Reliance Petroleum Ltd merged Share Price directors Report
Dear Shareholders,
Your Directors are pleased to present the 3rd Annual Report and the audited
accounts of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2008.
Operations - Implementation of the Project:
The Company has set a blistering pace on all implementation fronts and
achieved 90% overall progress in implementation of its world-class, complex
Refinery Project at Jamnagar in Gujarat. The Company leveraged the benefits
of its intelligent repeat designs and the impeccable project management
and execution skills of the Reliance group successfully. The Company has
surpassed several significant milestones, including near completion of
engineering, procurement and contracting activities, substantial completion
of equipment deliveries and equipment installations at site. The year also
witnessed rapid progress in the construction activities, leading to a
dramatic change in the skyline of the project site at Jamnagar.
Encouraged by the rapid progress achieved on the construction and pre-
commissioning front, the Company expects to commission the refinery ahead
of its initial schedule. Accordingly, the Company has shifted focus on
start-up planning and operations preparedness activities to support early
commissioning of the Refinery in 2008.
The Company has completed the long term debt financing for the Project and
in all, has contracted term debt to the tune of Rs. 15,750 crore.
As on March 31, 2008, the Company has utilised Rs. 23,319 crore for the
Project. The projected utilisation of funds as per the Prospectus dated
April 28, 2006 was Rs. 22,130 crore. The variation is mainly due to
payments in advance under various project contracts to ensure continued
efficient and speedy implementation of the Project.
The Company has not commenced revenue operations hence no Profit and Loss
Account has been prepared.
Managements Discussion & Analysis Report:
A detailed review of the progress of the Project and the future outlook of
the Company and its business, as stipulated under Clause 49 of the Listing
Agreement with the Stock Exchanges, is presented in a separate section
forming part of the Annual Report.
Under the provisions of Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956 and Article
135 of the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. Michael Warwick was
appointed as an additional director, with effect from July 18, 2007. He
shall hold office up to the date of the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
The Company has received a notice in writing from a member proposing the
candidature of Mr. Michael Warwick for the office of a Director liable to
retire by rotation.
Mr. Jagjeet Singh Bindra, nominee of Chevron, resigned from the office of
the Director of the Company with effect from October 23, 2007. The Board
records its appreciation for the valuable contribution made by him during
his tenure as Director of the Company.
In terms of Article 131A of the Articles of Association, Chevron had
nominated Mr. Joffrey R. Pryor as its nominee director on the Board with
effect from January 15, 2008.
In terms of the provisions of Section 313 of the Companies Act, 1956 and
Article 131A of the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. John R.
Digby was appointed as an Alternate Director to act for Mr. Joffrey R.
In terms of Article 155 of the Articles of Association, Mr. Atul S. Dayal
and Mr. Bobby Parikh, retire by rotation and being eligible, offer
themselves for reappointment at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
Promoter Group Companies:
Pursuant to intimation from Promoter i.e. Reliance Industries Limited,
names of Promoters and companies comprising the group as defined in the
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969, have been disclosed
in the Annual Report of the Company for the purpose of Regulation 3(1)(e)
of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations,
Directors Responsibility Statement:
Pursuant to the requirement under Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act,
1956, with respect to Directors Responsibility Statement, it is hereby
confirmed that:
(i) in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting
standards have been followed and there is no material departure from the
(ii) the directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them
consistently and made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
Company as at March 31, 2008;
(iii) the directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the
maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the
Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;
(iv) the directors have prepared the annual accounts of the Company on a
going concern basis.
Secretarial Audit Report:
Your Company appointed Dr. K. R. Chandratre, Practising Company Secretary,
to conduct Secretarial Audit of the Company for the financial year ended
March 31, 2008. The Secretarial Audit Report addressed to the Board of
Directors of the Company is attached to this Annual Report. The Secretarial
Audit Report confirms that the Company has complied with all the applicable
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, Depositories Act, 1996, Listing
Agreement with Stock Exchanges, Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956
and all the Regulations of SEBI as applicable to the Company including SEBI
(Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000, SEBI (Substantial
Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and the SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992.
Auditors and Auditors Report:
M/s. Chaturvedi & Shah, Chartered Accountants and M/s. Deloitte Haskins &
Sells, Chartered Accountants, Statutory Auditors of the Company, hold
office until the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting and are
eligible for reappointment.
The Company has received letters from them to the effect that their
reappointment, if made, would be within the prescribed limits under Section
224(1B) of the Companies Act, 1956 and that they are not disqualified for
such reappointment within the meaning of Section 226 of the said Act.
