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Poona Dal and Oil Industries Ltd Management Discussions

Oct 23, 2024|09:09:00 AM

Poona Dal and Oil Industries Ltd Share Price Management Discussions


The Indian economy In FY 2023-24 has shown resilience despite global challenges, with particular emphasis on the oil and agro-industries. Heres an overview with respect to these sectors:

1. Macroeconomic Overview GDP Growth:

Indias GDP growth remained robust, with estimates ranging around 5-7%. This growth has been driven by a recovery in consumption, increased government spending, and a revival in industrial activities.


Inflationary pressures have persisted, primarily due to rising commodity prices, including crude oil. However, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has managed inflation through monetary tightening, with repo rate hikes aiming to control price levels.

Currency Fluctuations:

The Indian Rupee experienced fluctuations against the US Dollar, influenced by global economic uncertainties, rising interest rates in the US, and the impact of oil prices on the trade deficit.

2. Impact on the Oil Industry Crude Oil Prices and Imports:

India, being heavily dependent on crude oil imports, faced challenges due to volatility in global oil prices. The fluctuating prices impacted the cost of production and transportation, affecting the overall economy,

Domestic Oil Production:

Efforts to increase domestic oil production were made through policy reforms and incentives. However, production levels remained below the growing demand, keeping the dependence on imports high.

Renewable Energy Shift:

The government continued to push for renewable energy alternatives, with investments in biofuels and solar energy. This shift is part of Indias long-term strategy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and improve energy security.

3. Impact on Agro-Industry Agricultural Output:

The agriculture sector saw stable growth, supported by favorable monsoon conditions and government initiatives like the PM-KISAN scheme, which provided direct income support to farmers. The sector remains a significant contributor to the economy, employing a large portion of the population.

Rural Demand:

Rural demand, closely tiedto agricultural income, showed signs of recovery. This was reflected In the increased sales of consumer goods, fertilizers, and agrochemicals, which are crucial for crop production.


India continued to be a major exporter of agricultural products, with significant exports of rice, wheat, spices, and other commodities. The governments focus on boosting exports through improved infrastructure and logistics has started to show results.

Challenges in the Agro-Industry:

The sector faced challenges such as rising input costs, particularly for fertilizers and pesticides, due to global supply chain disruptions. Additionally, smallholder farmers continued to struggle with issues related to market access and price volatility.

4. Government Policies and Reforms Atmanirbhar Bharat Initiative:

Under the Atmanirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant India) initiative, the government promoted domestic manufacturing and reduced import dependence. In the agro sector, this included promoting indigenous seed production, farm mechanization, and agro-processing.

Incentives for Agro-Industries:

The government introduced several incentives for the agro-industries, including subsidies for irrigation, credit facilities for farmers, and support for value-added agriculture.

Focus on Sustainable Agriculture:

There was a growing emphasis on sustainable agricultural practices, including organic farming and water conservation techniques, The government launched several schemes to promote the use of micro-irrigation and reduce the carbon footprint of farming activities.

5. Outlook for FY 24-25 Oil Industry:

The oil sector is expected to continue facing challenges due to global price volatility and the transition towards renewable energy. However, government policies aimed at boosting domestic production and exploring alternative energy sources will likely mitigate some risks.


The agro-industry is poised for steady growth, supported by continued government support, technological advancements, and an improving rural economy, Challenges such as climate change, Input costs, and market access need to be addressed to sustain this growth.


1. Strengths

Strong Agricultural Base:

Maharashtra has a robust agricultural sector, with significant production of pulses like tur (pigeon pea), chana (gram), and urad (black gram). The states diverse agro-climatic conditions support the cultivation of a variety of pulses.

Large Consumer Base:

India, with its large population, has a high and steady demand for pulses and edible oils. Maharashtra, being one of the most populous states, represents a significant market for these products.

Established Processing Industry:

Maharashtra has well-established processing units for pulses and edible oils, including modern mills and refineries. The state is a major producer of besan (gram flour) and has numerous small to large-scale processing units.

Government Support:

The Indian government, along with the Maharashtra state government, provides various subsidies, minimum support prices (MSP), and other incentives to support farmers and the agro-processing industry,

2. Weaknesses Dependence on Monsoons:

A significant portion of agriculture in Maharashtra is rain-fed, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in monsoon rains. Inconsistent rainfall can lead to lower yields and reduced availability of raw materials for processing.

