Taksheel Solutions Ltd Share Price Management Discussions
The Management of Taksheel Solutions Limited presents the analysis of
performance of the Company for the year 2011-12 and its outlook for the
Business overview, Development and Opportunities Outlook
The changing demand outlook, customer conversations and requirements acted
as a driver to build in greater efficiencies and flexibility within the
service delivery and the business models - one which is here to stay 2012
was also instrumental for more ways than one for the industry. While the
industry displayed tenacity and resilience, it also commenced its journey
to achieve its aspirations in view of the altered landscape. It commenced
working on its agenda to diversify beyond core offerings and markets
through new business and pricing models, specialises to provide end-to-end
service offerings with deeper penetration across verticals transform the
process delivery through re-engineering and enabling technology, innovate
through research and development and drive inclusive growth in India by
developing targeted solutions for the domestic market. All these measures,
along with Indias game changing value proposition have helped India widen
its leadership position in the global sourcing market. The advent of 2012
has signalled the revival of outsourcing within core markets, along with
the emerging markets increasingly adopting outsourcing for enhanced
competitiveness. Key demand indicators in the last two quarters such as
increased deal flow, volume growth, stable pricing, and faster decision
making has made the industry post good results. Though full recovery is
expected in another two quarters, development of new growth levers,
improved efficiency and changing demand outlook signifies early signs of
Business Strategy
TSL seek to further enhance our position as a leading provider of
integrated IT Solutions and Services, to achieve this goal we seek to:
Focus on Wealth Management Solutions (WMS)
Your Company will continue to strongly focus on our main strength WMS, as
it is one of the growing and evolving segments. We are adopting proactive
target marketing for gaining market share in the Wealth Management
Solutions market. Our solutions help WMS providers distribute investment
products, provide advice and enhance their services. The solution is
scalable and addresses all compliance requirements. It delivers customized
and adaptive solutions for service providers having clients from the mass
affluent to the High Net worth and covers the full spectrum of investment
processes of Brokerages, Banks, Insurance Firms and other Wealth Management
providers. Our solutions address account/data aggregation, online
collaboration and workflow-based functionalities.
Focus on Telecom products & Solutions.
Your Company is majorly focused on providing customized solution in the
area of Enterprise IP-Telephony, Unified Messaging System, Carrier Grade
Solutions for wholesale retail clients over VOIP, VOIP Integrated Wireless
solutions, IVRS, Voice Loggers, Video Conferencing, Network Monitoring &
Management, Data Security Solutions. Our products range covers Analog,
Digital & GSM PCI telephony Interface cards, Multi-functional IP Phones
(Basic Executive and Advanced), Analog and GSM Channel banks. We are one
stop shop providing complete range of telecom products required from SOHO
office to Mid-Range and Large corporates.
Growing our business through expand service offerings like BPO, KPO
After concentrating on our core business activities for the last 11 years
we are planning to expand our business through providing captive BPO and
KPO offerings in Financial Services and Telecom areas. We have received
requests from our existing and satisfied customers to provide this service.
We expect these to materialize in the near future.
Governance,Risk and Compliance business:
The company has acquired Governance,Risk and Compliance in May2012. As
part of GRC, Taksheel helps the client to design & implement:
* Corporate governance structures and processes
* Risk management systems aligned to strategic priorities
* Business Assurance processes geared to provide independent and objective
assurance on key business risks
* processes and internal control systems that are suitable to address
emerging business challenges
* Framework to foster compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
* Framework for contract authoring & management
Geographical expansion
TSL is in the process of expanding our operations and we have recently
started our operations from Warangal Development Center. We already have
our presence in India and New Jersey. We propose to expand our operations
in Asia-Pacific markets and Middle Eastern countries.
Inorganic Growth
TSL will continue to explore opportunities for acquisitions or joint
ventures or alliances that leverage on the existing service offerings,
cater to new client relationships or give us a presence in complementary
markets. We will pursue strategic acquisitions and other inorganic
initiatives that will strengthen our competitive position as well as drive
profitable revenue growth.
Invest in Our People and Culture
As a people-based business, we continue to invest in the development of our
professionals and to provide them with entrepreneurial opportunities and
career development and advancement. Our technology, business consulting and
project management councils ensure that each client team learns best
practices being developed across our company and our recognition program
rewards teams for implementing those practices. We believe these results in
a team of motivated professionals armed with the ability to deliver high-
quality and high-value services for our clients.
The Company is consciously following a strategy of organic and inorganic
growth. Since inception we have made the following Acquisitions:
Year of Name of Acquired Nature of Business
Acquis- Company
2005 We have acquired 100% Wealth Management & IT Solutions to
Equity in IBSS Inc Financial services Industry.
2007 We have acquired Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence
business segments. businesses.
2009 We have acquired the Telecom Software Products
Telecom Software
2012 We have acquired the Governance, Risk and compliance services
GRC business
Service Offerings
Our business activities can be classified into three major segments:
1) Wealth Management Solutions (WMS);
2) Telecom & Managed services; and
3) Information Technology Services (IT).
4) Governance, Risk and Compliance services(GRC).
I) Wealth Management Solutions (WMS)
Your Company offers solutions to Banks, Asset and Investment Managers,
Brokerage Houses, Insurance, Hedge Funds, Trusts and Family Offices .Our
complete range of IT Services and solutions addresses the needs of both
technology and business requirements to help organizations towards business
improvement. WMS is provided through a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
which enables us to deploy a customized version of its solutions to help
the clients manage their customers assets, increase their sales, improve
their service and generally lower their operating costs, by processing the
transactions faster, reducing the scope for human errors and the need for
entering data at multiple points.
