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Coral India Finance & Housing Ltd Management Discussions

Mar 6, 2025|03:40:34 PM

Coral India Finance & Housing Ltd Share Price Management Discussions

FiscalOverall yearBusiness 2024 had Environment its own set and of challenges,Economy ranging from geo political issues (between Israel and Gaza), supplyside disruptions in the Red Sea, to persistent inflation, repercussions,tightening monetaryall contributingpolicies, andto a ongoingdecline inpandemicgrowth. globalAccording to the World Economic Output (WEO) update,growth slowed from 3.5% in CY2022 to 3.0% in CY2023.to counterCentralinflationaryBanks raisedpressures.interestDespiterates inchallengesCY2023 suchmajoraseconomiessupply chainreceiveddisruptionssupportandfromelevatedfiscal stimulus,inflation, monetarygreen initiatives, and technological investments.policies, trade agreements, international aid, global headwinds. Indias growth scenario continued to beThe Indian economy continues to strengthen despite the comparedrobust while the disinflationary phase was shallower whento developed economies in FY24. This guided domesticRBI held the policy rates at restrictive levels of 6.5% sincemonetary policy to be actively disinflationary; February 2023 while effectively modulatingsituation the liquidity ForOutlook FY2024-25, growth, while still healthy, may see a moderationhigh interest rates and lower fiscal impulse would temperto 6.8%-7% as per various estimates due to thedemandunevenandeconomicthe net taxgrowthimpactof wouldsome tradingnormalize.partnersAlso, adverse effect. and escalation of geopolitical uncertainties can have an 25The World Bank expects India to grow by 6.6% in FY2024- after an estimated growth of 7.5% in the previous financial year. dueAlthoughto risingthe interestshort-termrates,outlookexternalappearssupply shocks,challengingand appropriategeopolitical tensions, we believe the government is takingmeasures to ensure a sustainable growth this year strongly supports the long-term growth of Indiastrajectory for the country. The union budget presented andreal estate sector through its focus on urban infrastructurethe digital economy. The governments significantly expandedexpected tocapitalgenerateexpenditurejob opportunitiestarget forandthestimulateyear is higher economic activity IndustryBusiness Segment Review Structure and Developments & Companys Performance Thesegments viz, Construction and Investments. Despite someCompanys business is divided into two reportable maximize the profits of the Company and the stakeholdersduring the year. Your directors are trying their best to as a whole. TheConstruction CompanysSegment business is divided into two reportable wassegmentsa milestoneviz, Constructionyear for Indiasand realInvestments.estate sector,FY2024with arecord-breakingnotable increasesalesin andnew sustainedlaunches, growth.inventoryDespitelevels strongremained stable or decreased in tier-1 cities, highlightingdemand. The residential segment excelled, driven consumer preferences. The demand for Commercial officeby stable interest rates, a robust economy, and evolving trends and global economic slowdown, while the retail realspace recovered from slowdown induced by remote work pandemic consumption levels.estate sector experienced a robust revival, surpassing pre-DuringConstruction activity is 871.81 Lakhs compared to the year under review, the income from the 1692.98of 48.50% as compared to previous year. Rent Income isLakhs in the previous year, showing a decline shownproperty shown as investment. under investment segment as it is derived from Investment FY24 was anSegment outstanding year for the Indian stock marketsyears performanceseeing an incredibleand generatingrise, outperforminginvestors priorwith globalsubstantialcounterparts,wealth. Thisshowcasinggrowth outpacedthe marketsthat resilienceof many budget and the election, made the financial year volatile. and strength. But, several domestic factors, including the theMarketIndianexpertsfinancialpredictmarketsthat thewill optimisticcontinue trendinto thein fiscalby eventsyear happening2025, with aroundvolatilitythemostlyworld.beingIt is triggeredbelieved including retail investors, HNIs, and DIIs, would supportthat strong participation from domestic investors, budget and the election, made the financial year volatile.the markets. But, several domestic factors, including the whichMany other countries are also having elections this year,will probably add to the already high level of potentialvolatility so, it is crucial to remain vigilant and monitorrisks, such as global financial conditions and the Indian equities market. domestic policy changes, as they can significantly impact Duringactivities is 2185.34 Lakhs as compared to 1364.04 the year under review, income from Investment compared to previous year. Investment incomeLakhs in the previous year, showing a growth of 60.21% as

Discussion on financial performance with respect to operational performance: ( in Lakhs except EPS)



YoY growth
Revenue from Operations including Other Income 2023-24 3057.15 2022-23 3065.41 (0.27)
Profit before Interest, Depreciation and Taxes 2366.53 2240.91 5.61
a. Finance Cost 0.25 0.20
b. Depreciation 8.40 8.87
c. Provision for Taxation (including Deferred Tax) 281.14 399.83
Total Comprehensive Income/Loss (II) Net Profit for the Year (I) 2076. 3516.74 1832.01 876.77 301.10 13.36
Balance Profits for the earlier years 12620.70 10909.59
Less: Dividend paid on Equity Shares (120.91) (120.91)
Balance carried forward 14576.53 12620.70
Earnings Per Share (EPS) (Face Value of 2/- each) 5.15 4.55 13.19

Note: Previous years figures have been regrouped / reclassified wherever correspond with the current years classification / disclosure and may not be comparable with the figures reported earlier. necessary in conformity with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) to

Companys During the financial year 2023-24: Performance Over view

• Duringreduction in the total income to 3057.15 Lakhs the financial year 2023-24, there is a slight marginal decline of (0.27)%. as against 3065.41 Lakhs in the previous year - a

• Employeeoperations increased to 3.80% ( 105.18 Lakhs) as cost as a percentage to revenue from increase of 14.80%. against 3.31% ( 97.92 Lakhs) in the previous year an

• Otheroperations increased to 10.26% ( 283.94 Lakhs) as expense as a percentage to revenue from an increase of 22.87%. against 8.35% ( 246.70 Lakhs) in the previous year

• Totalincreased to 2076.74 Lakhs against 1,832.01 Lakhs Profit after tax for the current year has been in the previous financial year – a growth of 13.36 %.

Total Earning per share for the current year is 5.15 against 4.55 in the previous financial year a growth of 13.19%.

Material developments in Human Resources /

Your Company considers Human Resource as key driversIndustrial: tothetheenvironment,growth of thethe Company.managementWithputa rapidthe wholechangingeffortsin with the training and development at frequent intervals.for the betterment of the employees to face the challenges financial year) from FY 2022- 23 to FY 2021-22:of 25% or more as compared to the immediately previous

Debtors Turnover (in times)







Inventory Turn over Ratio (in times)







Current Ratio







Reason: Increasi e in working capital.

Return on Net i








Operating Prof

it Margin







Reason: Decreas e in operating profit.

Interest Coverage Ratio: Not Applicable Debt Equity Ratio: time of drawing this report. Actual results may be materially different from those expressed in the statement. ImportantStatements on the Management Discussion and Analysis and current years outlook are Managements perception at theCautionary Statement their prices both domestic and global, changes in Government regulations, tax laws, economic developments within thefactors that could influence the Companys operations include demand and supply conditions, availability of inputs and country and other factors such as litigation and industrial relations.

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