Infrastructure Gaps:

Despite improvements, there are still gaps in rural infrastructure, including storage facilities, transportation, and supply chain logistics. These gaps can lead to post-harvest losses and inefficiencies in the distribution of pulses and oils.

Fragmented Market:

The industry is highly fragmented, with many small and unorganized players. This fragmentation can lead to inefficiencies, lack of standardization, and challenges In scaling up operations.

Low Awareness of Quality Standards:

There Is often a lack of awareness about quality standards among both producers and consumers. This can affect the marketability of products, especially in international markets where quality standards are stringent,

3. Opportunities

Rising Health Awareness:

Increasing awareness of health and nutrition is driving demand for pulses and edible oils that are rich in protein and healthy fats. Products like atta (whole wheat flour) and cold-pressed oils are gaining popularity among healthconscious consumers,

Export Potential:

There is significant potential for exporting processed pulses and edible oils, especially to countries with large Indian diaspora populations. Maharashtra, with its proximity to major ports like Mumbai, is well-positioned to take advantage of this opportunity,

Value-Added Products:

There is growing demand for value-added products such as packaged atta, ready-to-cook dal, organic besan, and fortified edible oils. Investing in product innovation and branding can help capture a larger market share.

Government Initiatives:

Initiatives like Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) and the National Food Security Mission (NFSM) provide opportunities for businesses to invest in food processing and agro-infrastructure development.

4. Threats

Price Volatility:

The industry is exposed to significant price volatility, particularly in the case of edible oils, where global commodity prices can impact domestic prices. Fluctuating prices of raw materials like oilseeds can also affect profitability.

Climate Change:

The increasing impact of climate change poses a serious threat to agriculture, leading to unpredictable weather patterns, droughts, and floods, which can adversely affect the production of pulses and oilseeds.

Competition from Imports:

The Indian market, including Maharashtra, faces competition from imported pulses and edible oils, particularly palm oil, which is cheaper and more readily available. This can put pressure on domestic producers and processors.

Regulatory Challenges:

Frequent changes in government policies, such as import-export regulations, MSP adjustments, and food safety standards, can create an uncertain business environment. This uncertainty can affect planning and investment decisions In the Industry.

• Internal control systems and their adequacy

The Company has adequate internal control systems with appropriate controls and checks. Effective measures a re taken to ensure that all assets of the Company are protected and all transactions are recorded in conformity with accepted accounting principles. As stated in the report of the board, It is implementation of systems, particularly cost control measures that has resulted in the increased profitability. The internal audit department regularly conducts review of the financial and operating controls in all areas of the Companys operations including transaction checks and significant issues, if any, are brought to the attention of the audit committee.

• Material developments in Human Resources/lndustrial Relations Front including number of people employed.

The Company continues to focus on its core values of quality, integrity, leadership, and respect for people Relations between the Company and the employees continue to be cordial at all locations.

• Cautionary Statement

Statements in this Management Discussion and Analysis describing the Companys objectives, projections, estimates and expectations may be forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Actual results might differ substantially or materially from those expressed or implied. Important developments that could affect the Companys operations include unavailability of finance at competitive rates, competition, significant changes in economic environment in India, regulatory provisions, tax laws, litigations, exchange rate fluctuations, interest and other costs


(Pursuant to 5EBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements), Regulation, 2015 The Directors present the Companys Report on Corporate Governance for the year ended March 31,2024 COMPANYS PHILOSOPHY ON CODE OF GOVERNANCE

Corporate Governance implies to conduct the business in a fair, transparent and ethical manner, aimed at promoting sustainable business and enhancing shareholders value in the long term.

The Companys affairs being managed In a manner which ensures accountability, transparency in all transactions. Transparency in terms of business practices which is done In fair and ethical manner and Accountability In terms of responsibility towards environment in which it operates.

The Board of Directors and Senior Management of your Company not only adhere to legal obedience of applicable laws but goes deeper confirming to ethical practices across the entire functioning of the Company thereby observing the corporate governance principles in its letter and spirit.