Particulars of Employees:
In terms of the provisions of Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956,
read with the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975, the
particulars of employees are set out in annexure to this Report. However,
as per the provisions of Section 219(1)(b)(iv) of the said Act read with
the Clause 32 of the Listing Agreement, the Annual Report excluding the
aforesaid information is being sent to all the members of the Company and
others entitled thereto. Any member interested in obtaining such
particulars may write to the Company Secretary at the Registered Office of
the Company.
Energy Conservation, Technology Absorption and Foreign Exchange Earnings
and Outgo:
The particulars relating to energy conservation, technology absorption,
foreign exchange earnings and outgo, as required to be disclosed under.
Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies
(Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988
are as under:
Conservation of Energy:
From the early stages of plant design, very conscious efforts were made to
minimise energy consumption and as the design efforts continued, more and
more innovations and improvements were introduced to further reduce energy
consumption. Some additional energy conservation features incorporated in
the past year are as under:
1. Use of back pressure steam turbo generator (STG) sets to generate
incremental electrical power while reducing steam pressures to meet process
2. Use of very low pressure steam, which generally would be wasted, to heat
process lines requiring heating, thus avoiding use of electrical energy for
such heating.
3. Use of evaporative cooling in large areas requiring cooling in place of
conventional air-conditioning.
4. Collection, purification and recirculation of hydrocarbon waste products
(Waste Gas Recovery) that would otherwise be flared, improving the yield of
the process.
The savings resulting from energy saving measures would be realised once
the refinery is commissioned.
Technology Absorption:
Number of new Technologies have been introduced in the new refinery. Major
technology suppliers are UOP and Exxon Mobile Research and Engineering Co.
During the design and engineering stage, the concepts were understood and
incorporated in the Refinery. Now, as the Refinery start up is closer,
operations teams have been sent to the technology suppliers facilities for
hands-on training and familiarisation. These teams have spent considerable
time in similar facilities operational elsewhere in the world and learned
the detailed aspects of safety, operation, optimisation, quality control
etc. Upon return, the teams are engaged in further training other team
members and new recruits so that entire operations team is fully prepared
for smooth start up in days to come.
Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo:
Foreign Exchange Earned : Nil
Foreign Exchange Used : Rs. 9936,57,98,606/-
Corporate Governance:
Your Company is committed to maintain the highest standards of Corporate
Governance. Your Directors adhere to the stipulations set out in the
Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges.
A report on Corporate Governance as stipulated under Clause 49 of the
Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges forms part of the Annual Report.
Certificate from the Auditors of the Company, M/s Chaturvedi & Shah, and
M/s Deloitte Haskins & Sells confirming compliance of conditions of
Corporate Governance as stipulated under the aforesaid Clause 49, is
annexed to this Report.
Reliance Industries Limited, the parent company, has been involved in the
Project since inception and is extending comprehensive support to the
Company. Your Directors take this opportunity to express its sincere
appreciation of the commitment extended by Reliance Industries Limited to
the Project.
Your Directors also place on record their appreciation for the assistance
and co-operation received from the financial institutions, banks,
Government authorities, vendors and members during the year under review.
Your Directors wish to place on record their appreciation for the committed
services of the executives, staff and workers of the Company.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Mukesh D. Ambani
April 16, 2008
Forward Looking Statements:
This report contains forward looking statements, which may be identified by
their use of words like plans, expects, will, anticipates,
believes, intends, projects, estimates or other words of similar
meaning. All statements that address expectations or projections about the
,future, including but not limited to statements about the company,
strategy for growth, product development, market position, expenditures and
financial results, are forward looking statements. Forward looking
statements are based on certain assumptions and expectations of future
events. The company cannot guarantee that these assumptions and
expectations are accurate or will be realised. The companys actual
results, performance or achievements could thus differ materially from
those projected in any such forward looking statements. The company assumes
no responsibility to publicly amend, modify or revise any forward looking
statements on the basis of any subsequent developments, information or
Reliance Petroleum Limited (RPL or the Company) has made substantial
progress during the year in implementation of its large and complex
refinery, being built at Jamnagar in Gujarat on the west coast of India.
RPL was set up with the objective of creating significant value by
harnessing the emerging opportunities in the global energy sector, arising
out of several years of under investment in refining capacity.
