Dear Shareholders,
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the Thirty Sixth Annual Report together with the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2021. The Management Discussion & Analysis Report which is required to be furnished as per SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (the Listing Regulations) is also presented as part of the Directors Report.
The summary of the financial results is provided below which have been prepared as per the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) adopted since FY 2017-18:
Description | 2020-21 | 2019-20 |
Earnings Before Interest, | 175.06 | 101.47 |
Depreciation and Tax | ||
Interest | 7.22 | 9.39 |
Depreciation | 22.73 | 21.55 |
PBT (before exceptional item) | 145.11 | 70.53 |
Exceptional Item | 24.73 | - |
PBT (after exceptional item) | 169.84 | 70.53 |
Tax expenses | 48.19 | 15.45 |
Profit After Tax | 121.65 | 55.08 |
Your Company achieved revenue from operations of INR.1,145.21 crore as against INR.1,224.97 crore in the previous year. The lower revenue was mainly due to crude price volatality and the downtime on account of Pandemic induced lock down and restrictions.
The production facilities shut down during end of March 2020, were restarted in April 2020, but during the first two months of the year under review, the operations were seriously impacted. The situation changed from June 2020, maintaining the momentum through the rest of the year.
Your Company continued its policy of prudent inventory management, ensuring growth in margins, in spite of volatility in the crude prices. As announced earlier, your company has taken up, projects for revamp and capacity augmentation of the LAB Plant and HCD Plant and setting up a Propylene Recovery Unit all at a cost of INR 435 crore.
Though the revenues were lower than the preceeding year, the Company could obtain better margins, aided by market conditions and also the
Normal Paraffin Plant revamp which was completed in March 2020.
In spite of the lower sales, PBT and PAT even without the exceptional item for the year doubled vis a vis the previous year.
Finance costs significantly reduced to optimal utilization of working capital facilities.
During the year under review, a capital expenditure of INR.12 crore was incurred mainly towards installation of some critical equipment in LAB Plant. Based on the improved performance, CARE the credit rating agency has upgraded your Companys credit rating as CARE A-; Stable (Single A Minus; Outlook: Stable) from CRISIL BBB+ (plus) with outlook stable for long-term bank facilities and upgraded to CARE A-; Stable/CARE A2+ (Single A Minus; Outlook: Stable/A Two Plus) from CRISIL A2 for short-term bank facilities.
Pursuant to Regulation 43A of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended (the Regulations), Board has approved a Dividend Distribution Policy, which is available on the website of the Company in the following link: Based on the paramaters in the policy, your Directors have recommended a dividend of 25% i.e. INR.2.50 per equity share of INR.10/- each fully paid up, for the year 2020-2021, aggregating to INR.22.50 crore.
Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB), also known as detergent alkylate, belongs to the family of organic compounds. LAB is used as a chemical intermediate to form Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate (LAS), which is used as surfactant in detergents and cleaning products. LAB is a compound that has significant various petroleum derivatives with a good demand from the detergent industry having its end use for heavy duty laundry liquids, light duty dishwashing liquids, and laundry powders, industrial and household cleaners. LAB is also used in a few other applications like emulsions polymerisation, wetting agents, ink solvents, cable oil, etc. in a small way. Detergent industry is expected to grow at a faster pace due to both population increase and lifestyle changes. The Asian region is the largest LAB producing and consuming region in the world. At present the major producers are from India,China
& Middle East. Further new capacities are also coming up additionally in the Middle East region. In India, the LAB industry dates back to 1978 with the commissioning of the first at Vadodara. IPCL was later acquired by Reliance Industries Limited (RIL). Years later TPL, RIL, Nirma and IOC set up facilities across India, as import substitution industry. However, until last year, the industry had been facing stiff competition from imports mainly from Middle East, Thailand and China due to globalisation and regulatory changes like FTA which is applicable only for Thailand exports to India. With the pandemic around for more than a year now, the awareness on hygiene has improved, causing an increased consumption of detergents and sanitisation chemicals where LAB finds a place as key input.
