Banka Bioloo Ltd Company Summary

Banka BioLoo Limited was incorporated as a private limited company with the name Banka BioLoo Private Limited on August 31, 2012. The status of the Company was changed to a public limited company and the name of the Company was changed to Banka BioLoo Limited on November 15, 2017.The Company was incorporated with an aim to provide sanitation infrastructure and hygienic solutions for human waste treatment and disposal. After receiving the certificate of incorporation, the company took over the running business of its promoter, Banka Enterprises, a sole proprietorship through a business takeover agreement dated Feb 1, 2013.The Company focus on giving sanitation solutions to those who do not have access to toilets, as well as to those who have toilets but face trouble treating and managing the waste. The Company provides sanitation infrastructure and human waste management solutions and services, involving innovative and simple bio-digester technology patented by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the R&D arm of the Indian Ministry of Defence. The anaerobic bio-digester technology helps users manage waste onsite, without depending on expensive and energy-consuming sewage infrastructure. Further, the company also provides sanitation operations and maintenance (O&M) services to Indian Railways.