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Prevest Denpro Ltd Directors Report

Oct 22, 2024|12:00:00 AM

Prevest Denpro Ltd Share Price directors Report


The Members of Prevest Denpro Limited

Your Directors are pleased to present their 25thAnnual Report on the business and operations of the Company together with the Audited Financial Statements for the Financial Year ended March 31,2024.


Particulars FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Total Incom 5930.14 5188.76
Less: Expenditur 3788.69 3093.09
Profit/(Loss) beforeTax 2141.46 2095.68
Tax Expense (including Previous Year Tax Adjustmen ) 529.09 524.67
Profit/(Loss) after Ta 1612.37 1571.01

During FY 2023-24, the Company has earned profit before tax of Rs. 2141.46 Lakh and after-tax profit of Rs. 1612.37 Lakh as against profit before tax of Rs. 2095.68. Lakh and after-tax profit of Rs. 1571.01Lakh during FY2023-24.

The Company is striving to make a platform for its future activities and your Directors are confident about the prospects of the Company and have a belief that its performance will improve in the years ahead.


Based on the Companys performance during the financial year 2023-24, the Board of Directors has recommended a dividend of ? 1 per share. This decision reflects the Companys commitment to rewarding its shareholders. Importantly, the promoter of the Company chose to forgo the dividend for this financial year.

The dividend shall be declared by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on September 06, 2024. On declaration of the dividend, tax shall be deducted at source (TDS) from the dividends paid to the Members, as required by the Income-tax Act, 1961.


During the year under review, no amount is proposed to be transferred to the General Reserve of the Company.


The paid-up Share Capital as on March 31,2024, was Rs. 12,00,30,000 consisting of 1,20,03,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid-up. During the year under review, the Company has not issued any further shares.

The Company has not issued shares with differential voting rights during the year under review. The Company has not issued any sweat equity shares during the year under review and hence no information as per provisions of Rule 8(13) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debenture) Rules, 2014 is furnished. There are no shares held by trustees for the benefit of employees and hence no disclosure under Rule 16(4) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 has been furnished.


The Companys shares are listed with SME BSE Limited under Scrip Code 543363. The Company has paid the annual listing fees and there are no arrears.


The company has not accepted any deposit falling under Chapter V of the Act during the year under review.


As on March 31, 2024, the Company is having one (1) wholly owned subsidiary viz. Denvisio Biomed Limited.

The details as required under Rule 8 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 regarding the performance and financial position of the said Subsidiary are provided in Form AOC-1, which form part of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended March 31,2024. H


In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013("the Act") and as prescribed by the SEBI Listing Regulations, the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements are provided in this Annual Report.

Pursuant to Section 129(3) of the Act, a statement containing the salient features of the Financial Statements of the Subsidiaries, Associates and Joint Ventures of the Company in the prescribed form AOC-1 is annexed as Annexure A to this Annual Report.

Pursuant to Section 136 of the Act, the Financial Statements of the Subsidiary are available on the website of the Company i.e. www.prevestdenpro.com under the Investors Section.



M/s. Mittal & Associates, Chartered Accountants (Firm registration number 106456W) were appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company in the 22nd Annual General Meeting of the Company to hold office for a period of 5 consecutive years till the conclusion of the 27th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held for the Financial Year ending March 21,2026.

The Auditors Report does not contain any qualification, reservation, or adverse remark on the financial statements for the financial year ended March 31,2024. The Notes on financial statements referred to in the Auditors Report are self-explanatory and do not call for any further comments.

Further, in terms of section 143 of the Act read with Companies (Audit & Auditors) Rules, 2014, as amended, no fraud has been reported by the Auditors of the Company where they have reasons to believe that an offence involving fraud is being or has been committed against the company by officers or employees of the company.


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules 2014, the Company has appointed NKM & Associates, a firm of Company Secretaries in Practice to undertake the Secretarial Audit of the Company. The Secretarial Audit Report issued by them for the financial year ended March 31,2024, is attached as Annexure B to this Report. The Secretarial Audit Report does not contain any qualifications, reservations, or adverse remarks.