Worldwide, more than 95% of all the LAB manufacturers including TPL, have adopted the UOP Technology, which is considered as superior and the most cost-effective technology than the only other chlorination technology. Despite this, in India, due to high cost of key inputs and feedstock quality, the cost of production of LAB is relatively higher than the international standards. The domestic players with standalone unit, always find it difficult to compete with the overseas suppliers and plants integrated with refinery which helps them in achieving lower cost of production. Caustic Soda, a most commonly used industrial chemical, finds wide applications in textile, pulp and paper, Aluminum, soap and detergents industries.
The annual increase in demand for the product is expected to be around 5%. Despite power intensive process, the national level capacity utilisation is about 85% of the aggregate capacity of around 4.0 million tons. It may be noted that caustic consumption has gone down in the first three quarters of the year because of the nationwide intensive lock down in the first two quarters when most of the caustic consuming industries were shut. To add to this, a new expansion unit of existing producer in West also started production. During the year under review, caustic imports went down by 27% compared to the previous year due to demand drop with respect to covid lockdown effect. Chlorine, a co-product of Caustic Soda is widely used in sectors like Vinyl Chloride, Chlorinated
Paraffin Wax (CPW), pulp and paper, water purification, chlorinated solvents, etc. However, in the year due to pandemic, caustic capacity could not be utilised in full as there was drastic reduction
LAB plant by IPCL of caustic consumption. Lack of integrated plants and downstream Chlorine utilisation projects are major impediments for disposal of Chlorine.
Chlorine demand will be a major driver for Chlor-alkali capacity utilisation. Lack of integrated plants and downstream, Chlorine utilisation projects are major impediments for disposal of Chlorine which in turn restricts the caustic production.
Propylene Oxide is an organic, volatile, flammable, colourless liquid compound which is soluble in both ether and alcohol. It is mainly used as the feedstock for various derivative products such as propylene glycol, polyols and other industrial intermediates. It is a chiral epoxide, although it is commonly used as a mixture. The major consumers of the derivatives of PO are in the field of automobile, domestic home appliances and industrial insulation. Among this, automobile sector is the major consumer which had been affected by the slowdown witnessed in the countrys economy since beginning of the financial year, further compounded by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Growing preference for bio-based surfactants, awareness pertaining to hygiene are set to boost the demand for detergents & cleaners and thus positively impact the Linear Alkyl Benzene market for surfactant application. Rapid industrialisation and urbanisation due to increasing population are also expected to contribute to the market growth. The global market for Linear Alkyl Benzene is lucrative and is expected to witness a steady growth owing to the expansion, collaborations or partnerships strategies adopted by key players. The spurt in demand for sanitizers due to the present pandemic situation, has further improved the scope for LAB use. It is expected that the demand would continue in years to come.
The popularity of visual and social media, penetration of smart phones, even to remote plcaes have helped in improved awareness for hygiene. Moreover, consumers now have the privilege of choosing from a wide variety of product range and hence the companies are constantly upgrading their products and making every effort to maximise their market share through innovative advertising campaigns. Since these companies target the bottom of the pyramid market, there is a huge potential for the LAB industry to grow.
On the other hand, India being an attractive market it is targeted by the overseas LAB players which has resulted in increased imports to India. Addition of new plants in the Middle East has been a big threat to the LAB market in India as a major percentage of production is likely to flow into India. This has been a determinant factor in pricing and large extent margins. The year under review has been an exception and the imports were curtailed to a large extent due to global market scenario and shut down of major LAB plants in China & far East. So, there is a significant demand aiding better price realisations.
Caustic Soda continues to be an important industrial intermediary finding application in many industries.
With the demand for textiles and apparels increasing on account of urbanisation and larger spending on personal effects, the market for Caustic Soda is expected to grow further, but LAB is impacted by large scale imports.
During the year under review, the import volume though went down, higher production by domestic producers in excess of the demand impacted the market prices resulting in lower realization. The onset of Covid-19 pandemic and lock down has been a threat for the caustic business. The continuation of the pandemic and the increase of imports in the coming years can become a major threat for the caustic business.
The Propylene oxide (PO) manufacturing facility is proving to be very beneficial to your Company, besides opening up a new avenue it also helped in advantageous use of Chlorine helping to achieve higher capacity utilisation.
