The Board of Directors is pleased to present the business analysis and outlook of Sparkling (India) Finshares Limited based on the current government policies and market conditions. The company is into contacts services as well as trading in Fabrics.
NBFCs have been playing a complementary role to the other financial institutions including banks in meeting the funding needs of the economy. They help fill the gaps in the availability of financial services that otherwise occur in the unbanked & the underserved areas.
The NBFC segment has witnessed considerable growth in the last few years and is now being recognized as complementary to the banking sector due to implementation of innovative marketing strategies, introduction of tailor made products, customer-oriented services, attractive rates of return on deposits and simplified procedures, etc.
NBFCs have been at the forefront of catering to the financial needs and creating livelihood sources of the so-called non bankable masses in the rural and semi-urban areas. Through strong linkage at the grassroots level, they have created a medium of reach and communication and are very effectively serving this segment. Thus, NBFCs have all the key characteristics to enable the government and regulator to achieve the mission of financial inclusion in the given time.
The Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) Sector is still struggling for its growth in India. The NBFC Sector is doing much better all over the world as compared to Asian Countries as the general perception about NBFC in the mind of public is still hazy.
Sparkling (India) Finshares Limited is an NBFC and is engaged mainly in the business of providing loans and advances to various Corporate. The main objective of the Company is to finance Industrial Enterprises by way of making loans and advances to industrial enterprises in India and to carry out all such activities as may be ancillary to the achievement of main objectives of the Company. The industry structure relevant to the Companys operations is mainly concerned with the capital market. The NBFCs have attracted substantial investments during the recent years both from the retail and from the wholesale side. The growth also has been significant during this year.
Your Companys performance for the year 2018- 19 has to be viewed in the context of aforesaid economic and market environment.
The Company is engaged in the business of providing loans and advances. The Company is registered as Non-deposit taking Non-Banking Finance Company with the Reserve Bank of India. Since the asset size of the company is not more than Rs. 100 crores it is presently Non Systemically Important Non Deposit taking NBFC.
Over the years, your Company has achieved an appropriate balance between risk and returns by setting up an efficient risk mitigation system to meet various forms of financial and other risks. The primary risks that the company is exposed to credit risk, market risk and operational risk. Deriving from the long years of experience in NBFC sector your Companys credit policy framework is designed to provide the right balance between business growth and portfolio quality.
Competition continues to be intense, as the Indian and foreign banks have entered the retail lending business in a big way, thereby exerting pressure on margins. The erstwhile providers of funds have now become competitors. NBFCs can sustain in this competitive environment only through optimization of funding costs, identification of potential business areas, widening geographical reach, and use of technology, cost efficiencies, strict credit monitoring and raising the level of customer service.
In todays complex business environment, almost every business decision requires executives and managers to balance risk and reward. Effective risk management is therefore critical to an organizations success. Globalization, with increasing integration of markets, newer and more complex products & transactions and an increasingly stringent regulatory framework has exposed organizations to newer risks. As a result, todays operating environment demands a rigorous and integrated approach to risk management. Timely and effective risk management is of prime importance to our continued success. Increased competition and market volatility has enhanced the importance of risk management. The sustainability of the business is derived from the following:
Identification of the diverse risks faced by the company;
The evolution of appropriate systems and processes to measure and monitor them;
Risk management through appropriate mitigation strategies within the policy framework;
Monitoring the progress of the implementation of such strategies and subjecting them to periodical audit and review;
Reporting these risk mitigation results to the appropriate managerial levels.
The Company has adequate systems of internal control in place, which is commensurate with its size and the nature of its operations. These are designed to provide reasonable assurance with respect to maintaining reliable financial and operational information, complying with applicable statutes, executing transactions with proper authorisation coupled with ensuring compliance of corporate policies through documented Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Limits Of Financial Authority Manual (LOAM). These documents are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis to improve the internal control systems and operational efficiency. The company uses a system to record data for accounting and managing information with adequate security procedure and controls.
The Company, through its own internal audit department supported by an external audit firm, carried out periodic audits based on the plan approved by the audit committee and brought out any deviations to internal control procedures. The observations arising out of audit are periodically reviewed and compliance ensured. The summary of the internal audit observations and status of implementation are submitted to the audit committee. The status of implementation of the recommendations is reviewed by the audit committee on a regular basis.
Companys ERM framework encompasses practices relating to identification, assessment, monitoring and mitigation of strategic, operational, financial and compliance related risks. The coverage includes both internal and external factors. The risks identified are prioritised based on their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. Risk register and internal audit findings also provide input for risk identification and assessment. The prioritised risks along with the mitigation plan are discussed with the Board Committees on periodic basis. The Company has, during the year internally conducted the Risk Assessment exercise for reviewing the existing processes of identifying, assessing and prioritizing risks. Mitigation plans have been defined for the prioritised risks and same are being reviewed for adherence periodically.
The Risk Management Committee shall periodically review the risks and report to the Board of Directors from time to time.
The Company is engaged in a single segment.
People remain the most valuable asset of your Company. Your Company is professionally managed with senior management personnel having rich experience and long tenure with the Company. Your Company follows a policy of building strong teams of talented professionals. Your Company encourages, appreciates and facilitates long term careers. Your Company continues to build on its capabilities in getting the right talent to support different products and geographies and is taking effective steps to retain the talent. The Company continues to focus on training programs for skill development, compliance and improved customer experience.
The financial performance of the Company during the year under reference was reasonably good.
For detailed information, please refer to Directors Report, which forms part of this Annual Report.
There are certain statements in this report which the Company believes are forward looking. The forward looking statements stated in this report could significantly differ from the actual results due to certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to economic developments, Government actions, etc.
Sparkling (India) Finshares Limited | ||
Place: New Delhi | Cheruka Sagarika | Gandikota Yadagiri |
Date: 11.10.2019 | Director | Director |
DIN: 07167996 | DIN: 07225373 |
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