Engaged in the manufacture of cotton yarn, synthetic blended yarn, hosiery yarn and sewing threads, Bhilwara Spinners Ltd. is controlled by the Bhilwara Group of Rajasthan. A subsidiary of Rajasthan Spinning & Weaving, it became an independent Company in 1990-91. It exports to countries in Western Europe and East Asia.Bhilwara Spinners came out with a public issue in Apr.93 to part-finance its modernisation and to augment its working capital. A cost overrun of Rs 45 lac, was met through internal accruals.In 1995-96, the company undertook a balancing-cum-modernisation and expansion programme costing Rs 22.78 cr and as a result, 3840 spindles are added. The 4.25 MW Power project was completed in October,1998. he company completed the installation of 3 Autoconers and 8 Two for one twisters. The Scheme of Amalgamation of the Company M/s Rajasthan Spinning & Weaving Mills Limited was effective in view of the order of the Honble High Court of Rajasthan,Jodhpur passed during 2000-01. The Company made a reference to BIFR about accumulated losses resulting in erosion of the Net Worth of the Company.During year 2023, the Company started a New Plant of 60 Looms having Capacity production of 116 lac. Mtr. Denim fabric per year.
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