As said earlier, improved awareness about hygiene and the focus on cleanliness during the past few years has improved the demand for surfactants and detergents. The trend is expected to continue in the coming years as COVID - 19 epidemic has increased the usage of sanitizers, disinfectants, soaps and detergents and all manufacturers are maximising purchase of LAB. The re-emergence of the deadly virus across the globe has increased the dependence on sanitation and disinfectant material making LAB as a vital petrochemical surfactant to society.
Despite stiff competition from overseas suppliers, TPL continues to sustain its position as a major player in the LAB market. TPL over the past three decades has established itself as a reliable supplier of LAB to major companies. TPL has been able to sustain its market share across India with a dominant presence in the southern part of India. With the demand for LAB looking up, projects for capacity augmentation has been taken up.
The continuing of Anti-Dumping Duty (ADD) on
LAB from specific Countries has not made any big impact in the LAB price. The import from Saudi Arabia is expected to be an area of concern. Additionally, IOC is planning to debottleneck their Baroda plant by shifting loading bays paving way for additional production and storage of 20 kt/year. This will result increase in availability of LAB from April22.
Sustenance and growth of the Caustic Soda business depends on the opportunities for Chlorine disposal and perhaps more by producers cutting back production. Merchant caustic prices will only improve on prudent material balance, which can shore-up prices, reduce dumping by importers at cheap price levels. Presently there is no anti-dumping duty for caustic soda coming into India.
The import of Caustic Soda into India is expected to be high in the medium to long term. Alkaline Manufacturers Association has initiated actions to seek anti dumping duty which may yield positive results in a year or two paving way for level playing field for the domestic manufacturers.
Further though TPL would be insulated to some extent due to opportunities for easy disposal of chlorine in-house as well as to a neighbouring company, the concern continues to be the pressure on the domestic caustic soda prices and the product being sold by your Company at unaffordable prices atleast in the short term. There are new additions in domestic caustic soda production, by which the capacity of caustic manufacturing in the Country is likely to go up by 9% Your Company is also expanding the caustic plant capacity by about 65% and adopting the cost effective bi-polar technology. The capacity increase is likely to be augmented by the end of the financial year 2022-23.
The new PO plant was commissioned in later part of the year 2018-19 and the operations were stabilized in product pricing. Further the dependency during the year under review. Though the Company has arrangements for sale of the entire production, future would depend on the market for its derivatives, which at present is doing well.
Your Company has a structured methodology to effectively monitor and manage the risks by setting up two-employee level and one Board level committees to identify the risks, suggest mitigation actions and monitor implementation. The employee-level sub-committee has senior personnel from each function and the Apex Committee is headed by the WTD (Operations) with functional heads as other Members. As part of the risk mitigation process, the Board has constituted a Risk Management Committee of Directors, which as at the year end comprised of Ms. Sashikala Srikanth as the Chairperson, Dr. K.P.Karthikeyan, IAS and Mr. D Senthi Kumar, as Members. During the year, the Committee met three times viz. 12th June 2020, 10th November 2020 and 8th February 2021. All the members of the committee attended all these meetings except meetings. As required under Section 177 of the Act, the Audit Committee also reviews the risk management process periodically.
As explained earlier, import of LAB, Caustic Soda and Chlorine (in indirect form) into the country could be considered as the major risk faced by TPL. Though your Company, together with other major domestic producers of LAB, got Anti-Dumping Duty levied on supplies from select countries, this has had no impact as the overseas suppliers bear the cost in the form of additional discount or supply at adjusted prices. A large LAB manufacturing unit with annual capacity of 1.20 lakh tons has come up in Yanbu,Saudi Arabia. This is expected to further intensify the competition in the domestic market. Though imports have not been a limiting factor during the year under review, in the long run it is expected to be detrimental in realising reasonable value addtion for the products mainly LAB.
In order to overcome the above, your Company is focusing on higher production and productivity so that the per unit cost is under control, providing flexibility on spot markets is also being reduced so that committed volumes are in place. YourCompanycontinuestocarryoutriskassessment and related mitigations for the hazardous chemicals used in the Plants utilising the services of technical consultants. Adequate measures are put in place to tackle this risk as recommended.
Adequate safety standards have been prescribed and being followed without any compromise. Utmost importance is given to protection of the employees, assets and environment at all times.
COVID-19 Guidelines and instructions issued by the Govt. agencies are being followed toward the safety and health of our employees.