The Company is setting up a 580,000 barrels of crude oil per stream day
(BPSD) greenfield petroleum refinery and 0.9 million tonnes per annum
polypropylene plant in a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at Jamnagar. On
completion, the RPL refinery will be the sixth largest in the world with a
Nelson Complexity Index of 14.0, which is amongst the highest amongst
similar large refineries in the world. The refinery and petrochemical
complex is being set up at a capital cost of Rs. 27,000 crores.
RPL is a subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), which is Indias
largest private sector company on all major financial parameters. RIL is a
global Fortune 500 company with leadership position in all its key
businesses, both in India and globally. RPL benefits further from its
strategic alliance with Chevron Corporation USA, a global super major in
the energy sector.
RPL refinery implementation ahead of schedule; Well poised to create
superior shareholder value:
During the year, RPL has set a blistering pace on all fronts and achieved
90% overall progress in implementation of its world-class, complex refinery
at Jamnagar in Gujarat. RPL expects to complete the refinery project ahead
of schedule. This is despite global shortage of engineering and
construction resources and vendor manufacturing capacities that are
resulting in extraordinary delays and cancellation of several new and
expansion projects by refiners across the world. The completion of the RPL
refinery in less than 36months will be a new record for project
implementation of similar large refineries across the world.
In a positive industry environment that augurs well for large and complex
refineries, RPL is well poised to create enhanced value for its
shareholders by completing the project ahead of schedule and at capital
cost much lower than that of similar refineries and further leveraging its
synergy with RIL.
* The RPL refinery is being set up at a capital cost of less than US$
10,000 per barrel per day (BPD). This is substantially lower than the
capital cost being incurred by other refineries globally. According to
International Energy Agency (IEA), capital cost for new refinery projects
is well in excess of US$ 20,000 per barrel per day. When adjusted for
complexity, the RPL refinery fares even better. Its capital cost of US$ 665
per complexity barrel per day is much lower than the average capital cost
of US$ 2,600 per complexity barrel per day for new refinery projects
* The RPL refinery will be one of the most complex refineries in the world
with a Nelson Complexity Index of 14.0. This will enable the refinery to
process various challenged crude varieties to produce superior quality
products that meet stringent specifications and command price premiums.
This is a significant competitive advantage in the current industry
landscape of increasingly heavy and sour new crude finds, which have led to
wide light heavy differentials. The RPL refinery is located adjacent to the
existing refinery and petrochemicals complex of RIL, which is amongst the
largest and most efficient in the world, thus offering significant
synergies. Through exchange of best practices and leveraging mutual
strengths, RPL will gain significantly in the areas of operational
efficiency, logistics, cost effective crude sourcing, optimised product
placement and risk management.
* Finally, the RPL refinery will gain from an early mover advantage in a
market that is being considered by experts as an extended golden era of
refining, resulting in high gross refining margins.
Overview of the Implementation Progress:
The Company has made rapid strides on all implementation fronts during the
year. The overall project progress catapulted from about 50% to 90% this
year. In doing so, the Company has surpassed several significant
milestones, including completion of engineering, procurement and
contracting activities as well as substantial completion of equipment
deliveries and their installation at site. The year also witnessed rapid
progress in construction activities, leading to a dramatic change in the
skyline of the project site at Jamnagar.
During the year, the project engineering activities were completed with
release of all required drawings for concreting, structural steel works,
underground and above-ground piping as well as electrical and
instrumentation activities. Successful completion of this massive
engineering effort in 28 months reflects the success of a massive team
effort that involved over 7,500 engineering experts, who worked from
several interconnected locations across the world.
The achievement on the procurement front is equally significant. All
procurement and contracting activities for equipments and bulk materials
have been completed. Deliveries of key equipment and their installation
gained significant momentum during the year. The Company has so far
received over 5,350 equipments, including several over dimensional
consignments (ODCs) and super heavy equipments, from vendors across the
world. This represents over 93% of equipment scope for the project.
Deliveries of bulk materials, including pipes, fittings as well as
electrical and instrumentation bulks matched the pace of equipment
deliveries and their installation. Overall procurement progress now stands
at 99% and focus has shifted towards achieving a close-out and vendor
follow-up for residual deliveries.
Having transitioned successfully to the construction phase during the last
year, construction activities gained enhanced momentum during the year. The
Company achieved near completion of civil construction with 2.0 million
cubic meters of concreting works done at site. Over 4,000 equipments,
including several super heavy equipments, have already been installed and
are at various stages of completion and testing. Over 95% of structural
steel fabrication work, 74% of structural erection and 94% of underground
piping works are now complete. Substantial progress has been achieved in
the areas of above-ground pipe fabrication and erection as well. The
construction activities are at peak and RPL is fully geared to sustain
construction on fast track. Simultaneously, considerable progress has been
made on the start-up planning and operations preparedness activities to
support commissioning of the refinery.
