Ras Extrusions Ltd Merged Share Price directors Report
Your Directors present before you the 22nd Annual Report and the Statement
of Accounts of the Company for the Period ended September 30, 2010.
(Rs. In lacs)
Financial Results For the For the
year ended year ended
September September
30, 2010 30, 2009
(12 months) (12 months)
Production (Qty. in MT) 12.80 0.00
Sales and other income 69.05 9.27
Earning Before Interest and Depreciation 55.65 (126.39)
Financial Overheads (4.45) (7.23)
Depreciation (26.04) (26.03)
Profit/(loss) after providing for
interest and depreciation (86.14) (159.65)
Provision for Tax (Fringe Benefit Tax) - 0.22
Extra ordinary Income 96.57 -
Profit / Loss after Tax 10.43 (159.87)
Amount of profit/(loss) brought forward
from previous year (1722.98) (1563.11)
Balance carried to Balance Sheet (677.05) (1722.98)
In view of loss in the current year, the Directors have not recommended any
dividend for the year 2009-10.
During the year, the total turnover was Rs.69.05 Lacs, The production of
laminated web on conversion basis was 12.80 MT.
Revival of the Company & Future Prospects:
The Company had made a reference to the Board for Industrial and Financial
Reconstruction (BIFR) under section 15 (1) of the Sick Industrial Companies
(Special Provision) Act, 1985 on 22nd November 2006. Subsequently the
Company filed a rehabilitation scheme on 13-08-2007 jointly with Essel
Propack Limited (EPL) who agreed to act as co-promoter for revival of the
company. The Honble BIFR vide its Order dated February 17, 2009 sanctioned
the Rehabilitation Scheme submitted by the Company. However due to global
melt down and recessionary conditions which adversely affected the
operations of the Company, there was a delay in the implementation of the
Sanctioned Scheme of BIFR. The financial compliance of the sanctioned
scheme is implemented and Promoters and Co-Promoters are hopeful for
completing operational implementation of the revival scheme at the
The Company carried out the derating of the share capital upto 95% of the
share capital as envisaged in the scheme and share capital is presently Rs.
204.50 Lacs. The Promoters Associates and the Co-Promoter has infused funds
by way of Equity to the tune of Rs 75 lacs each aggregating to Rs 150 Lacs
and accordingly 15,00,000 new shares of Rs. 10 each have been allotted to
them as per the BIFR Scheme. These funds have been utilized to pay the
secured creditors and other liabilities. However as the operations were not
viable and some time was taken for the rehabilitation of the company, the
production will take time to scale up to its capacity. The Company also
faces problem of sourcing for working capital as it has no banking
assistance. The rehabilitation of the Company will be thus impacted during
the time frame as per the scheme.
During the year under review 2 directors, namely Dr. V.H. Kaji & Mrs. R.A.
Kaji (Non-independent Directors) resigned from the Board of Company in view
of their personal reasons. The company place on record the long standing
valuable time given to company by them, since the incorporation of company.
Mr. Roger C.B. Pereira, Director of the Company, will retire by rotation at
the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and being eligible offers himself
for re-appointment.
Particulars of Employees:
There is no employee in receipt of remuneration exceeding the limit
prescribed under Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with
Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975.
Conservation of energy, technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings
/ outgo:
During the period, the Company had maintained strict control on energy
consumption through efficient monitoring of the energy consumed in the
plant and the administrative block. The Company does not need any
technology for its existing activity. The Foreign Exchange earnings and
outgo for the period were placed at Rs.Nil.
The Note No. 2 in the Notes to the Accounts in Schedule 16 referred by the
Auditors in their report is self-explanatory.
Messers Sangani & Co., Chartered Accountants, and the Auditors of the
Company, would retire at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and are
eligible for reappointment. You are requested to appoint the Auditors and
to fix their remuneration.
Industrial relations continued to be cordial throughout the year. The Board
places on record its appreciation for the services rendered by workmen and
management staff of the Company.
Your Directors place on record their appreciation for the ready co-
operation and assistance always extended by Banks, Customers and Suppliers
of the Company.
Directors Responsibility Statement:
The Directors state that:
(I) In the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting
standards had been followed along with proper explanation relating to
material departures;
(II) The directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them
consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
company at the end of the financial year and of the loss of the company for
that year;
(III) The directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the
maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the
company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;
(IV) The directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern
Corporate Governance and Management Discussion and Analysis Report:
Corporate Governance and Management Discussion and Analysis Reports are set
out as separate Annexures to this Report.
For and on behalf of the Board
Place: Mumbai Sameer A Kaji
Dated: November 15, 2010 Chairman
The main product of the Company is multi-layer-laminated web, used for
manufacturing soft squeeze laminated tubes. The Company caters to the
toothpaste (oral care/dentifrice) segment. Currently even though the
Industry is growing, it is the level of service, quality of web, discounts
offered primarily drive the market. It is expected that once the final
restructuring is completed the Company would be in a position to take
advantage of the growing FMCG segment in India and abroad, with added
advantage of competitive price offering and support of co-promoters , the
worlds largest tube manufacturer.
In addition to toothpaste, cosmetic segment has become a major contributor
for growth of the tube market in India. This will help in enhancing the
order book position of the Company, at a better margin for its products
with higher volume of web sales.
As mentioned above though the industry has started growing, after
recessionary pressures on economy as a whole, it is discounts and
promotions, which primarily drive it. Intense competition amongst the
toothpaste majors in domestic and international market has lead to price
cuts having adverse impact on the entire supply chain, as laminated tubes
being an important cost-component of the toothpaste industry have come
under pressure for price reductions, for the laminated web sourcing.
Keeping in mind the aforesaid constraints the Company has worked out number
of strategies including:
* Reduction in raw material cost through efficient procurement by regularly
negotiating with its key raw material suppliers for price revision and
economic bulk order quantity sourcing once the restructuring is in place.
The Company focuses on increase in volume, improve its efficiency by
vigorously implementing cost reduction parameters viz. efficient
procurement policy, applying various cost reduction methods, innovations,
strengthening its quality parameters. The above steps would ultimately lead
to production of quality laminate at competitive prices.
The Company has proper and adequate control systems to ensure that all
assets are safeguarded and protected against loss from unauthorized use or
disposition and that transaction are authorized, recorded and reported
correctly. These are viewed by Audit Committee and the suggestion made by
them are implemented.
This has been covered in the Directors report.
The Company continuously monitors its manpower requirement to ensure that
it has adequate human skills commensurate with its needs. Industrial
relations of the Company continue to be cordial.
Statements in the Managements Discussion and Analysis Report describing
the Companys projections, estimates, expectations or predictions may be
forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities
laws and regulations. Actual results could differ materially from those
expressed or implied. Important factors that would make a difference to the
companys operations include demand supply conditions, raw material prices,
changes in government regulations, tax regimes, economic developments
within and outside the country, implementation of BIFR scheme etc.