TPL plants are accredited with International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) certificates for Occupational Health & Safety Management System (ISO 45001) and Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) and Quality Management System (ISO 9001).
National Safety Day was celebrated for a month in a simple way as the Country was in the verge of Covid19 onslaught. As part of this various competitions were conducted for employees and other contractors to reiterate our commitment towards safety. Participation by employees and contractors were encouraging.
As eco friendly measure city sewage water after Tertiary Treatment Reverse Osmosis (TTRO water) is used for industrial purpose. Regasified Liquified Natural Fuel (RLNG) is being used as exports or imports and so the above SDS fuel in our process heaters and boilers. This two major changes how come up as a natural resource conservation measure and efforts towards cleaner environment.
World Environment day is also celebrated every year and tree plantation programs are organized for planting saplings towards green initiative to promote carbon offset.
Adequate safety standards have been prescribed and being followed without any compromise. Utmost importance is given to protection of the employees, assets and environment at all times.
As at the year end, your Company had one Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) and one Step down Subsidiary (SDS), both incorporated outside India.
The financials of all these subsidiaries have been consolidated and the salient features of financial and other information have been furnished in the Consolidated Financial Statement (CFS) attached to this Report.
Certus Investment and Trading Ltd
Certus Investment and Trading Ltd. (CITL), Mauritius was promoted as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to set up LAB and NP projects in the Middle East and South East Asia. However, due to changed business environment, the projects could not be taken up. At present, the WOS is not carrying on any major activity. Since your Company has enhanced the NP capacity to meet the entire requirement in-house, there may not be scope for taking up NP project. However, it was being explored if proposals for setting up or acquiring LAB Plants overseas could be taken up for supplies to the units of the existing MNC majors to whom your Company is supplying LAB in India. Due to the
Pandemic situations, the proposals could not be pursued seriously.
Certus Investment and Trading Singapore Private Limited
In the past TPL was exporting large quantity of LAB and importing various materials, such as NP, Benzene, etc. Therefore, CITL, Mauritius set up CITL, Singapore as a WOS in order to function as a coordinator for TPLs overseas procurement and marketing activities. At present there are no significant is not engaged in any activities.
As explained above, the subsidiaries were floated several years ago for specific purposes. Due to change in circumstances and also opportunities opening up in India, it is being examined if other opportunities would be available for the subsidiaries. A decision on the usefulness of these subsidiaries would be taken in due course, after judiciously reviewing the situation, which has been delayed due to the present circumstances across the globe.
Your Company strongly believes that its strength is directly proportional to the strength of its employees in terms of knowledge, experience, and decision making skills. Your Company has been practising various HR initiatives such as recognition, empowerment, personality development, decentralisation, delegation of powers etc., to retain talent and to enhance capabilities. A balanced staffing system has been adopted in your Company wherein competent fresh talent have been infused into the stream of experienced hands. The training needs of employees have been identified at regular intervals through performance appraisal systems and necessary training is being imparted through in-house and external programmes.
The manpower strength as on 31st March 2021 was 425.
As on the date of this Report the Board comprises of twelve Directors, including two woman directors. All the six Independent Directors have furnished necessary declarations under Section 149 (7) of the
Act and Regulation 25(8) of the Listing Regulations. As per the said declarations, they meet the criteria of independence as provided in Section 149 (6) of the Act and the Listing Regulations. All of them confirmed they have registered themselves with the
Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs under Rule 6 of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification Director) Rules 2014, as amended and five of them have been exempted from or passed the proficiency test.
The Board met five times during the year under review and the relevant details are furnished in the Corporate Governance Report (CGR).
The Board has approved the Remuneration Policy as recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC), which inter alia contains the criteria for determining the positive attributes and independence of a director as formulated by the NRC. The policy on remuneration is available in the website of the Company viz.,http:// The changes in the Key Managerial Personnel since the last Annual General Meeting are as follows.
- The Company Secretary Ms. K Priya has resigned effective from 31st August 2020 and Ms. Meenakshi Jayaraman has been appointed in her place effective 10th November 2020.