Corporate Governance has several key elements viz., Shareholders, Employees, Creditors, Government and Society at large. The three key aspects of corporate governance are accountability, transparency and equality of treatment to stakeholders. In this context, the Companys philosophy on Corporate Governance is:

• To have systems in place which will allow sufficient freedom to the Board of Directors and Management to take decisions towards the progress of the Company and to innovate while remaining within a framework of effective accountability;

• To provide transparent corporate disclosures and high quality accounting practices;

• Timely and proper dissemination of material prices, sensitive information and ensure Insiders do not transact in securities of the Company till such information is made public;

• To adopt good Corporate Governance policies that will contribute to the efficiency of the enterprise, creation of wealth for the shareholders and countrys economy;


The Board functions either as a full Board or through various Committees constituted to oversee specific operational areas. The Board of Directors of your Company along with its Committees provides direction and guidance to the Companys Management and directs, supervises the functioning of the Company. The Board plays an important role in overseeing how the management safeguards the interests of the entire stakeholders Interest and entrusted with the task of managingthe Company directly or through delegation of authority to executive management which provides the Board detailed reports on its performance periodically. The Board of Directors comprises of members having distinguished experience in various field such as management, finance, Import, Export and strategic planning, with considerable professional expertise and experience in business and industry.

(a) Size and Composition of Board of Directors

he Board has an optimum combination of two executive and three non-executive Directors with one woman director and presently fifty percent of the Board comprises of Independent Directors. All three non-executive directors are Independent Directors. The Chairman of the Company is an Executive Director.

(b) Directors Compensation and Disclosures

The Non-Executive Directors on the Board of the Company are not paid sitting fees for attending the Board Meeting and meetings of the various committees of the Board of Directors.

(c) Other provisions related to Board and Committees

The Company Secretary circulates the agenda papers and supporting documents well In advance before the respective Board and Committee Meeting. The Board and Audit Committee meet at least four times on quarterly basis in a year to review the quarterly financial statements and meets on need basis on other matters, the gap between two meetings does not exceed four months. The Nomination & Remuneration Committee and Stakeholders Relationship Committee of the Board meets as and when required. Leave of absence was granted to the Directors as and when requested by them. The Board was made available necessary information as required to be placed before the Board as per Regulation 17 (7) of Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,2015 ("SEBI (LODR), 2015"] for their discussion and consideration. As per Regulation 26 of SEBI (LODR), 2015 none of the Directors on the Companys Board Is a member of more than ten committees or Chairman of more than five committees across all listed entities in which he/she is director. All the directors have made necessary disclosure regarding committees positions held by them in other listed entities. None of the directors is having any relation with other directors of the Board.

The com position of Board, attendance at Board meeting during the year under review, number of Directorship, membership and their shareholding in the Company is given as per below table;

Composition of Board of Directors and details of meeting attended:

The details of Board Meetings held during the financial year ended March 31, 2024 are as under

Name of The Director


Board Meeting

Attended Last AGM

Other Directorship

Held Attended Other






Mr.Pradip P. Parakh

Chairman & Managing Director 5 5 Yes NIL Nil Nil

Ligy George

Non-Executive Independent Director 5 5 Yes NIL Nil Nil

Mr. Rakesh V. Singh

Executive Director 5 5 Yes Nil Nil Nil

Mr. Kewalchand M. Muthlyan

Non-Executive Independent Director 5 5 Yes Nil Nil Nil

Mr. Ajinkya Ghogardare

Non-Executive Independent Director 5 5 Yes Nil Nil Nil



Date of the Meetings Board Strength No. of Directors Present


17.04.2023 5 5


27.05.2023 5 5


12.08.2023 5 5


03.11.2023 5 5


08.02.2024 5 5

Attendance of each Director at the Board Meetings held during the financial year 2023-24 and at the last Annual General Meetings is furnished in the above table.

None of the Directors are holding any share in the company as on 31”March 2024.

The required Information as enumerated in Regulation 17(7) of SEBI (Listing Obligation Disclosure Requirement), Regulation, 2015 is made available to the Board of Directors for discussions and considerations at Board Meetings. The Board reviews the declaration made by the Managing Director regarding compliance with all applicable laws on a quarterly basis as also steps taken to remediate instances of non-compliance. The Managing Director and CFO have certified to the Board CEO/CFO Certification for the Financial Year ended March 31, 2024.


