Industry Structure & Developments:
Incorporated in 1998, Our Company engaged in Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contracts, specialized assembling, trading activities, Erection Services, representation services to majorly power Generation, Transmission and Distribution sector. We have grown consistently over the years and widened our portfolio which covers installing power transmission EHV cables, designing & installing EMS (Energy Management System), SCADA, DMS and allied distribution automation Equipments such as Auto re-closers, fault passage indicators (FPI), Small Load Break Switch (SLBS) etc., designing and installing of Solar Power Generation plants.
Our Company is headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh and with having assembling unit at B-72, Sector 80, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Also, our Company is an ISO 9001:2015 certified for providing Consultancy, Project Management, EPC Contracts in field of Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution. We operate in the infrastructure sphere in India focusing on the power sector and work with international and Indian power equipment manufacturers and involved in project management/EPC contractors.
Sharika consists of team which provides professional services that are customized to make our principals businesses a success in India. We work as a team with our principals and our clients to create positive and everlasting business relationships. Our Promoters are having experience of two decades and their hard work and continuous innovation of products, today we have become one of the renowned high-tech enterprises specialized in engineering, designing, procurement, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Solar Power Generation plants, Sub-stations, Transformers, Cable System etc.
As part of our in-house integration model, we have developed in-house resources with key competencies to deliver a project from conceptualization and design to execution and implementation. Our Company is also engaged in trading of LED lights, EHV cables & accessories, power capacitors, switchgears & Cast Resin Transformers.
Opportunities & threats:
Capital markets at present are going through turbulent times. Although the inflation has remained steady during the year but it is still under pressure due to hike in petrol prices, burden of diesel subsidies, high fiscal deficit, etc. However, we feel that the opportunities will soon arise in the markets upon the corrective policies by the government and better fiscal management which will strengthen the economy.
Details of Significant Changes in the Key Financial Ratios & Return on Net Worth:
As per the amendment made under Schedule V to the Listing Regulations read with Regulation 34(3) of the Listing Regulations, details of significant changes (i.e. change of 25% or more as compared to the immediately previous financial year) in Key Financial Ratios and any changes in Return on Net Worth of the Company including explanations therefore are given below:
Discussion on financial performance New developments
Segment Wise or Product Wise Performance
The Company is engaged only into single reportable Segment during the year under review.
S.No. | Particulars | For the Year ended on March 31, 2024 | For the Year ended on March 31, 2023 | Changes between Current F.Yr. & Previous F.Yr. |
1. | Current Ratio | 1.78 | 1.67 | 6.55% |
2. | Debt Equity ratio | 0.34 | 0.50 | -33.0% |
3. | Operating Profit Margin | 0.04 | -0.03 | -232% |
4. | Net Profit Margin | 0.03 | -0.06 | -147.8% |
5. | Interest Coverage Ratio | 1.34 | -0.31 | -531.5% |
6. | Return on Net Worth | 0.09 | -0.13 | -168.1% |
Your Company has not decided to enter into new field. It is exploring various business opportunities but nothing concrete has been derived. Barring unforeseen circumstances your directors hope to find some concrete business opportunity to expand the business of the Company.
Risks & Concerns
Your Company at present is exposed to the normal industry risk factor of volatility in interest rate, economic cycle and credit risk. It has not yet decided its future course of activities. The impact of new activity, as when decided, will be known in the future.
The Competition Risk
Power and Electrical industry is capital intensive industry. In a free market environment, new capacities are created depending upon demand supply situation and return on investment. Industry is cyclical in nature and at times there is over supply situation leading to decline in operating margins.
We are mitigating the above risk by increasing our exports presence, developing niche products, exploring new markets and new customers. The company has a good image with local customers.
Customer Attrition Risk
All customers are sensitive to quality, delivery and price.
The above risk is mitigated by developing value added niche products, customer schedule adherence and improved quality standards. This enables us to build long term relationship with various customers by providing them good value proposition.
People Risk Management
High Quality human resources are vital to the success of our business. People are valuable assets of the company.
The company has been working towards providing challenging high growth environment for its employees. The company follows good HR practices, which include various schemes for employee welfare and motivation.
The company has strong appraisal system. It has successfully worked its compensation policy to team and individual performances. The company provides good opportunity to deserving candidates. The company believes in growth of its managers to leaders and has structured training programs to that effect.
With excellent performance track record as well as best HR practices we are able to attract and retain people for growth of our business.
Security Risk Management
Operations could be disrupted due to natural, political and economic disturbances. Running a business exposes the company to a number of risks. The company has taken adequate insurance cover on its insurable interests. These include:
i) Fire Risk
ii) Marine risk
iii) Burglary risk
iv) Group Personal Accident Policy
v) Other Miscellaneous Policies.
The company has also taken steps to strengthen IT security system as well as physical security system at all our locations.
Foreign Exchange Risk
The Company is exposed to foreign exchange risk mainly due to imported raw materials and finished products. Since we are a net foreign exchange earner on an overall basis it may be stated that there is an exposure to the risk of Indian rupee appreciating against other foreign currencies.
Adequacy of Internal Control
The established Internal Control System of your Company are adequate to ensure that all the activities are monitored and controlled against any misuse or misappropriation of asset and that the transactions are authorized, recorded and reported correctly. More so, these internal control systems are regularly monitored by the audit committee of your Company and are improved upon on regular basis.
Operational & Financial performance
The details of the financial performance are appearing in the financial statements appearing separately. The highlights of the same are also mentioned in the Directors Report.
Internal Control Systems & their adequacy
The Statutory Auditors assess the adequacy of internal control every quarter and report to the Board of Directors accordingly. The Company has adequate internal control procedures commensurate with size of the company and nature of its business.
Human Resources /Industrial Relations front
Human resource is considered as vital strength of the company. There was unity of purpose among all level of employees i.e. to continuously strive for the improvement in work practices & productivity.
Cautionary statement
Certain statements in the Management Discussion & Analysis describing the companys views about the industrys expectations/ predictions objectives etc. may be forward looking within the applicable laws and regulations. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the statements. Companys operations may be affected with the demand and supply situations, input prices and their availability, changes in Government regulations, tax laws and other factors such as industrial relations and economic developments etc. Investors should bear the above, in mind.
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