Global growth is projected to be in line with the April 2024 World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast, at 3.2 percent in 2024 and 3.3 percent in 2025.
Services inflation is holding up progress on disinflation, which is complicating monetary policy normalization. Upside risks to inflation have thus increased, raising the prospect of higher for even longer interest rates, in the context of escalating trade tensions and increased policy uncertainty. The policy mix should thus be sequenced carefully to achieve price stability and replenish diminished buffers.
(Source: World Economic Outlook Update, July 2024: The Global Economy in a Sticky Spot (
India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world and is poised to continue on this path, with aspirations to reach high middle-income status by 2047, the centenary of Indian independence. It is also committed to ensuring that its continued growth path is equipped to deal with the challenges of climate change, and in line with its goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2070.
The growth of the past two decades has also led to India making remarkable progress in reducing extreme poverty. Between 2011 and 2019, the country is estimated to have halved the share of the population living in extreme poverty - below $2.15 per person per day (2017 PPP) (World Bank Poverty and Inequality Portal and Macro Poverty Outlook, Spring 2023). In recent years, however, the pace of poverty reduction has slowed especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, but has since moderated in 2021-22.
Certain challenges persist. Inequality in consumption continues, with a Gini index of around 35 over the past two decades. Child malnutrition has remained high, with 35.5 percent of children under the age of 5 years being stunted, with the figure rising to 67 percent for children in the 659 months age group. Headline employment indicators have improved since 2020 but concerns remain about the quality of jobs created and the real growth in wages, as well as around the low participation of women in the labour-force.
Indias aspiration to achieve high income status by 2047 will need to be realized through a climate-resilient growth process that delivers broad-based gains to the bottom half of the population. Growth-oriented reforms will need to be accompanied by an expansion in good jobs that keeps pace with the number of labour market entrants. At the same time, gaps in economic participation will need to be addressed, including by bringing more women into the workforce.
The World Bank is partnering with the government in this effort by helping strengthen policies, institutions, and investments to create a better future for the country and its people through green, resilient, and inclusive development.
Economic Outlook
After real GDP contracted in FY20/21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, growth bounced back strongly in FY21/22, supported by accommodative monetary and fiscal policies and wide vaccine coverage. Consequently, in 2022, India emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, despite significant challenges in the global environment - including renewed disruptions of supply lines following the rise in geopolitical tensions, the synchronized tightening of global monetary policies, and inflationary pressures.
In FY22/23, Indias real GDP expanded at an estimated 6.9 percent. Growth was underpinned by robust domestic demand, strong investment activity bolstered by the governments push for investment in infrastructure, and buoyant private consumption, particularly among higher income earners. The composition of domestic demand also changed, with government consumption being lower due to fiscal consolidation.
Since Q3 FY22/23, however, there have been signs of moderation, although the overall growth momentum remains robust. The persisting headwinds - rising borrowing costs, tightening financial conditions and ongoing inflationary pressures - are expected to weigh on Indias growth in FY23/24. Real GDP growth is likely to moderate to 6.3 percent in FY23/24 from the estimated 6.9 percent in FY22/23.
Both the general government fiscal deficit and public debt to GDP ratio increased sharply in FY20/21 and have been declining gradually since then, with the fiscal deficit falling from over 13 percent in FY20/21 to an estimated 9.4 percent in FY22/23. Public debt has fallen from over 87 percent of GDP to around 83 percent over the same period. The consolidation has largely been driven by an increase in revenues and a gradual withdrawal of pandemic-related stimulus measures. At the same time, the government has remained committed to increasing capital spending, particularly on infrastructure, to boost growth and competitiveness.
(Source: India Overview: Development news, research, data : World Bank )
At a time when fake news is more in circulation, readers have appreciated much more than ever before the importance of newspaper and the efforts of its journalists who even taking risk of life have worked hard to present the facts before them. This is why, despite several roadblocks in the way of delivery of newspapers, circulation started increasing quickly after initial drop to a record low level immediately after the first and Second lockdown.
Circulation continues to be less than normal due to continued restrictions but once lockdown is lifted, it will not take much time to reach where it was. This phase is also fortifying the fact that readers do not pay for number of pages in a copy of newspaper. They pay for the content. Reduction in pages per copy in absence of advertisement is not deterring readers from paying the cover prices. Publishers should take note of it, stop commoditizing the newspaper and focus on improving content if they have to recover right price of content.