To focus effectively on the issues and ensure expedient resolution of diverse matters, the Board has constituted a set off Committees with specific terms of reference / scope. The Committees operate as empowered agents of the Board as per their Charter / terms of reference. Targets set by them as agreed with the management are reviewed periodically and midcourse corrections are also carried out, The minutes of the meetings of all Committees of the Board are placed before the Board for discussions / approvals / noting.


The objective of the Audit Committee is to keep a vigil and oversight on the Managements financial reporting process with a view to ensure timely and transparent disclosures In the financial statements. The terms of reference of the Committee are extensive and include all the requirements as mandated in Regulation 18 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 read with Section 177 (4) of the Companies Act, 2013. The role of the Committee includes meticulous review and monitoring the financial reporting system within the Company and considering un-audited and audited financial results, as may be applicable, for the relevant quarters and year before being adopted by the Board. The Committee also focused its attention on topics such as review of internal audit reports, approval of transactions with related parties, scrutiny of intercorporate loans, evaluation of internal financial controls, review of independence of Auditors, legal compliance reporting system, review of internal control systems, major accounting policies and practices, compliance with accounting standards and risk management. The Committee also continued to advice the management on areas where greater internal audit focus was needed and on new areas to betaken up for audit purpose. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to the Committee. The Committee meetings were also attended by Chief Financial Officer, Accounts and Finance executives, Internal Auditor and Statutory Auditors of the Company as and when required.

The details of composition of the Audit Committee as on 31“ March, 2024 is furnished hereunder:


Members Designation Meeting Held Meeting




Mr. Ajinkya Ghogardare Chairman 4 4


Mr. Kewalchand Muthiyan Member 4 4


Mr. Pradip Parakh Member 4


Note: During the year five meetings of the Audit Committee were held as on 27.05.2023, 12.08.2023, 03.11.2023, 08.02.2024


The composition of Nomination & Remuneration Committee Is as per Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 19 of the SEBI (LODR), 2015,The N&R Committee shall act in terms of reference specified by the Board which is empowered to review the remuneration of the Executive Directors and Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management.

The Remuneration Committee of the Board consists as on date of the following three Independent Directors during the year under review:

Sr. No.

Members Designation


Mr. Kewalchand Muthiyan Chairman


Mr. Ajinkya Ghogardare Member


Ms, Ligy George Member

Note: during the year under review there was one meeting held as on 08.02.2024 by Nomination and Remuneration committee.

Details of the Remuneration of all the Directors:



Name of the Director Salary/Perquisites Bonus/Commission Sitting Fees


Pradip P Parakh Rs. 6,00,000 p,a. NIL NIL


Rakesh V. Singh Rs.2,82,000 p.a. NIL NIL


Ajinkya Ghogardare NIL NIL NIL


Kewalchand Muthiyan NIL NIL NIL


Mrs. Ligy George NIL NIL NIL


The company has not entered In to any pecuniary relationship or transaction with the Non-Executive Directors.

The Remuneration and sitting fees amount In above table is for the financial Year ended March 31, 2024.

Remuneration Policy

r Remuneration to Non-Executive Directors:

At present no remuneration is being paid to Non-Executive Directors either by way of commission or by way of sitting fees. > Remuneration to Managing Director and Works Director:

Remuneration to Managing Director and Whole-time Director is recommended by the Nomination & Remuneration Committee within the ceilings prescribed under Schedule V to the Companies Act, 2013 and is approved by the Board of Directors. No Sitting Fee is paid to the Managing Director and Works Directors.


The Committee considers and resolves the grievances of the shareholders of the Company, including complaints related to transfer of shares, non ? receipt of annual report and non-receipt of declared dividends etc.

Constitution and Composition

The Stakeholders Relationship (Committee constituted as per section 178 and Regulation 20 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulation, 201S

Sr. No.

Members Designation


Mr. Kewalchand Muthiyan Chairperson


Mr. Rakesh V. Singh Member


Mr. Pradip P Parakh Member

The Stakeholders Relationship Committee had authorized Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the company to overview the task of investors servicing and redress their grievances by having fortnightly review calls to take care of requirements related to shareholders queries, re-materialization of shares, issue of duplicate share certificates, issue of new certificates in replacement of those that are torn, defaced, lost or destroyed, spllt/consolidation of share certificates and any other matter as and when received from the shareholders of the Company and maintain the records thereof.