Project Financing:
During this year, the Company completed its long term debt borrowing
program by tying up the balance term debt required for the refinery
project. The Company raised further rupee term debt of Rs. 900 crore and
also committed foreign currency debt of US$ 500 million with commercial
banks and US$ 775 million with Export Credit Agencies during the year. With
this, the Company has completed long term debt financing for the Project
and in all, has contracted term debt to the extent of Rs. 15,750 crore, as
Industry Overview and Prospects
The sector fundamentals remain intact and augur well for complex refiners
like RPL. During the year, the industry environment remained encouraging
with robust demand, tight product supplies and slow growth in new
capacities in an already stretched refining system - all of which resulted
in superior refining margins for most part of the year. This was despite a
rising and volatile crude price environment that resulted in crude prices
climbing inexorably to peak above $100 per barrel levels. Complex refiners
gained further from sustained wide light-heavy differentials that reflected
changing global crude dynamics.
Demand Resilience despite high oil prices:
The global demand for petroleum products grew strongly from 84.90 million
BPD to 86.0 million BPD, reflecting a growth of 1.3 % in 2007. While the
demand from Non-OECD countries grew by 1.2 million BPD, driven primarily by
China, Middle East and Latin America, the actual demand from OECD nations
shrank by 0.2 million BPD due to sluggish economic activity, higher oil
prices and mild weather conditions, particularly in the pacific region.
Looking ahead, even with slower economic expansion outlook, the IEA expects
to see continued strong growth in global demand for petroleum products and
forecasts it to grow by 1.5% to 87.2 million BPD in 2008. A substantial
part of the growth will be driven by increased consumption in China, India
and the Middle East that are witnessing continued strong economic growth.
Importantly, the medium term outlook remains strong with demand for
petroleum products expected to grow at a compounded annual rate of 2.2%
during 2008 to 2012. IEA expects the actual consumption to increase to 95.8
million barrels per day in 2012 (Source: IEA Mid Term Outlook - July 2007).
Transportation fuels driving the growth:
The shift in demand towards cleaner and lighter transportation fuels
continued during the year. Aggregate demand for gasoline, diesel and jet-
kero grew by 1.2% as against a marginal decline in consumption of fuel oil
during 2007. This trend is likely to continue even in the future. According
to World Refining and Fuel Service - Hart, gasoline, diesel and jet-kero
are expected to record a compounded annual growth rate of 1.7%, 2.5% and
2.2% respectively till 2010. Residual fuel oil is expected to see sluggish
growth during this period due to continued substitution of natural gas in
power generation and heavy industrial applications.
Greening of Fuels:
Meanwhile, the trend of tightening product specifications continued in
several regions of the world. A significant milestone will be reached in
2009, when most countries in the major oil consuming regions like the EU
and Asia, will mandate a 10 ppm sulphur content in both diesel and
gasoline. The current standard for sulphur content in the United States is
15 ppm for diesel and 30 ppm for gasoline and that for Canada is 15 ppm for
both. Europe has further reduced the maximum limit for sulphur content in
Gasoil from 2000 ppm to 1000 ppm from January 2008. These present new trade
opportunities for complex refiners, like RPL.
Refinery capacity and utilization trends:
Meanwhile, in contrast to strong demand growth, global refining capacity
grew only marginally, from 85.1 million BPD to 85.3 million BPD in 2007, as
per Oil & Gas Journal Worldwide Report. The increase in capacity was
largely on account of capacity creep by select players, according to Oil &
Gas Worldwide Refinery Report. This resulted in additional pressure on the
global refining system that was already stretched with an operating rate of
85.3%. The average capacity utilization for refineries in North America,
Europe and Asia was at 86.2%, 83.9% and 85.7% during 2007, as against
87.0%, 85.0% and 87.0% respectively in 2006. This set the stage for
continued strength in refining margins.
Looking beyond, the IEA estimates additional crude distillation capacity
requirement of about 9.7 million BPD towards meeting the estimated global
demand by 2012. Though several large capacity announcements have taken
place in recent years, their progress so far has been quite slow on account
of rising costs and resource shortages. This augurs well for early movers
like RPL.