Print advertising is one of the oldest and most widespread forms of media, which includes newspapers and consumer magazines. It is a creative, engaging, versatile and readily available form of advertising easily accessible to most people across the globe. In addition, it offers numerous advantages, such as in-depth analysis, coverage of events and mass circulation of quick, inexpensive, and tangible news and advertisements. As a result, it is widely preferred by advertisers worldwide. As far as current year is concerned, print industry is likely to record the highest ever de-growth in revenues but the comfort is that it should be in position to mitigate the impact to a large extent from saving in newsprint cost due to moderated newsprint prices which are likely to remain stable and saving in pages per copy. Besides this, austerity measures being applied to reduce fixed cost will immensely help.
There is no denying the fact that none of us may have seen time like this in our life time but at the same time these difficult times are also offering ample opportunity in many ways to improve sustainability of our businesses. Some of these areas to be looked at closely are increasing cover prices to level where selling newspaper itself makes business profitable, pricing the online content whether to be used by publisher on his own platform or by others on their platforms and sustaining most of the cost savings achieved now for future.
Print media companies are taking cover price hikes and rationalizing newsprint consumption to combat the situation. Still, their operating margins are expected to shrink to 6.0-6.5% this fiscal, from 9.0-9.5% last fiscal, according to the assessment of CRISIL-rated print media companies that account for 40% of the sectors revenues.
Madhya Pradesh Today Media Limited Published its newspaper called "Pradesh Today" remained Madhya Pradesh Third most-widely read morning newspaper with highest readers across the Madhya Pradesh. It remained the undisputed leader in Madhya Pradesh, as it retained its No.1 position as the leading Hindi daily evening newspaper. The newspaper is published from different cities and has supplements for respective cities. Pradesh Today is Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh most emerging Hindi daily. The newspaper spins out 11 editions.
The print industry in India continues to grow, riding on the back of demographic and socioeconomic factors, rising literacy levels, improved penetration and hyper-localisation of news. The readership of the print medium is increasing at a slower pace with the global expansion of digital medium.
The diverse cultures and languages in the country ensure a strong depth in regional language readership. Vernacular newspaper covers more local news and serves as a medium to express grievances and aspirations of its readers. Moreover, localisation has led to the publishing of multi-edition newspapers, combining national content with regional news and expanding their content diversity with supplements. This hyper localization has helped in adding more local advertisers to the overall pie.
Availability of good quality newsprint, advanced printing technology and equipment has made growth of vernacular newspapers commercially viable. This is leading to the constant expansion of newspapers even into small cities and towns. Indias newspaper distribution chain is unique and multi-tiered. Newspapers are sold through an extensive network of agents and vendors who offer door-to-door delivery services to the readers.
The Companys Total Revenue of Rs. 2155.70 Lakhs in the FY 2023-24 as against Rs. 2181.37 Lakhs in the FY 2022-23, registering a -1.17% decline over the Previous Year.
The Companys Net Profit Before Tax decreased to Rs. 360.25 Lakhs in the FY 2023-24 as against Rs. 346.54 Lakhs in the FY 2022-23 registering a 3.96% increase over the Previous Year.
The Companys Net Profit after Tax decreased to Rs. 252.63 Lakhs in the FY 2023-24 as against Rs. 243.88 Lakhs in the FY 2022-23, registering a 3.58% increase over the Previous Year.
During the year under review, the Company has not issued any dividend to its Members of the Company.
The Company has a robust risk management framework to manage and mitigate risks arising from external and internal factors. A risk identification exercise is carried out periodically to identify various strategic, operational, financial and compliance-related risks and these are evaluated for their likelihood and potential impact.
Few risks and uncertainties that can affect the business are adverse macroeconomic conditions influencing revenue growth, technological changes impacting media consumption patterns, Supply chain.
Potential risks are reviewed periodically and are managed as an integral part of decisionmaking. To sustain its competitive edge and to stay ahead of the curve, the Company has taken various initiatives. These initiatives include enhancing the existing technological capabilities and digital properties, training and empowering employees, expanding geographic presence and continue investing in print facilities.