During the financial year no complaint received from the shareholders of the Company

The status on the total number of complaints received during the FY 2023-24, is as follows:-


Sr. No.

Particulars No. of Complaints


Complaints Received Nil


Complaints resolved Nil


Complaints pending Nil



The last two Annual General Body Meetings were held at E-2,Kurkumbh , MIDC, Tal-Daund Dist-Pune 413802 as on 2Sth September,2023 and 30th September,2022 and last year respectively.


During this year there were no Extra Annual General Meeting held.


No postal ballot was conducted during the year under review. At present, there Is no proposal for passing any Special Resolution through postal Ballot.


> There were significant related party transactions that may not have a potential conflict with the interests of the Company at large,

r The Company has complied with various rules and regulations prescribed by Stock Exchanges, Securities and Exchange Board of India or any other Statutory Authority relating to the Capital Markets during the last 3 years. No penalties or strictures have been imposed by them on the Company.

> Employees of the Company have been encouraged to air their views to the audit committee and other constituent committees of the board.

> No dividend was declared for the financial year ended March 31, 2024

> Unclaimed Dividends -The Company has to transfer the unclaimed dividend after a period of seven years from the date It becomes due for payment to the Investor Education and Protection Fund, established by the Central Government.

Shareholders who have not claimed their shares and dividend are requested to correspond with the Link In Time India Private Ltd (Previously Sharex Dynamic (India) Private Limited.

• The Company has formulated a Whistle Blower Policy to establish a vigil mechanism for Directors and employees of the Company to report concerns about unethical behavior actual or suspected fraud or violation of the companys code of conduct or ethics policy.

• The Whistle Blower Policy is available http://www.pdoil.co.in/downloads/WhistleBlower_Pollcy.pdf during the year, no employee was denied access to Audit Committee.

• The familiarization program has been conducted as and when new director is appointed on the Board during the year.

• The Company has formulated policy on Related Party Transactions available on http://www.pdoil.co.ln /downloads/Party_Transaction_Policy.pdfx)

• Nomination Facility under Section 72 of the Companies Act, 2013 (earlier Section 109A of the Companies Act, 1956), provides facility for making nominations by Members in respect of their holding of shares. Such nomination greatly facilitates transmission of shares from the deceased Member to his / her nominee without being required to go through the process of obtaining Succession Certificates / Probate of the Will, etc. It would therefore, be in the best interest of the Members holding shares as a sole holder to make such nomination. Members holding shares in physical mode are advised to write to the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the Company for making nomination. Members holding shares in demat form are advised to contact their DP for making nominations. Members are further requested to quote their E-mail IDs, Telephone / Fax numbers for prompt reply to their communication.


Currently, the audited and un-audited Financial Results are published in newspapers, in accordance with the listing guidelines. They are usually published in Business Standard and NAVRASHTRA. The Company has been sending the results to Bombay Stock Exchange where the shares of the Company are listed. Immediately after approval by the Board.

Stakeholders are requested to visit Website of the Company for detailed information on www.pdoil.co.in


The board has laid down a code of conduct for all Board members and Senior Management Executives of the Company. CEO/CFO DECLARATION

As per the requirement of Regulation 17 (8) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), 2015, a certificate duly signed by CEO and CFO of the Company was placed at the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company held on 25tn May,2024. The same is annexed to the Boards Report.


Certificate of Statutory Auditors has been obtained on the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance in deference to SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulation, 2015 and the same is annexed. Copy of the same is furnished to the Stock Exchanges as required.


