Founded in 1968 by R R Gupta as a Partnership Firm, Roto Pumps Ltd (RPL) was incorporated as Roto Pumps & Hydraulics Pvt Ltd in Jul.75 and converted into a Public Limited Company in Dec.93. In Jul.81, Roto Pumps Pvt Ltd, a Group Company, was amalgamated with Roto Pumps & Hydraulics Pvt Ltd. In Feb.91, it was taken over by another Group Company, Dwarka Industrial Development (Chains) Pvt Ltd. The Company has a rich heritage of designing and manufacturing superior products and technologies. It offers comprehensive range of Progressive Cavity Pumps (PCP), Twin Screws Pumps and added other PD pumps in the product basket such as AODD and Gear pumps. The products cater to a large spectrum of industries covering various industrial and municipal applications.Since inception, RPL has been manufacturing helical rotor pumps. The Company pioneered the manufacture of helical motor pumps in India. The company initially marketed this product to the coal mining sector and then gradually increased its base in other industrial segments. In 1978, it entered into a five-year technical collaboration with Stothert & Pitt to manufacture twin screw pumps in India. RPL manufactures a comprehensive range of industrial pumps to cater to pumping requirements for duties ranging from pumping distilled water to highly viscous fluids and/or corrosive fluids. In Sep.94, RPL came out with a maiden public issue to part-finance the modernisation and expansion of its existing units at Kanpur and Noida, and to invest in Roto Sterling, UK -- a joint venture company set up to provide marketing and warehouse facilities -- and to set up a R&D centre at Noida. In Feb.95, RPL signed a technical-cum-buy-back agreement with Kosaka Labs (part of Mitsubishi, Japan) to acquire technology for triple-screw pumps, and to sell double- and triple-screw pumps to Kosaka under the Kosaka Roto brand name. In 1996-97,its earnings from exports amounted to Rs 4.84 cr.During 1997-98, the Company appointed a new distributor in Australia for Industrial Products and also entered into a long term Supply Agreement with the same distributor for Agricultural Products.During the year 1999-2000, the company has taken steps to reduce cost and improve sales in domestic as well as international market apart from the development of approved design & cost effective RMA Series of Helical Rotor Pumps and is endeavoring to enter new markets.The Company opened a Trading Office in Australia, which started its commercial operations from April 2001. During the year 2000-01, the Company acquired the entire Shareholding in Roto International Limited, by virtue of which Roto International Ltd was made wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. Thereafter, during the period 2003-04, it sold all its holding in Roto International Limited, by which it ceased to be subsidiary. A wholly owned subsidiary company, in the name and style Roto Pumpen GmbH was setup in Germany during the financial year 2011-12. The Company commissioned First Phase project for expansion and modernization of the manufacturing facilities at Greater Noida in 2013-14. It setup a joint venture company in Singapore in April 2014 in the name and style of Roto Overseas Pte Ltd, which acquired a strategic stake of 51% in Ecochem Pumps (Pty) Ltd. The Companys new state of the art manufacturing facilitybecame fully functional during the year 2014-15. It commissioned 2 nos. five axis Mazak CNC Machines capable of carrying multiple operations and manufacturing of intricate profile components;
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