The overall AUM in Jan-22 was higher at Rs38.01 trillion on a closing AUM basis. There were inflows across all major categories of mutual funds including debt funds, equity funds, hybrid funds and passive funds. The AUM has shown a steady growth over the last 1 year on a mix of robust stock market indices and strong SIP flows.
The AUM net inflow for Jan-22 stood at Rs35,252 crore overall with positive net inflows across all the mutual fund asset classes. The AUM mix as on 31-Jan was Income Funds (37.18%), equity funds (35.20%), hybrid funds (12.60%) and passive & solution funds (13.41%). The residual 1.61% were close-ended funds, where AUM was largely neutral for the month. This gap of 198 bps between equity fund AUM and debt fund AUM is less than in Dec-21. While debt fund share has gone down, it has been taken up by hybrids and passive funds rather than active equity funds. Overall AUM grew 24.58% yoy from Rs30.51 trillion in Jan-21 to Rs38.01 trillion in Jan-22. In Jan-22, the share of hybrid funds and passive funds showed an improvement even as equity funds and debt lost market share.
Debt funds see positive flows in Jan-22
After heavy outflows of Rs49,154 crore in Dec-21, debt funds had some consolation in the form of net inflows of Rs5,088 crore in Jan-22. The month of Jan-22 saw a mix of inflows and outflows across different categories of debt funds.
There were a large number of debt fund categories that saw outflows in Jan-22 which was not surprising considering the monetary hawkishness. Among the specific debt fund categories, Liquid Funds saw outflows of Rs14,398 crore, low duration funds saw outflows of Rs1,963 crore, short duration funds saw outflows of Rs2,889 crore, Banking & PSU funds saw outflows of Rs2,537crore and corporate bond funds saw outflows of Rs936 crore.
Among the fund categories that saw net inflows in Jan-22, Overnight funds saw inflows of Rs19,358 crore, money market funds saw inflows of Rs4,719 crore, ultra-short duration funds saw inflows of Rs2,969 crore and floater funds Rs2,592 crore. There have been some concerns at the longer duration end with Fed turning distinctly hawkish and Indian bond yields surging sharply in the last couple of months to inch closer to the 7% mark.
Net inflows into equity funds almost halved MOM from Rs25,077crore in Dec-21 to Rs14,888 crore in Jan-22. Almost all the categories of equity funds saw net inflows in Jan-22.
During Jan-22, Multi-cap funds plus flexi-cap funds led the way with inflows of Rs3,419 crore. Among other key categories, Sector Funds saw inflows of Rs2,073 crore, Large Cap funds Rs1,890 crore, large & mid-cap funds Rs1,722 crore, mid-cap funds Rs1,770 crore, focused funds Rs1,813 crore and small cap funds Rs1,499 crore. In a reversal of trend, ELSS funds saw net inflows of Rs805 crorein Jan-22. Equity funds saw cumulative net inflows of Rs125,346 crore in the 11 months since Mar-21; the 11th consecutive month of positive equity fund inflows.
Net flows into hybrid funds were tepid at Rs551 crore in Dec-21 but bounced back smartly to Rs12,132 crorein Jan-22. This was despite the absence of any significant NFO contribution in Jan-22. Arbitrage funds led the hybrid inflows at Rs6,138cr in Jan-22. Balanced advantage funds saw inflows of Rs2,391 crore and Aggressive Hybrid Funds Rs1,844 crore in Jan-22. Other hybrid categories were also positive, albeit on a smaller scale.
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