In accordance with the provision of the section 138 of the Companies Act, 2013 and read with Rule 13 of the Companies (Accounts) Rule, 2014 and other applicable provision if any of the companies Act, 2013 M/s VNB and Company, Chartered Accountants are the Internal Auditors of the Company.


We are aware of the potential applicability of cost audit requirements and will ensure the timely appointment of a cost auditor if the need arises, in accordance with the Act.


Particulars of Loans, Guarantees and Investments made during the year as required under the provisions of Section 186 of the Act are given in the notes to the Financial Statements forming part of Annual Report.

Also, pursuant to Paragraph A (2) of Schedule V of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, ("SEBI Listing Regulations") particulars of Loans/Advances given to subsidiary have been disclosed in the notes to the Financial Statements forming part of Annual Report.


Disclosures pertaining to remuneration and other details as required under Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 and Companies (Particulars of Employees), Rules 1975 are furnished in Annexure C.


Details required to be furnished pursuant to Section 134(3)(m) of the Companies Act, 2013 are as under:

Conservation of Energy: The range of activities of the Company requires minimal energy consumption and every endeavor has been made to ensure optimal utilization of energy and avoid wastage through automation and deployment of energy-efficient equipment. The Company takes adequate measures to reduce energy consumption by using efficient computer terminals and by using latest technology. The impact of these efforts has enhanced energy efficiency. As energy cost forms a very small part of total expenses, the financial impact of these measures is not material and measured.

Technology Absorption: Company is committed towards technology driven innovation and lays strong emphasis in inculcating driven culture within the organization.

The Company has best of operating machines and highly precisions equipment for production and quality management also the Company has hired the optimal of quality team who dedicates their full enthusiasm and work tirelessly for delivering best quality and services. The team along with state-of-the-art quality equipments as necessary for the Machine Shop.

The Company is all well equipped with its current quality control machine and will modify itself for any future advancement

Capital Expenditure 2,88,91,931
Revenue Expenditure 6,34,279
Total 56,34,279

These expenditure details are related to our research and Development Centre.

Foreign Exchange earnings in go : Rs. 19,16,44,439 and outgo: Rs. 17,54,42,981.


As a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) listed on the SME exchange of BSE Limited, the company is exempt from complying with certain corporate governance provisions. Specifically, pursuant to Regulation 15(2) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, compliance with corporate governance requirements specified in Regulations 17 to 27, clauses (b) to (i) of sub-regulation 2 of Regulation 46, and Para C, D, and E of Schedule V is not mandatory. Therefore, corporate governance does not form part of this Boards Report

However, please be assured that the company is committed to adhering to good corporate governance practices. We are working diligently to ensure that our governance practices align with the highest standards and contribute to the overall integrity and transparency of the organization.


Management Discussion and Analysis Report for the year under review as stipulated under SEBI (LODR), Regulations, 2015 is presented in a separate section forming part of the Annual Report for the financial year ended March 31,2024.


As on March 31, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Company comprised of eight Directors, viz., four Executive Directors, one Non-Executive Director and three Independent Directors.

Mrs. Namrata Modi DIN 0788266 is liable to retire by rotation at the ensuing 25thAGM and, being eligible offers herself for re-appointment. Brief profiles of the Directors seeking appointment/ re-appointment have been given as an annexure to the Notice of the ensuing AGM.

There was no change in Key Managerial Personnel during the Financial Year ending 31 March, 2024.

Except Mr. Aman Sadhotra has appointed as the Company secretary on 1/09/2023

Composition of the Board and KMP along with the number of other Directorships/Committee positions held as on March 31,2024, by the Directors is as follows :

Sl. No Name Of the Director Category Number of other Directorships held in other public/Listed companies

Number of Committee membership held in other public companies (limited to only Audit and Stakeholders Relationship Committees)

