Industrial Structure and Developments
Indias Economic status for the year was remained stable. The edible oil sector is characterized by higher competitive intensity with the presence of a large number of national as well regional players. In the edible oil industry, companies have a combination of in-house crushing/refining and outsourcing. The competition in the edible oil industry has increased over the years, evident from the increasing pace of product launches and variants, greater marketing push by companies and their efforts to expand geographic presence.
Indias Economic status for the year has been stable. With Consumer price index and current account deficit under control, markets have rebounded. The Export market did not rise up to the expectations. Volatility of Indian Rupee was under control. The Economy has shown remarkable resilience to both external and domestic shocks. The country had good and timely rains which contributed to Countrys growth.
Your companys performance for the year 2023-24 may be viewed in the context of the above mentioned economic/ marketenvironment.
Opportunities and Threats
The demand for edible oils in India has shown a steady growth, driven by increasing population, rising income levels and living standards. Moreover, edible oils have a favourable demand growth outlook over the medium-to-long term, which is further supported by positive macro and demographic fundamentals. Within the edible oil sector, certain product segments/categories (such as cold pressed oils, organic ingredient-based categories etc.) that currently have low penetration levels and are gaining consumer acceptance offer higher growth prospects.
One of the threat is that edible oil companies face is the risk arising out of the volatility in the prices of raw materials (oilseeds), crude and refined edible oil, which may be influenced by trends in international commodity prices, currency fluctuations, domestic demand-supply dynamics and macro-economic trends. The domestic edible oil prices are directly linked to the prices of imported palm and soybean oil due to heavy reliance on imports and their substitutability with other oil varieties. While mustard oil is almost entirely produced within the country.
The edible oil market is expected to be dominated by various national and multinational players due to the increasing import dependence of the country in the near future. Rice bran and multisource edible oil market are expected to be the fastest growing categories in the entire edible oil segment with Oils such as Mustard, Sunflower, Groundnut and Cottonseed tend to remain region specific in the near future with a moderate fluctuation in their prices.
Segment-Wise or Product-Wise Performance
In terms of the Ind AS, there is only one reportable segment i.e., edible oil segment. Hence the segment wise reporting is not applicable.
The strong business profile drives a strong financial profile in the long term, the financial profile of an entity is also governed by the managements risk appetite and growth plans. An entity with higher profitability margins and returns on capital has greater ability to generate internal accruals, attract external capital, and withstand business adversity. The trends in operating margin and return on capital employed are analysed to establish the stability of cash flow generation and the sufficiency of the same vis-?-vis the entitys future debt-service obligations
We are optimistic of commencement of recovery in the sector in the coming year due to low base price. Over the years we have focused on building robust sales processes like Selling to Helping, Training and Certification of sales staff, which will help us reap rewards in future The company is confident in spite of the possible recessionary conditions in the industry it will perform better in view of thestrong fundamentals of the Indian companies and hope to improve its Turnover.
Risks and Concerns
The company deals in trading, packaging & sales of Edible oils. During the financial Year 2023-24 there was an unprecedented fall/crash in the prices of edible oils throughout the world in the second half of the financial year. Since the Ukraine war had started, there was steep rise in the prices of edible oils & other commodities. This was due to the earlier shortage of crops worldwide followed by Ukraine war. The last year i.e. 2022-23, witnessed record soya crop in USA & as the war was stretched, Russia allowed export of Sun oil after deliberations, resulting in increased supplies and crash in prices. This year despite these adverse circumstances, the company acted efficiently and minimized the losses,. This was possible because of timely & swift actions taken by the management resulting in quick liquidation of the stocks in the falling markets in the second half of the year and was able to come out relatively unscathed. It is drawn to your attention to the fact that the company has fared much better in the last Financial Year in comparison to other peers of this sector. It can safely be said that despite all the adverse circumstances in the second half of the year, the company could come out relatively unscathed. This was possible only due to the timely decisions by the management averting major losses.
Key risks for the edible oils sector include risks from change in import-export regulations; change in the minimum support price (MSP) on oilseeds offered by the government; high dependence on monsoons and finally, the risk arising out of exchange rate fluctuations. Procurement of oilseeds at the right price and quantity, optimum utilization of processing units, their strategic location, a strong brand name and diversification of product offerings are likely to be the key success determinants for players.
The policies announced by the Government have been progressive and are expected to remain likewise in future, and have generally taken an equitable view towards various stake holders, including domestic farmers, industry, consumers etc. Adverse changes in disposable income may impact consumption pattern. Your Company has multiprocessing capabilities to cater to the variances and changing consumer preferences. Also keeping in view the overall growth of the economy, emerging health consciousness and growing retail in India, it is expected that the packaged edible oil consumption will continue to outgrow the overall edible oil growth.
Internal Control Systems and their adequacy:
The company has adequate internal control systems to ensure operational efficiency, protection and conservation of resources, accuracy and promptness in financial reporting and compliance of law and regulations. The internal control system is supported by the internal audit process. The Internal Auditor reviews and ensures that the audit observations are acted upon. The Audit Committee of the Board reviews the Internal Audit reports and the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls.
Financial Performance
The financial results of operations of your Company for the year under review are detailed under the caption performance forming part of the Directors Report. During the year, revenue from operations for the Financial Year
2023-24 is Rs. 6,72,67,25,982/- which is lower as compared to the previous year which was Rs. 7,418,473,234/-. Earning(Loss) before Tax (EBT) for the financial year 2023-24 is amounted to Rs. 82,87,649/- as compared to loss of Rs. (14,188,740)/- in the year 2022-23. Profit(Loss) after Tax (PAT) for the year 2023-24 is Rs. 64,74,229/- whereas it was a loss of Rs. (11,352,257)/-for the year 2022-23.
Human Resources:
The relationship with the employees continues to be cordial. The Company recognizes the importance and contribution of its employees for its growth and development and constantly endeavors to train nurture and groom its people. The Company puts emphasis on attracting and retaining the right talent/competent person. The company places emphasis on training and development of employees at all levels and has introduced methods and practices for Human Resource Development. The company has 45 employees on permanent pay roll.
Details of Significant Changes
As required, the details of changes of 25% or more as compared to the immediately previous financial year in key financial ratios along with detailed reasons therefore are as under:
S.No. Particulars | Current Year | Previous Year | Reasons of change |
31.03.2024 | 31.03.2023 | ||
1. Debtors Turnover | 13.90 | 17.58 | Due to strict credit policy |
2. Inventory Turnover | 0.02 | 0.02 | Negligible |
3. Interest Coverage Ratio | 0.00 | 0.00 | Due to lesser amount of interest. |
4. Current Ratio | 2.42 | 1.83 | Economies of Volume, Better utilization of Cash flows and Resources. |
5. Debt Equity Ratio | 0.00 | (0.01) | Due to repayment of majority of vehicle loan. |
6. Operating Profit Margin (%) | 0.03% | (0.24)% | Due to lower expenses as compare to turnover. |
7. Net Profit Margin (%) | 0.10% | (0.15)% | Due to profit in current year. |
8. Change in Return on Net Worth | 0.02 | (0.03) | Due to profit in current year. |
Cautionary Statement:
Statements in this Management Discussion and Analysis describing the Companys objectives, projections, estimates and expectations may be forward looking statement within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Actual results might differ materially from those either expressed or implied.
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