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Unjha Formulations Ltd Management Discussions

Mar 6, 2025|03:45:00 PM

Unjha Formulations Ltd Share Price Management Discussions

We are pleasure to submitting here a Management discussion and analysis report ori the business ot the company. The overall performance of the Company has been encouraging during fhe year under review We have covered to include discussions on all specified matters to the extent relevant or either limit that in our opinion are imposed by the company own competitive position. The company completed the year with S3les turnover of Rs 10.60 Cr (in respect ot its existing activities).We believe that our business is backed up by necessary skills and expertise Our financial performance is generally representatives in our core operations and quality ot products.


Our operations are structures into following sub-divigions (pharma) and managerially to perform Its own duties and functions and support is provided that a corporate level as required, data on volumes and turnover, a summary is given below;

Pharma sub-divisions FY.2020-21 F.Y.2019-20
Seles Rs. Sales Rs.
Human & Veterinary Medicines 1573673
Anchor Items 37.48.022 2826186
Ayurvedic Items 92264825
Isabgol Husk 93.65,055 7810702
Packing Matenals 41.295 47362
Raw Materials 0 55000
Total 9,95,52,230 10,60,19,210

We recognize that customer satisfaction is the key to our success. Our aim is to build sound customer relationships through creation of vstue for them, and in the process to earn an equitable return for ourselves. Quality is buitt into products through appropriate manufactunng technology and work methods.

The prospects tor the Pharma industry appear to bo bright In the long term as well as shod term The Sales of Ayurvedic Items based fnrrnulrttiorm was 85‘>;. of total Turnover In 2020-21 The company has continued Manufacturing Agreement with Nicholas Plramal India Limited & Rsckilt SenckiaGr Indio Ltd. The company has also continued monufactunng agreement with Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmacoulicajs Limited for sales of Isabgof Husk based products and other veterinary products on Loan License basis. During me year under review company has continued contract for manufacturing ot Isabgol based formulation LAXOVEL Group of products (Isabgol based flavoured formulation) with Mfs Kinedex Healthcare Pvt Lid


Ayurvedic Division (Isabgol based products) Continued revamping and widening at distribution of network help the division in garnering a greater market share Overseas Market

Vour company has chalked up an aggressive plan to explore the wide overseas market. Owing to this olTorts company is hopeful of adding new customers in the current your.

Product Development

As a result of consistent product development efforts, various new Innovative medicines major highlight ol which wnro-FIbron-SF Orange Powder

UFL jg quality consciouo providing lutest technology for improved performance and this trend will continue keeping a step ahead of competition.


We believe that safe and healthy working conditions in factory and offices are as necessaiy and important as production, productivity and quality.


Your company considers its human resources as on of its most important assets & potential. Il is only through motivated creative and employees, thai we can achieve our aims Involvement commitment, teamwork and continuous updating of skills and knowledge, training of personnel nr* integral to our objectives of udvanang highly professionals, productive culture Permanent employment totals 17 of which officors and workers account


There are no lurther areas of risks or concerns outside Ihe usu3l course ol business The company has introduced a derailed Internal Control System and continuously reviewed with a view to improvement. We here taken all care to comply with all applicable laws and regulations Out sincere thanks are due lo all employees and team - mates, particularly to Division Heads, whoso dedicated and hard work allowed these results to bo achieved. Wo aro grateful to our bonkers arid concern authorities, for thoir continued support and lo our customers for their faith and confidence. We commit ourselves to their fullest satisfaction


Statement in the Management Discussion and Analysis Report which seek to describe the companys objective, projections, expectations or predictions may be considered ro be forward - looking statements- within the meaning of applicable securities, lawa and regulations. Actual results could differ materially from any oxpressod or Implied

For and on behalf of the Management team Mayan* Patel (Managing Director J4CEO)

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