% of Equity Shares held in the Company(%o)
As Chairperson As Member
1 Mr. Atul Modi Chairman, Managing Director 1 Nil Nil 37.52.%
2 Mrs. Namrata Mod i Whole Time Director, CFO 1 Nil Nil 36.03%
3 Dr. Sai Kalyan Surapaneni Executive Director 1 Nil Nil ^0.00083%
4 Mr. Vaibhav Munja Director and CMO 1 Nil Nil Nil
5 Mrs. Niharika Modi Non-Executive Director Nil Nil Nil 0.0 3%
6 CA Pardeep Gandotra Non-Executive Independent Director Nil Nil Nil Nil
7 Dr. Nikhil Shrikant Bobade Non-Executive Independent Director Nil Nil Nil Nil
8 Dr. Sudeep Haralakatte Murthy Non-Executive Independent Director Nil Nil Nil Nil
9. Mr. Aman Sadhotra Company Secretary and Compliance Officer Nil Nil Nil Nil


During the financial year 2023-24, Six meetings of the Board were held on April 27, 2023; July 20,2023 ; August 03, 2023; September 01,2023, November 03, 2023; and February 03, 2024 and the gap between two meetings did not exceed one hundred and twenty days. The necessary quorum was present for all the meetings.

Attendance of Directors at the Board Meetings held during the financial year 2023-24:

Name of the Director Board Meetings entitled to attend Board Meetings attended
Mr. Atul Mod i 6 6
Mrs. Namrata Modi 6 6
Dr. Sai Kalyan Surapanen 6 5
Mr. Vaibhav Munjal 6 3
Mrs. Niharika Modi 6 2
CA Pardeep Gandota 6 2
Dr. Nikhil Shrikant Bobad 6 4
Dr. Sudeep Haralakatt Murthy 6 3

The Board Meetings are prescheduled, and adequate notice is given to the Board members. Board Meetings are generally held at the registered office of the Company either through video conference or through physical presence.


All Independent Directors have given declarations that they meet the criteria of independence as laid down under Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 16(1) (b) of the Listing Regulations. In the opinion of the Board, the Independent Directors, fulfil the conditions of independence specified in Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 16(1) (b) of the Listing Regulations and are independent of management.

During the financial year 2023-24, one (1) meeting of the Independent Directors was held on March 16, 2024, inter-alia,to review the following:

(i) Review performance of non-independent directors and the Board of Directors as a whole.

(ii) Review performance of the Chairperson of the Company.

(iii) Assess the quality, quantity, and timeliness of the flow of information between the management of the Company and the Board of Directors that is necessary for the Board to perform their duties effectively and reasonably.

The meeting was attended by all the Independent Directors.

The familiarization program and other disclosures as specified under SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 is available on the Companys website www.prevestdenpro.com.


Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 the Board has carried out an annual performance evaluation of its own performance, the Directors individually as well as evaluation of the working of the Board and its Committees, culture, execution and performance of specific duties, obligations, and governance.

The performance evaluation of the Independent Directors has been completed. The Independent Directors conducted the performance evaluation of the Chairman and the Non-independent Directors. The Board of Directors expressed their satisfaction with the evaluation process.


The indicative criteria for valuation of performance of the Independent Director that are provided in the in terms of appointment are as under:

(i) Attendance and contribution at Board and Committee meetings.

(ii) Appropriate mix of expertise, skills, behavior, experience, leadership qualities, sense of sobriety and understanding of business, strategic direction to align companys value and standards.

(iii) Knowledge of finance, accounts, legal, investment, marketing, foreign exchange/ hedging, internal controls, risk

(iv) Management, assessment and mitigation, business operations, processes and corporate governance.

(v) Ability to create a performance culture that drives value creation and a high quality of debate with robust and probing discussions.

(vi) Effective decision-making ability.

(vii) Ability to open channels of communication with executive management and other colleagues on Board to maintain high standards of integrity and probity.

(viii) His/her global presence, rational, physical, and mental fitness, broader thinking, vision on corporate social Responsibility etc.

(ix) His/her ability to monitor the performance of management and satisfy himself/herself with integrity of the financial

(x) Controls and systems in place by ensuring the right level of contact with external stakeholders.

(xi) His/her contribution to enhance overall brand image of the Company.


Composition of the Committee and Meetings held and attended by each member:


Name of the Member Category Position Held Attended
Dr. Sudeep Haralakatte Murthy Independent Director Chairperson 4 4
Dr. Nikhil Shrikant Bobade Independent Director Member 4 3
Mrs. Namrata Modi Executive Director Member 4 4

Terms of Reference

The Audit Committee has interalia the following mandate:

1. Oversight of the Companys financial reporting process, examination of the financial statement and the auditors report thereon and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient, and credible.