GRM performance:
The year witnessed significant volatility in refining margins globally. The
refining margins peaked during the second quarter due to booming light
product cracks and tightened product markets but dropped during the third
quarter on the back of higher crude prices and reduced cracks. The fourth
quarter witnessed a further fall in US Gulf Coast margins, but Singapore
complex margins increased on the strength of record high jet-kero and gas
oil cracks. Though averaged a shade lower than the previous year, global
benchmarks remained above historical averages. These higher complex margins
were supported by tightened product markets, booming light product cracks
and unplanned maintenance by large refiners.
The medium term outlook for refining margins appear positive due to
continuing robust growth in demand, limited conversion capacity, stretched
refinery utilization and lagging new capacity build-up. Complex refiners
would gain further from (i) higher premiums for ultr a clean products in
the western markets and (ii) changing crude dynamics sustaining the wide
light-heavy differentials.
The average light heavy differentials remained high at around US$ 5.4 per
barrel during the year as against US$ 5.6 per barrel during last year. The
outlook remains positive given the likely slump in production of light
crude volumes and with incremental production being in the challenged
category. This will immensely benefit complex refiners, like RPL, who have
the ability to process heavy and sour crudes as well as produce value added
Crude price movements and outlook:
During the year, crude prices continued to rise and touched a new high,
with the WTI peaking at $110.4 per barrel in March 2008. Spurt in crude
prices were due to a combination of geopolitical events and unplanned
outages of some of the oil production fields. The prices continued to hover
at historically high levels with Brent, WTI and Dubai crude prices
averaging at US$82.8, US$81.6 and US$76.5 per barrel during the year,
reflecting an increase of 29%, 26% and 25% respectively over the
corresponding levels of previous year. According to oil price forecast by
various analysts, crude oil prices are expected to remain within the $70 -
96 per barrel range, which is a significant upward revision from the
earlier estimates.
Opportunities and Challenges:
The Company sees an exciting opportunity in global refining on the back of
continuing strong growth in demand, slow growth in capacities and upgrades
as well as tightening product specifications. While these would support
superior margins, the continuing wide light-heavy differentials would be a
margin booster for complex refiners, like RPL. The likely completion of its
refinery project ahead of schedule at significantly lower capital costs and
its potential synergies with RIL provides RPL with an opportunity to
further enhance value. The challenge ahead of RPL is to ensure seamless
transition of the refinery project from its construction phase to a start-
up phase. RPL will leverage the learnings and experience of RIL and ensure
the same.
Internal Controls:
RPL has a defined organization structure and has developed well documented
policy guidelines with predefined authority levels. An extensive system of
internal controls to ensure optimal utilization of resources and accurate
reporting of financial transactions and strict compliance with applicable
laws and regulations has also been implemented. The Company has put in
place sufficient systems to ensure that assets are safeguarded against loss
from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are authorized,
recorded, and reported correctly. Also, it has an exhaustive budgetary
control system to monitor capital related as well as other costs, against
approved budgets on an ongoing basis.
Health, Safety and Environment:
The Company has built a fully equipped occupational health center within
the project site as well as medical centres in all employee colonies. The
occupational health center is equipped with round-the-clock availability of
doctors, paramedics and ambulances capable of providing intensive care.
Preventive medication through comprehensive examination of all new workers
and studies and audits for health risk assessments are conducted
In addition, RPL is committed to support community medical initiatives of
the Reliance Group. These initiatives involve provision of free preventive
and curative health care to nearby communities and also participating in
national health programs such as Pulse Polio, Revised National Tuberculosis
Control Program, National Immunization Program and Maternal and Child
Health from time to time.
The Company believes that safety is integral to efficient business
management and has benchmarked its processes to the highest standards of
safety at the project site. During the year, RPL established a safety
facility consisting of 35 qualified safety professionals, supported by an
expert safety manager from Bechtel and from its Group Centre for HSE
Excellence. Also, the Company enhanced and nurtured safety organisations of
all contractors during the year, resulting in availability of more than 150
trained safety professionals at the project site.
Sound safety systems and procedures are in place with well laid out
standards that are accredited and enhanced by international safety experts.
Their implementation and compliance is strictly monitored. Regular audits
are also conducted by internal and external experts.
Continuous efforts with respect to safety, training and education are RPLs
commitment to the safety program. During the year, the Company developed
and implemented many new safety training modules, based on the phase of
project, risk assessment and learning from incidents. There is continuous
effort for increasing awareness amongst site personnel through safety
leaflets, handouts, display of safety signs, posters and other
Monitoring of safety performance is conducted through a central safety
committee and around 15 area safety committees are in force. All incidents
are reported, investigated and classified. Learning from these incidents
are shared, during Tool Box Talk sessions, area meetings, etc. with
regard to identified causes and preventive measures to avoid reoccurrence.