Quarterly Audit Reports on reconciliation of the total admitted capital with NSDL / CDSL and the total Issued and listed capital was furnished to the Stock Exchanges on the fallowing dates:

For the Quarter ended Furnished on
30.06. 2023 2807.2023
30.09. 2023 09.10.2023
31.12. 2023 11.01.2024
31.03.2024 22.04.2024



AGM ; Date, time and venue

Friday, 27th September, 2024, 11 a.m. At: E-2, Kurkumbh, MIDC, Tal-Daund, Dist - Pune 413802

Financial Calendar (tentative

June & July 2024 Audited results for the year ended 31.03,2024

and subject to change)

August 2024 Unaudited results for the quarter ended 30,05.2024
September 2024 Annual General Meeting
November 2024 Unaudited results for the quarter ended 30.09.2024
February 2025 Unaudited results for the quarter ended 31.12.2024

Date of Book closure

20Ih September, 2024to 27th September,2024 (both days inclusive)

Listing on Stock Exchange and Stock Code

The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited 519359 Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalai Street,

Mumbai-400 001

Payment of Annual Listing Fees to the Stock Exchanges

Listing Fee has been paid to the Stock Exchange, in which the Companys Equity Shares are listed, till the year ending March 31, 2024


Demat ISIN

The ISIN allotted to the Companys Equity Shares is : INE809E01018

Market Price Data:

High, low and volume during each month In the last financial year Ended 31st March, 2024

Apr-23 58.80 49.40 27723
May-23 57.79 49.50 42299
Jun-23 57.99 49.00 45485
Jul-23 55.40 50.12 39190
Aug-23 58.90 50.11 54720
Sep-23 54.35 53.67 92239
Oct-23 66.99 53.50 83062
Nov-23 75.00 55.70 263531
Dec-23 70.99 58.51 167250


Jan-24 77 48


Feb-24 68.25


Mar-24 65.25



Performance, in comparison




to broad based indices, such




58793.08 58.8 49.4


61002.17 57.79 49.5


62359,14 57.99 49


64836.16 55.4 50,12


64723.63 58.9 50.11


64818.37 64.36 53.57


63092.98 66.99 53.5


63550,46 75 55.7


67149.07 70.99 58.51


70001.6 77.48 60.51


70809.84 68.25 57.1
March 2024


71674.42 65.25 56.89

Registrar and Transfer Agents For shares related matters, Members are requested to correspond with the

Companys Registrars and Transfer Agents ? Link In Time India Pvt Ltd (M/s. Sharex Dynamic (India) Private Limited) quoting their folio no./DP ID & Client ID at the following addresses:



C-101,247 park, LBS Marg,

Vikhroli West, Mumbai-400 083 helpdesk@:inkintime.co,in

Phone: (022) 28515606, 28515644

Share Transfer System All the transfers received are processed at the office of Registrar and Share Transfer

Agent and are approved by the Stakeholders Relationship Committee. Shares Transfers are normally registered and returned within 15 days from the date of lodgment, if documents are complete in all respect

Distribution of shareholding

Shares of nominal No. of

% of Holders

Total % of Amount

as on March 31, 2024

Value Holders Amount
Up to-500 4820


665378 11.55
501-1000 236


195098 3.42
1001-2000 91


136871 2.40
2001 - 3000 29


73238 1.28
3001 - 4000 13


44904 0.79

4001 - 5000

16 0.30



5001 - 10000

21 0.400



10001 and above

16 0.30



5242 100.00


100 00


Pattern of Shareholding as an March 31, 2024

Category No, of Shares % of share holder
Promoters 4017219 70.38
Institutions(Flls) NIL NIL
Non - Institutions
Private Body Corporate NIL NIL
Residential Individuals 1567875 27.47
Others(IEPF) 115200 2.02
MRI 7706 0.25
Clearing Members 0 0.00
TOTAL: 5 100.00


Dematerialization of shares and liquidity

5096775 equity shares in the paid-up capital of the Company were in demateriallzed form as on 31s1 March, 2024. The Company has not issued any GDRs/ADRs/Warrants or any convertible Instruments


GDRs/ADRs/Warrants or any Convertible instruments, conversion date and likely impact on equity

Not Applicable

Plant location:


E 2, Kurkumbh MIDC, Kurkumbh,Tal. Daund,Dist. Pune-413802, Maharashtra, India

Address for correspondence

71/A, Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Hadapsar, Pune - 411013, Maharashtra, India,

Phone: (020)26816020/24

Fax: (020)26816021

E-Mail ID: pdoil^Jpdbmgroup.com

The disclosures of the compliance with corporate governance requirements specified in regulation 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation 46 shall be made


Place: Pune


Date: 9th August,2024


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