2. Recommendation for appointment, re-appointment and replacement, remuneration and terms of appointment of auditors, including the internal auditor, cost auditor and statutory auditor, of the Company and the fixation of audit fee.

3. Approval of payments to statutory auditors for any other services rendered by the Statutory Auditors of the Company.

4. Reviewing, with the management, the Annual Financial Statements and Auditors Report there submission to the Board for approval, with reference to:

I). Matters required to be included in the Directors Responsibility Statement to be included in the Boards Report in terms of clause? of sub-section 3 of section 134 of the Companies Act.

ii). Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same.

iii). Major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by the management of the Company.

iv). Significant adjustments made in the financial statements arising out of audit findings.

v). Compliance with listing and other legal requirements pertaining to financial statements

vi). Disclosure of any related-party transactions; and

vii). Qualifications/modified opinions in the draft audit report.

5. Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly, half-yearly and annual financial statements before submission to the Board for approval.

6. Reviewing, with the management, the statement of uses/application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice, and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter

7. Reviewing and monitoring the auditors independence and performance, as well as the effectiveness of the audit process.

8. Formulating a policy on related-party transactions, which shall include the materiality of related-party transactions.

9. Approval or any subsequent modification of transactions of the Company with related parties, and omnibus approval for related-party transactions proposed to be entered into by the Company, subject to prescribed conditions.

10. Reviewing, at least on a quarterly basis, the details of related-party transactions entered by the Company pursuant to each of the omnibus approvals given.

11. Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and investments.

12. Valuation of undertakings or assets of the company, wherever necessary.

13. Evaluation of internal financial controls and risk management systems.

14. Reviewing, with the management, the performance of statutory and internal auditors, as well as the adequacy of the internal control systems.

15. Reviewing the adequacy of the internal audit function, if any, including the structure of the internal audit department, staffing, and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure, coverage, and frequency of internal audit.

16. Discussion with internal auditors on any significant findings and follow-up thereon.

17. Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the internal auditors into matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a material failure of internal control systems and reporting the matter to the Board.

18. Discussion with statutory auditors before the audit commences regarding the nature and scope of the audit, as well as post-audit discussions to ascertain any areas of concern.

19. Investigating the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to depositors, debenture holders, shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared dividends), and creditors.

20. Recommending to the Board of Directors the appointment and removal of the external auditor, fixation of audit fees, and approval for payment for any other services.

21. Reviewing the functioning of the whistleblower mechanism.

22. Approval of the appointment of the Chief Financial Officer of the Company ("CFO") (i.e., the whole-time finance director or any other person heading the finance function or discharging that function), after assessing the qualifications, experience, background, etc., of the candidate.

23. Carrying out any other functions as provided under the Companies Act, the SEBI Listing Regulations, and other applicable laws.

24. Formulating, reviewing, and making recommendations to the Board to amend the Audit Committee charter from time to time.

25. Establishing a vigil mechanism for directors and employees to report their genuine concerns or grievances.

26. Carrying out any other function mentioned in the terms of reference of the Audit Committee.

27. Performing any roles as prescribed under the Companies Act and SEBI Listing Regulations.


Composition of the Committee and Meetings attended by each member:


Name of the Member Category Position Held Attended
Dr. Nikhil Shrikan Bobade Independent Director Chairperson 2 2
Mrs. Niharika Modi Director Member 2 2
Dr. Sudeep Haralakatte Murthy Independent Director Member 2 2

Terms of Reference

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has the following mandate:

1. Formulating the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes, and independence of a director and recommending to the Board a policy related to the remuneration of directors, key managerial personnel, and other employees.

2. Formulating criteria for the evaluation of the performance of Independent Directors and the Board.

3. Devising a policy on Board diversity.

4. Identifying individuals qualified to become directors of the Company and who may be appointed in senior management positions in accordance with the laid-down criteria, and recommending their appointment and removal to the Board. The Company shall disclose the remuneration policy and evaluation criteria in its annual report.