The COVID-19 declared a pandemic by WHO has caused socio economic disruption to the extent that the economic activities have come to grinding halt since the nationwide lockdown. Imposition of lockdown and its restrictions which include prohibition of even movement, are being modified gradually with the commencement of economic activities which are expected to be normalised at least in the near future.
This has created an unprecedented environment which will result in significant de-growth in revenues, moderate to significant loss of profit or even loss and impairment of organisations liquidity. Even post lockdown, industries like media industry which are dependent on discretionary spend will find it hard to come back to their normal level of operations, revenues, profits and liquidity. Accordingly, the pandemic poses a great threat to the existence of media & entertainment industry more than any other. We also expect this crisis may trigger consolidation in the industry.
Our offices situated in different cities i.e. Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, Rewa, Katni, Raipur, Delhi, Ahmadabad, Jaipur, and many more cities of the India. Some of the offices have been taken on Lease and Rental; These offices are situated in different cities, which is our Strength and contributing in company growth. We are receiving day to day feedback from these offices and getting updated news from these offices. These offices are supporting in following manner:
I. Receiving day to day feedback;
II. Getting updated news of cities through our strong editorial team;
III. Quick & Easy approach to manage work on the spot.
IV. Workload can be balanced upon demand;
V. Coordination and communication between customers and stakeholders;
VI. Quicker response to customer request;
VII. Healthy competition among divisions that boost overall business;
VIII. Focus on customers needs and preferences;
IX. Promotes self-management by employees (greater job satisfaction because of more involvement);
X. Faster decision making, reduced cycle time and improved responsiveness to customers;
XI. Enables organization to use its resources efficiently (provides flexibility to assign staff to project requirements and reassign as needed);
XII. Provides individuals an opportunity to work with different skills and expertise.
We have following Offices including Unit Office all over India:
Location | S. No. | Office Type |
01 | Registered Office | Bhopal |
02 | Corporate Office | Indore |
03 | Unit Office | Jabalpur |
04 | Unit Office | Indore |
05 | Unit Office | Gwalior |
06 | Unit Office | Rewa |
07 | Unit Office | Katni |
08 | Unit Office | Raipur |
09 | Unit Office | Delhi |
10 | Unit Office | Mumbai |
11 | Unit Office | Ahmedabad |
12 | Unit Office | Jaipur |
13 | Unit Office | Ujjain |
14 | Unit Office | Chhindwara |
15 | Unit Office | Sagar |
The Company has an effective system of internal control corresponding with its size, nature of business and complexity of operations. It ensures accurate, reliable and timely compilation of financial and management information reports and optimum utilization of organization resources. The internal control mechanism comprises a well-defined organizational structure with clearly defined authority levels and documented policies, guidelines and procedures covering all business areas and functions.
These systems have been designed to safeguard the assets and interests of the Company, and also ensure compliance with the Companys policies, procedures and applicable regulations.
The internal control system is supplemented with an extensive program of internal audits and their reviews by the management. The in-house internal audit function supported by professional external audit firms conducted comprehensive risk focused audits across locations and functions to maintain a proper system of control.
Pradesh Today considers employees as its most vital and valuable assets and major strength. The employees are trained for necessary soft and hard skills on a regular basis.
Pradesh Today values performance and employees are paid basis their performance throughout the year. The Company has in place, strict policies for womens safety in the workplace. It is fully compliant with the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. The Companys formulated policy in this regard is available company website
Pradesh Today has created a logical and necessary workforce plan for each function. It is based on each role and requirements of each function. The Company engaged external consultants for the purpose. This has helped the Company acquire an optimum Manpower Plan for the year under review.
Pradesh Today identified a framework for key competencies required at every work level. This helped to recognise key print functions including media marketing (ad sales), circulation, marketing, finance and HR. This Framework was used for the development of employees to take over larger roles.
Statement in the Managements Discussion and Analysis describing the Companys objectives, projections, estimate, expectations on a go "forward - looking statements" are within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied. Important factors that could influence the Companys operations include economic developments within the country, demand and supply conditions in the industry, input prices, changes in government regulations, tax laws and other factors such as litigation and industrial relations.
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