In a competitive market, providers of Wealth Management Services are
forming their IT strategies to help build differentiating factors in their
services/products in order to gain and retain customers and their assets.
The right IT resources can help Wealth Management Firms to:
* Improve client service from reporting to call centers;
* Attract and retain top advisor and/or customer service talent;
* Reduce operational and administrative inefficiencies;
* Generate added revenue by rapidly developing and deploying new value-
adding products and services;
* Achieve real competitive advantage.
Taksheel brings together domain knowledge, technological capabilities and
its global delivery model to offer the best results and returns on IT
investments of its clients. Taksheels Wealth Management Solutions (WMS)
are cost effective. They create competitive edge to the client company by
enabling efficient and effective service delivery/management.
Technology architectures do not easily accommodate integration without the
aid of middleware solutions. Indeed, unless a financial institution has the
resources and funds to front the integration issue in-house, our company
has to depend on outside vendors in the marketplace who can tackle the
integration issue.
Thus, a key issue Financial Services Providers face during technology
deployments is integrating disparate applications and systems. While it is
complicated enough to introduce new systems in a technology environment,
making sure these connect to each other efficiently is another task for
technology departments. Wealth Management front-office activities such as
Portfolio monitoring and trading rely on the ability to connect to back-end
Portfolio Management, Accounting, and Compliance processes. In addition,
institutions wish to capture vital client data and documents which may be
generated through front-office activities and ensure they get captured in
the back office. Without these types of connections, an institution cannot
hope to deliver superior service.
Our Wealth Management Solutions provide ease of integration between
Portfolio Management/Financial planning systems, Account aggregation
vendors, Market data providers, and CRM systems. In addition, we have
expertise in deploying, managing, maintaining and integrating front office
and middle/back office services to an end-to-end solution, unifying all
business processes and adding a broad range of features and
2. Telecom & Managed services
Taksheel developed technology which is unique, versatile and state of art
products made us integrated Telecom and IT services provider. As IT &
Telecom integrated technology partner we offer our service on pay for use
by providing our products and services on hosted basis. Revenue sharing as
model for aggregator business platform and other SaaS model products and
services. Growing demand getting down capex, as technology driven company
we had focused in offering products & services as pocket suitable solution
in SaaS model.
3. Governance,Risk and Compliance (GRC)business:
The company has acquired Governance,Risk and Compliance in May2012.
Taksheel provides GRC software solutions along with domain expertise
which provides integrated approach (internal audit, compliance programs
like SOX, enterprise risk management (ERM), operational risk and incident
management, etc.) helps Banking & Financial institutions, manage all
aspects of Governance, Risk, Compliance and Audit programs in a far more
superior manner.
The integrated GRC process approach deploys a single system which
administers multiple GRC initiatives & increases compliance effectiveness
in a cost effective environment. Additionally, it provides a coordinated
and cross-organizational approach to risk management. As a result, GRC
initiatives are not only aligned centrally with corporate governance and
reporting but are distributed to lines of business for execution and
Competitive Strengths
Your Company believe that the following are our principal competitive
strengths, which differentiates us from other IT solutions providers:
* Wide Range of Wealth Management Solutions
* Advantage of Early Entry
* Unique, Versatile and State of the art Telecom products
* Depth of experience and knowledge in targeted industry segments
* Ability to Manage and Establish Enduring Relationship with Large Clients
* Qualified Professionals and Strong Management Team
The industry risks suck as pruning of IT budgets, fluctuations of Rupee
vis-a-vis dollar, adverse changes in tax structures also are faced by the
company.Other risks are client concentration, geographical concentration of
clients, competetition in industry etc., These risks are monitored
constantly and derisking measures are initiated appropriately.
Core Competencies: The Company is specialized and developed products in IP
multimedia subsystem(IMS), Telecom Signalling Integrated Standard Digital
Network (ISDN), Channel Associated Signalling (CAS), Signalling System
7(SS7), Short Message Service Centre (SMSCs), Least Cost Routing system
(LCR), Optimal Routing Solutions (ORS), Voice Mail Servers (VMS) and other
Value Added Services (VAS) content delivery platforms. Our product
portfolio covers enterprise IP-Telephony, Unified Communication System,
Carrier Grade solutions, Wireless VOIP solutions, IVRS, Voice Loggers,
Video Conferencing, NMS and other IT Solutions. With products and services
offered by us, we had secured business from various sectors CGISS,
Healthcare, Defence, Domestic and Multinational enterprise and government
organisations.Governance,Risk and Compliance(GRC) is an added strength to
the overall portfolio.
Table:1 Financial figures of the Company for the last five years
(Amount in Rs. lacs)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Software &
Services 3171.68 3319.53 4950.15 14726.37 17214.51
Other Income 31.29 223.50 0.00 -134.22 255.07
Total Income 3202.97 3543.03 4950.15 14592.15 17469.58
Total Expenditure 1617.50 3299.89 4141.14 11850.55 15804.89
Profit Before Tax (PBT) 1585.47 243.14 809.01 2741.60 1664.69
Profit After Tax (PAT) 1403.21 240.42 809.01 2741.60 1333.71