5. Analyzing, monitoring, and reviewing various human resource and compensation matters.

6. Determining the Companys policy on specific remuneration packages for executive directors, including pension rights and any compensation payment, and determining the remuneration packages of such directors.

7. Recommending the remuneration, in any form, payable to senior management personnel and other staff (as deemed necessary).

8. Determining whether to extend or continue the term of appointment of independent directors, based on the report of performance evaluation of independent directors.

9. Performing other activities delegated by the Board and/or statutorily prescribed under any law to be attended to by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

10. Fulfilling such terms of reference as may be prescribed under the Companies Act and SEBI Listing Regulations.


Your Company believes that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of its business. It seeks to operate its business in a sustainable manner that benefits society at large and aligns with the interests of its stakeholders. In accordance with section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013, the Board of Directors has constituted a CSR Committee.

The CSR Committee has developed a CSR Policy, which has been uploaded to the companys website at www.prevestdenpro.com.

The committees composition and the meetings held during the year are as follows:


Name of the Member Category Position Held Attended
Mr. Atul Modi Managing Director Chairperson 1 1
Mrs.Namrata Modi Executive Director Member 1 1
Dr. Nikhil Shrikant Bobade Independent Director Member 1 1

Terms of Reference

The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee has the following mandate:

1. To formulate and recommend to the board a corporate social responsibility policy that specifies the activities to be undertaken by the company in accordance with Schedule VII of the Companies Act and the rules made thereunder. The committee may also suggest revisions to the policy as decided by the board.

2. To identify partners and programs for corporate social responsibility initiatives.

3. To recommend the amount of expenditure to be allocated for corporate social responsibility activities and to distribute the funds among various programs undertaken by the company.

4. To delegate responsibilities to the corporate social responsibility team and oversee the proper execution of all delegated tasks.

5. To review and monitor the implementation of corporate social responsibility programs, providing necessary directions for their proper execution and timely completion.

6. To perform any other duties and functions as required by the board to promote the companys corporate social responsibility activities, and to exercise any additional powers conferred upon the CSR Committee under the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act.

The annual report on CSR including a brief outline of the CSR Policy and the activities undertaken during the year under review is enclosed as Annexure E to this Report.


The Annual General Meeting of the Company was held at its registered office for the Financial Year 202223.

Financial Year Nature of Meeting Tlme (IST) Date
2022-23 AGM 12.30 PM 30-08-2023


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The Vigil Mechanism as envisaged in the Companies Act, 2013, the Rules prescribed thereunder and the Listing Regulations is implemented through the Companys Whistle Blower Policy to enable all its employees, consultants (part time, full time and temporary employees) of the Company to report genuine concerns, to provide for adequate safeguards against victimization of persons who use such mechanism and make provision for direct access to the Chairman of the Audit Committee. Your Directors affirm that no employee/consultant has been denied access to the Audit Committee.

The Company has a whistle blower policy to report genuine concerns or grievances. The Whistle Blower policy has been posted on the website of the Company. ()


The Board of Directors has framed a policy which lays down a framework in relation to remuneration of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management of the Company. This policy also lays down criteria for selection and appointment of Board Members. The remuneration and nomination policy has been posted on the website of the Company (www.prevestdenpro.com)


As per SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015,the Company has adopted a Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading and Code of Fair Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information. During the year under review, there has been due compliance with the said code.


The Company has in place a Prevention of Sexual Harassment policy in line with the requirements of the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. An Internal Complaints Committee has been set up to redress complaints received regarding sexual harassment.

All employees (permanent, contractual, temporary, trainees) are covered under this policy. During the year 2023-2024, no complaints were received by the Company related to Sexual Harassment


Pursuant to the Regulation 9 of SEBI (LODR), 2015 the Company has maintained the policy of preservation of documents to keep the documents preserve as per Regulation 9(a) & 9(b) of SEBI (LODR), 2015 and the same has been uploaded on the website of the Company on www.Prevestdenpro.com.


