Titagarh Steels Ltd merged Share Price Management Discussions
(a) Industry Structure and Developments:
The Engineering Industry to which your Company belongs, is one of the key
sectors in the economy for industrial development of the country. Retaining
the high quality, backed by ISO 9002 accreditation by RWTUV, Germany and
most economical utilization of resources are considered to be favorable
factors for the performance of the Company in future.
(b) Opportunities and Threats:
The performance of your Company has a direct relationship with the specific
sectoral development i.e. goods traffic of the Indian railway. The market
has witnessed positive growth, which is corelated with the performance of
the Company. However, in view of stiff competition amongst the
participants, margin of safety depend on internal cost economies along with
efficiency in operations.
(c) Segment-wise or Product-wise performance:
The Company is operating in a single product segment, viz. Steel Casting.
(d) Outlook
In view of the present railway traffic position, it is expected that the
Government will procure good numbers of railway wagons, which if happens,
will help the Company to improve its performance to a great extent.
(e) Risks and Concerns
The performance of your Company is closely linked up with the quantum of
order for railway wagons released by the Indian Railways. Any major
dispersion in the procurement program of the Government will have an impact
on the performance of the Company.
(f) Internal Control Systems and their adequacy
The Company has adequate internal control system to take care of its
operations which in the opinion of the Board of Directors is commensurate
with the nature and size of business of the Company. The Internal Auditor
of the Company is regularly carrying out auditing in all the key areas of
the operations. Additionally the Audit Committee is reviewing all Audit
Plans and Reports with significant control issues raised by internal and
external audit.. Regular Reports on the Business Development of the past
and future plans are given to the Board of Directors. Internal Audit
Reports are regularly circulated for perusal of senior Management and
issuance of appropriate directives to comply with the findings.
(g) Discussion on financial performance with respect to operational
The operations of the Company were impacted by Slowdown in the economy.
However, the Company follows good management practices to bring improvement
in the performance.
(h) Material developments in Human Resources/industrial Relations front,
including number of people employed
The Company values continuous training and development of the human
resources with the objective of promoting a professional and productive
culture. The Company is maintaining good employee relations and no man-days
were lost during the year due to employees unrest. The Company has 231
employees as on 31st March, 2009.