The following changes took place in the constitution of the Board since the last Annual General Meeting (AGM):
- Mrs. Kakarla Usha, IAS, (DIN: 00540135) and Dr.K P Karthikeyan, IAS, (DIN: 08218878) nominees of TIDCO resigned effective from 14thJune 2021 and 18 th June, 2021 respectively. Board places on record its appreciation for their services during their tenure.
- Mr. N. Muruganandam, IAS, (DIN: 00540135) Mr. Pankaj Kumar Bansal, IAS, (DIN:05197128) and Ms. R. Bhuvaneswari, (DIN: 06360681), nominees of TIDCO have been appointed as Additional Directors effective 09th August, 2021 in the category of Non-Independent, Non-
Executive Directors and they hold office till the ensuing AGM. Proposals for their appointments as Directors would be considered at the ensuing AGM.
- Mr. N. Muruganandam has been elected as the Chairman of the Board at the same meeting.
The profiles for appointment of Mr. N.
Muruganandam, IAS, Mr. Pankaj Kumar Bansal, IAS and Ms. R. Bhuvaneswari as Directors has been duly recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Therefore pursuant to the proviso to Section 160(1) there is no requirement of any deposit for the proposals relating to their appointment.
Mr. KT Vijaygopal, (DIN: 02341353), Whole-Time Director (Finance) & CFO retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-election.
The performance of the Board was evaluated taking the following aspects into account viz., Structure, Meetings, Functions, Risk Evaluation Process adopted, Grievance Redressal Mechanism, Stakeholder Value and Responsibility Corporate Culture and Ethics and other matters. Board also took into account facilitation to the Independent Directors to function independently and perform their roles as another important parameter for evaluation.
The performance of each of the Committees was evaluated taking into account the composition, mandate, working procedures, effectiveness, independence and contribution to the Board in the decision making process.
The evaluation of the two Executive Directors was done based on their assigned roles and responsibilities. As regards the other Directors, including the Independent Directors, the evaluation was carried out taking into account the following parameters, viz., qualification, experience, competency, adequacy of knowledge about the Company and its sector of operation, understanding about the strategic direction, ethical behavior, participation in the risk evaluation process, resolving conflict of interests, attendance and preparation for the meetings, ability to work as a team player and voluntary sharing of information for the larger benefit of the Company and the like.
In compliance with the requirements of Schedule IV to the Act and also the Regulations, a separate meeting of the Independent Directors was held during the year at which the Directors evaluated the performance of the Non Independent Directors, the Chairperson and also the adequacy of flow of information to the Board and Committees.
Pursuant to the requirement of sub-sections 3 (c) and 5 of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013 it is hereby confirmed that
(a) in the preparation of the annual accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2021, the applicable Accounting Standards had been followed along with proper explanation relating to material departures; (b) the Directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that were reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financialyear and of the profits of the Company for the year under review;
(c) the Directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act, for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; (d) the Directors had prepared the accounts for the financial year ended 31st March, 2021 on a "going concern" basis;
(e) the Directors, had laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were operating effectively; and (f) the Directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.
Your Company has complied with the requirements of Corporate Governance stipulated under Regulation 27 of the SEBI Listing Regulations. A Report on Corporate Governance forms part of this
Report and a Certificate regarding compliance with the requirements of
Corporate Governance is given in Annexure I to this report.
M/s. RGN Price & Co., Chartered Accountants, Chennai having Firm Registration No. 002785S was appointed as the auditors of the Company. As per the extant provisions of the Act, they will hold office for a period of five years till the conclusion of
37th AGM to be held in the year 2022.
As required under Section 204 of the Act read with Rule 9 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the Secretarial Audit Report issued by Ms. B Chandra (CP No.7859), Company Secretary in Practice, Chennai is given in Annexure II to this report. The Report contains a note on transfer of shares to IEPF as in last year and there has been no change in the facts or circumstances during the current year, and the IEPF Authority has already been informed of the above facts, the Management viewed that there is no obligation to transfer the share.
Your Company has complied with the requirements of all the applicable Secretarial Standards.
Your Company is required to maintain cost records as specified by the Central Government under
Section. 148 (1) of the Act which is duly complied with by your Company. Your Company is also covered under Cost Audit. M/s. Krishnaswamy & Associates, Cost Accountants, have been appointed as the Cost Auditors of the Company for conducting the audit of cost records for the financial year 2020-2021 on a remuneration of INR.2.50 lakh plus applicable taxes and reimbursement of out of pocket expenses and they will hold office till submission of their Report or
30th September 2021, whichever is earlier.