In addition to above, the Board has also adopted below mentioned policies:

(a) Policy for Determination of Materiality

(b) Policy on Materiality of Related Party Transactions

All above named policies and codes are available on our website www.prevestdenpro.com


Your company has an effective internal control and risk-mitigation system that is continuously assessed and strengthened through the implementation of new or revised standard operating procedures. The internal control system of the company is aligned with its size, scale, and complexity of operations.

The primary focus of the internal audit is to test and review controls, assess risks, evaluate business processes, and compare controls with industry best practices. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors actively reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control systems and provides recommendations for improvements. The company utilizes a robust Management Information System, which is an integral part of the control mechanism.

The Audit Committee, along with the Statutory Auditors and Business Heads, is regularly briefed on the findings of the internal audit and the corrective actions taken. The audit function plays a vital role in providing assurance to the Board of Directors. Noteworthy audit observations and the corresponding corrective actions implemented by the management are presented to the Audit Committee.

To maintain objectivity and independence, the Internal Audit function reports to the Chairman of the Audit Committee.


Your Company has a Risk Management Policy adopted by the Board. Periodical in-house risk audits were conducted to detect and mitigate the risks in a timely and effective manner.

During the financial year under review, the company has identified and evaluated various elements of business risk. As a result, a Business Risk Management framework has been established. This framework outlines the companys approach to risk management and includes periodic reviews of identified risks, documentation of mitigating controls, and the establishment of a reporting mechanism for such risks.

The risk management framework incorporates different risk models that aid in identifying trends, assessing exposure, and conducting potential impact analyses at both the company level and specific business units. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of the risks faced by the company and enables proactive risk management strategies to be implemented.


Your company is dedicated to ensuring a strong Safety, Health, and Environmental (SHE) performance in relation to its activities, products, and services. It takes consistent measures to develop safer process technologies and unit operations, investing significantly in areas such as process automation to enhance safety and reduce the potential for human error.

Additionally, the company emphasizes the importance of training in process and behavior-based safety, as well as adopting production processes that are both safe and environmentally friendly. The company maintains a continuous focus on improving its management system to enhance safety and environmental practices.

Furthermore, your company is committed to continuously taking further steps to provide a safe and healthy environment. This commitment reflects the ongoing dedication to ensuring the well-being of employees, stakeholders, and the community at large.


There were no significant changes or commitments affecting the Companys financial position from the end of the financial year to the date of this Report.


There are no significant and material orders passed by the Regulators/Courts that would impact the going concern status of the Company and its future operations.


None of the Directors of the Company has been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as director of Companies.


The Company has complied with the applicable SS-1 (Secretarial Standard on Meetings of the Board of Directors) and SS-2 (Secretarial Standard on General Meetings) issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.


Pursuant to Section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 12 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, a copy of the Annual Return of the Company for Financial Year 2023-24 prepared in accordance with Section 92(1) of the Act has been placed on the website and is available at www.prevestdenpro.com.


Pursuant to the provisions of section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Directors confirm that.

I. In the preparation of the Annual Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2024, the applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to departures, if any.

ii. Appropriate accounting policies have been selected and applied consistently and such judgments and

iii. Estimates have been made that are reasonable and prudent in order to provide a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as of March 31,2024, and the profit of the Company for the year ended on that date.

iv. Furthermore, proper and sufficient care has been taken for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act to safeguard the assets of the Company and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities the annual accounts have been prepared on a "going concern" basis.

v. Proper internal financial controls are laid down and such internal financial controls are adequate and operating effectively.

vi. Proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws have been devised and such systems were adequate and operating effectively.


1. During the year under review no application was made and no proceedings were pending against the company under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016).

2. During the year under review there was no One Time settlement with any bank or Financial Institution.


Your Directors extend their heartfelt gratitude for the support and cooperation received from Banks, Government Authorities, Shareholders, Suppliers, and Customers. They also acknowledge and express their appreciation for the contributions made by the employees at all levels, which have played a crucial role in achieving the Companys goals.

Your Directors also highly value and appreciate the dedication and commitment of every Member of the Prevest family.

For and On behalf of the Board of Director of Prevest Denpro Limited

sd/- sd/-
Atul Modi Namrata Modi
Place: Jammu Managing Director (Whole-Time-Director)
Dated: 08-08-2024 DIN: 00788272 DIN: 00788266

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