the following objectives:
1. Effectiveness & Efficiency of operations;
2. Adequacy in safeguard of assets &
3. Reliability of financial controls.
The Audit Committee has been vested with wide powers to review any
transaction and has been empowered with the term of reference as mandated
by amended Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.
Your Company firmly believes that any progressive activity cannot be
carried out in a society that fails. In line with this vision, the focus of
all activities is sustainable development and inclusive growth in the
periphery and engagement of local community in a positive manner. The
Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) activities are carried out by the Company in a systematic manner with
the involvement of its team of dedicated professionals. The various
activities are undertaken after proper need assessment and implementation
is made effective with the involvement of employees, voluntary
organizations and local representatives.
Some of the initiatives taken by your Company during the period under
review for the benefit of the people in the locality as well as society at
large pertain to:
1. Skill development and Employment Generation
2. Health care initiatives and improvement of Health infrastructure
3. Assistance to needy people
The CSR activities taken up by your Company have a focus on continuity and
gradually the emphasis is more on the basic requirements in the area like
Environmental Protection, birth control etc.
The primary concern of your Company is always cost reduction and Quality
improvement which is only possible by adoption of new technology.
Technological improvement is the need of the hour in the brutally
competitive and dynamic contraceptive industry. Skilled employees as well
as proper planning have enabled your Company to attain an edge over its
competitors. Your Company succeeds to ensure frequent development in
quality and range of its products.
During the year under review, the Company has posted a turnover of Rs
1605.88 lakhs owing to receipt of orders from Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare (MHFW), Government of India as against Rs.1085.67 lakhs in the
previous fiscal. However, your Company has witnessed operating loss of Rs.
181.88 in the current year under review.
Your Company has always tried to maintain healthy and harmonious
professional environment at its manufacturing unit at Baleshwar and healthy
and cordial employee relations in all its offices.
Efforts are constantly made to attract, develop, train, motivate and retain
the best talent. Team work and Ownership are respected values and system
for knowledge and experience sharing has been made to create a learning
organization. As part of the overall HR Strategy, training programmes were
undertaken for enhancement of employee skills and talents at all levels
through both internal and external faculties during the year under review,
putting forth health and safety of all its employees as its priority.
Statement in the Managements Discussion and Analysis describing the
Companys objectives, projections, estimates, expectations or predications
may be forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable
securities laws and regulations. Actual results could differ materially
from those expressed or implied in this report. Important factors that
would make a difference to the Companys operations include global and
Indian demand/supply conditions, raw materials prices, feed stock
availability and prices, cyclical demand and pricing in the Companys
principal markets, changes in Government regulations/policies, tax regimes,
economic developments within the country and other factors such as
litigation and labour negotiations. The Company assumes no responsibility
to modify or revise any forward-looking statements on the basis of any
future events or new information. Actual results may differ from those
mentioned in the report.