As required under Section 148 of the Act, read with the relevant Rules, ratification of the remuneration to the Cost Auditor for the year 2020-21 will be considered by the Members at the ensuing AGM of the Company.
Your Company has in place adequate internal financial control systems with periodical review of the process. The control system is also supported by ERP, internal audits and management reviews with documented policies and procedures. The system was also earlier reviewed by an external agency, and no major weaknesses were reported. To ensure effective operation of the system, periodical reviews are made by the Internal Auditors and their findings are discussed by the Audit Committee and with the Auditors. The Auditors of the Company have also furnished certificates in this regard, which are attached to their Reports.
As required under Section 134 of the Companies
Act, 2013 (the Act) read with Rule 8 of the
Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, information on conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo, to the extent applicable are given in Annexure - III and form part of this Report.
Details of Significant Changes in Key Financial Ratios:
During the year under review, operating margin and net margin improved by 1.2 times and 1.36 times respectively. The current ratio also improved by 55% due to higher proceed realizations. Due to this, the Return on Net worth for the year under review was 22% as against 13% for 2019-20.
Details of Loans, guarantees or investments
Information on loans, guarantees and investments covered under Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 forms part of the Notes to Financial Statements.
Fixed Deposits
Your Company has not accepted any deposits from the public during the year under review.
Related Party Transactions
During the year under review, there were no transactions not at arms length within the meaning of Section 188 of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the
Act") or any material transactions with the related parties in terms of the policy framed by the Audit Committee of the Company as published in the website of the Company viz., corporate-governance-policies/.
As required under Regulation 23(2) of the Listing Regulations, approval of the Members was obtained for transactions with Manali Petrochemicals Limited (MPL) upto INR 150 crore plus taxes during the year 2020-21. However, due to changed business circumstances, the cumulative transactions with MPL has increased by a further INR 10 crore. Hence, approval of members is being sought for ratifying the transactions with MPL during the year 2020-21 alongwith proposal seeking approval for transactions during the year 2021-22.
Audit Committee
The details are furnished under the CGR annexed to this Report. All the recommendations of the Committee were accepted by the Board.
Vigil Mechanism
As required under Section 177 of the Act and Regulation 22 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations
& Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, your Company has established a vigil mechanism for directors and employees to report genuine concerns through the Whistle Blower Policy of the Company as published in the website of the Company. As prescribed under the Act and the Listing Regulations, provision has been made for direct access to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee in appropriate or exceptional cases.
Annual Return
Pursuant to Section 92(3) of the Act, copy of Annual
Return in Form MGT-7, filed during the year under review is available in the website of the Company viz.,
Disclosure under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
Your Company has constituted internal complaints Committees under the provisions of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. During the year under review, there were no cases filed pursuant to the above Act.
Particulars of employees and other disclosures
The disclosures prescribed under Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 5(1) and Rule 5(2) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 are given in Annexure - IV to this Report.
It is hereby affirmed that the remuneration to the employees is as per the remuneration policy of the Company.
CSR Policy and related Disclosures
The brief outline of CSR policy of your Company and such other details and disclosures as per the prescribed format are furnished in Annexure V to this report.
Your Directors are grateful to the Government of India, the Government of Tamilnadu, financial institutions, banks, other lending institutions, promoters, technical collaborators, suppliers, customers, joint venture partners and marketing agents for their assistance, co-operation and support. The Directors thank the shareholders for their continued support.
The Directors also place on record their high appreciation for the contributions by all cadres of employees of the Company, especially during the difficult conditions to ensure unhindered operations of the Company.
The Management Discussion and Analysis contained herein is based on the information available to the Company and assumptions based on experience in regard to domestic and global economy, on which the Companys performance is dependent. It may be materially influenced by changes in economy, government policies, environment and the like, on which the Company may not have any control, which could impact the views perceived or expressed herein.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors | |
D Senthi Kumar | KT Vijayagopal |
DIN 00202578 | DIN 02341353 |
Wholetime Director (Operations) | Wholetime Director (Finance) & CFO |
9th August 2021
Chennai 600 068
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