Stelco Strips Ltd Share Price Management Discussions
a) Industry Structure and Developments
The business line of your Company comprises of flat steel products
entailing cold rolled (CR) ,galvanized plain(GP) and galvanized corrugated
(GC) steel sheets/coils/strips which fall under the single business segment
of Steel.
Indian steel industry is highly fragmented particularly in downstream
segment with large number of organized and unorganized players. It can be
broadly classified into primary and secondary sectors. The primary sector
produces billets, ingots, hot rolled coils, plates. These form raw
materials for the secondary sector which produces pipes, cold rolled &
galvanized products. The operations of your Company are in secondary steel
segment with product mix of cold rolled and galvanized steel sheets/strips
catering to automobile, hardware, housing, consumer durables,
infrastructure and other engineering sectors. The gloomy global
macroeconomic environment coupled with slackening of growth in domestic
market poses major challenges for the overall steel sector including your
company s plans of revival.
b) Companys Performance:
The operations of your company have been meager during 2011-12 due to
stifling liquidity crunch caused by erosion of net worth/working capital by
accumulated losses . The turnover & other income of the company for the
year 2011-12 sharply decreased to Rs. 9.57 crores in comparison to Rs.44.38
crores in the previous year 2010-11. The net loss for financial year ended
31st March,2012 is Rs. 5.15 crores.
Your company has filed reference with the Board for Industrial and
Financial Reconstruction(BIFR) under Section 15(1) of Sick Industrial
Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 on 08.02.2012 and it stands
registered vide Case No. 27/2012.
Your company continued to be in default to the lending banks in meeting
financial commitments in view of operational and financial constraints but
it adopted proactive approach to address this grim situation by pursing one
time/negotiated settlement of bank dues by hiving off /sale of plant
facilities and balance by private arrangement of funds by promoters
including provision for paying off statutory dues.
During the course of discussions for settlement of dues with lead banker
viz. State Bank of Patiala and prior to the culmination of these
discussions into approval of One Time Settlement (OTS) envisaging inter-
alia proposal of sale of companys plant facilities at G.T.Road, Doraha to
an affiliate of an internationally recognized steel conglomerate in India ,
the company received demand notice dated 13.02.2012 under Section 13(2) of
the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement
of Security Interest Act (SARFAESI) Act, 2002 from State Bank of Patiala
inter-alia calling upon the company and its directors/ guarantors payment
of amounts mentioned in the notice together with interest etc. within 60
(sixty) days from the receipt of the notice & restraining transfer by
sale/lease or otherwise of secured assets.
Your company replied to this notice and requested State Bank of Patiala for
its withdrawal to facilitate contemplated transactions of sale in its
approved OTS to be completed without any threat or apprehension of proposed
action under SARFAESI Act,2002. However the bank did not accept request for
the withdrawal of the notice but terms of OTS were not agitated .
Your company vigorously stepped up efforts for negotiated settlement of
dues with other lending banks so as to implement the conditions attendant
in One Time Settlement scheme approved by the lead banker. However these
efforts of your company was constrained by the fact that each of the other
lending/consortium banks have its own system / mechanism of considering and
approving settlement of dues including granting of concessions /sacrifices
even on the lines of those approved by the lead banker. Consequently the
financial year was scheduled to be extended so as to close on 30th
September ,2012 so that the financial year itself depicts the outcome of
one time/ negotiated settlement of dues being pursued with the banks.
However uncertainty still persists as to implementation of the one time
settlement/ negotiated settlement of dues before 30th September, 2012 . So
it was decided not to go ahead with the extension of the financial year and
continue to adopt usual annual closure of 31st March
c) Dividend
The directors regret their inability to declare any dividend in view of
d) Outlook & SWOT Analysis
The operations of your company are presently standstill with the wiping out
of its net worth /working capital by losses resulting into disconnection of
electricity connection of both plants and mopping up of bank & statutory
dues in the nature of provident fund, employees state insurance, income tax
etc. There are apprehensions of threatened litigations.
Against this backdrop ,your company proposes to take measures for
rehabilitation/revival of operations in consultation /approval of the
lending banks /BIFR and is of confident of positive outcome in view of
following areas of strength and opportunities despite exposed to
threats/weakness as stated below :
1. Independently located 2(two) manufacturing facilities - any of which can
be hived off / disinvested for long term viability of the company.
2. Surplus moveable assets to infuse liquidity through sale with the
permission of the lending banks/BIFR.
3. Manufacturing units having intrinsic strength & economic values to get
replaced with alternate market oriented manufacturing lines /supplement the
existing facilities.
4. Strategic advantage of being located in industry friendly area having
all infrastructural amenities.
1. Stifling liquidity/working capital crunch presently constraining the
operations of the company.
2. Working capital intensive nature of existing operations of the company &
tightening of available trade credit.
3. Erosion of net worth of the company
4. Volatile economic scenario
1. Expected reliefs/concessions under SICA ,1985 including suspension of
legal proceedings to assist rehabilitation of the company in the interest
of all stakeholders if the company gets registered as Sick Industrial
undertaking .
2. Revival of operations if working capital concerns are addressed .
3. Being listed company, infusion of funds / liquidity through private
arrangements /strategicinvestors if adjustments /set off in
disproportionate levels of debts /dues through debt rehabilitation plan are
permitted without proposed takeover /sale of units under SARFAESI Act, 2002
1. Disruption of relationships with lenders and creditors and legal
proceedings thereof
2. Loss of business from customers on account of supply constraints
3. Credit risk that can arise from deterioration in the financial health of
any customers
4. Loss of key managerial personnel/manpower leaving of company
Internal Control System
Your Company has adequate internal control system commensurate with the
size and nature of business to ensure utilization and protection of assets,
compliance with statutes and proper recording of transactions. M/s.
Parshotam Singla & Associates, Chartered Accountants conducts internal
audit of affairs of your company. Your Company has also an Audit Committee
which inter-alia reviews internal control system of the company from time
to time.
Industrial Relations
Industrial relations remained harmonious during the year under review.
Corporate Governance
Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, Corporate Governance
Report, certifications and Auditors Certificate regarding compliance of
conditions of Corporate Governance are annexed to the Directors Report as
Cautionary Statement
Statements in the Management Discussion and Analysis Report describing the
Companys expectations, estimates, and projections may constitute forward
looking statements within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations.
Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied.