Primo Chemicals Limited was erstwhile incorporated with the name Punjab Alkalies and Chemicals Limited in December, 1975. The Company later on changed the name from Punjab Alkalies and Chemicals Limited to Primo Chemicals Limited on December 19, 2022. The Company is the largest producer of Caustic Soda in Northern India and is operating two units based on Membrane Cell Technology in its Plant Complex at Naya Nangal, Distt. Ropar Punjab (India). It is primarily engaged in manufacturing of Caustic Soda Lye, Hydrochloric Acid, Liquid Chlorine, Sodium Hypochlorite, Hydrogen Gas, Stable Bleaching Powder, Caustic Soda Flakes and Aluminium Chloride. The Company has increased its Caustic production capacity from 300 TPA to 500 TPA resultant into combined manufacturing capacity of 165,000 TPA of Caustic Soda. Key product in companys product portfolio include Caustic Soda Lye with by-products of Hydrochloric Acid, Liquid Chlorine, Sodium Hypochlorite and Hydrogen gas.In Jan.94, its caustic soda plant (inst. cap.: 37059 tpa) commenced operations. In Sep.87, the company commissioned its caustic soda concentration and flaking unit, and in 1988, completed the changeover from graphite anodes to dimensionally stable metal anodes in all the cells, and also installed an anode control and protection device in its caustic soda plant. In Oct.91, it commissioned the capacity optimisation project in phase-I, as a result of which the installed capacity of caustic soda and liquid chlorine increased to 41152 tpa and 29700 tpa respectively.With the implementation of phase-II of capacity optimisation project, the installed capacity of caustic soda increased to 50820 tpa. It also commissioned a waste air de-chlorination unit in Nov.92.PAC offered rights (premium: Rs 35) in Mar.94 to finance the expansion of its caustic soda plant by 33000 tpa based on membrane cell technology. The plant with its expanded capacity, started commercial production in Aug.95. In 1996-97, the company received the ISO 9002 Certification by DET NORSKE VERITAS(DNV), Netherlands.In 1998-99, it increased the installed capacity of caustic soda, liquid chlorine and hydrogen gas to 99,000 MT, 87,714 MT and 277,20,000 NM3.The Company is in the process of changing the membranes of 100 TPD Membrane Cell Caustic Soda Plant to reduce power consumption. The know-how for the membrane has been fully absorbed. The know-how for the companys Mercury Cell to 200 TPD Membrane Cell converted Caustic Soda Plant has also been absorbed.The company has become a Sick Company and necessary reference is made to BIFR.The Chlorinated Paraffin Wax (CPW) Plant set up by M/s. Flow Tech Chemicals Pvt. Limited on B.O.O. basis in the Companys Plant Complex was commissioned in 2015-16. In 2016-17, the Company replaced the Membranes of its Unit-I and Unit-II Plant and the Anodes and Cathodes recoated in Electrolysers of its Plant Unit-I. In 2021, Company set up a Captive Power Plant of 35 MW capacity by using second hand plant and machinery on EPC basis from Durva Infratech LLP. The manufacturing capacity expanded from 300 TPD to 500 TPD in 2022. The Company commissioned the commercial production of Stable Bleaching Powder (SBP) Plant having installed capacity of 33,000 MTPA in 2023. In 2024, as a part of ongoing expansion plans, the Company has commissioned the commercial production of Caustic Soda Flakes Plant at Naya Nangal, Punjab with an installed capacity of 66,000 Ton Per Annum (TPA) and Aluminum Chloride Plant with an installed capacity of 16,500 Ton Per Annum (TPA). The Company also commissioned 35 MW Coal and Biomas based Power Plant.
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