Environment The Company is committed to ensuring the highest standards of
environment management and strict compliance with regulatory requirements
at all times. The objective is to create an environmentally conducive eco-
system at the location.
Towards this end, the Company has taken utmost care at various stages of
project implementation viz. planning, design, construction towards
compliance with applicable laws. This mega project is being implemented
with virtually no ecological disturbance and the Company proposes to create
green belts that are beyond statutory norms.
The refinery is designed to produce environmentally stringent green
fuels. It will also be a zero effluent refinery with the entire water
being recycled. It is expected that the various water bodies that are being
created at the location will not only help in water management, but also
attract various species of birds.
Social Responsibility and Community Development:
The Company continued extending helping hand towards social and economic
development of the villages and the communities located close to its
operations and also providing assistance to improving their quality of
life. During year, activities focused on improving the village
infrastructure by constructing concrete roads, creating drainage
facilities, school buildings, water tanks & pipelines etc. and supply of
drinking water, education support etc. The Company has made investments
towards implementation of these development activities in the village area
of Kanalus, Padana, Kanachikari, Derachikari and Navagam.
In addition, towards maintaining and supporting cows in surrounding
villages, new cow-sheds for Kanalus and Kanachikari villages were
constructed and handed over to the residents of these villages. These
cowsheds receive regular fodder supply from RPL at Jamnagar.
Simultaneous to these, the Company furthered its community development
activities by laying the drinking water pipelines for the benefit of
residents at the village Kanachikari and also building a new primary school
building at Navagam during the year. The Company also assisted in repairing
of village schools at other nearby villages.
Persons constituting Group coming within the definition of group as
defined in the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practice Act, 1969 include
the following:
Reliance Industries Limited (Promoter)
Chevron India Holdings Pte. Limited (Promoter)
Abcus Retail Private Limited
Advantage Retail Private Limited
Bigdeal Retail Private Limited
Delight Proteins Limited
Gapco Kenya Limited
Gapco Rwanda SARL
Gapco Tanzania Limited
Gapco Uganda Limited
Gapoil Tanzania Limited
Gapoil Zanzibar Limited
Gulf Africa Petroleum Corporation (Mauritius)
Peninsula Land Kenya Limited
Recron (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Reliance Agri Products Distribution Limited
Reliance Aromatics and Petrochemicals Private Limited
Reliance Autozone Limited
Reliance Brands Limited
Reliance Chemicals Private Limited
Reliance Commercial Associates Limited
Reliance Dairy Foods Limited
Reliance Digital Media Limited
Reliance Energy and Project Development Private Limited
Reliance Exploration & Production DMCC
Reliance F&B Services Limited
Reliance Financial Distribution and Advisory Services Limited
Reliance Food Processing Solutions Limited
Reliance Footprint Limited
Reliance Fresh Limited
Reliance Gems and Jewels Limited
Reliance Global Management Services Limited
Reliance Haryana SEZ Limited
Reliance Home Store Limited
Reliance Hypermart Limited
Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited
Reliance Industrial Investment & Holdings Limited
Reliance Industries (Middle East) DMCC
Reliance Integrated Agri Solutions Limited
Reliance International Exploration and Production Inc.
Reliance Jamnagar Infrastructure Limited
Reliance Leisures Limited
Reliance Lifestyle Holdings Limited
Reliance Loyalty & Analytics Limited
Reliance Netherlands BV
Reliance Nutraceuticals Private Limited
Reliance Petroinvestments Limited
Reliance Pharmaceuticals (India) Private Limited
Reliance Polyolefins Private Limited
Reliance Retail Finance Limited
Reliance Retail Insurance Broking Limited
Reliance Retail Limited
Reliance Retail Securities and Broking Company Limited
Reliance Retail Travel & Forex Services Limited
Reliance Strategic Investments Limited
Reliance Supply Chain Solutions Limited
Reliance Trade Services Centre Limited
Reliance Trends Limited
Reliance Universal Ventures Limited
Reliance Ventures Limited
Reliance Wellness Limited
Reliancedigital Retail Limited
RESQ Limited.
Retail Concepts and Services (India) Limited
RIL (Australia) Pty Ltd.
Strategic Manpower Solutions Limited
Transenergy Kenya Limited
Wavely Investments Limited