Indian benchmark indices closed lower on September 5 with Sensex down around 0.18% or 151.48 points at 82,201.16. However, Nifty was down 0.21% or 53 points and ended at 25,145.10. The market witnessed a mixed performance with around 2,185 stocks advancing, while 1,585 stocks saw a decline, and 99 remained unchanged.
Top gainers on Nifty were Titan Company, LTIMindtree, Wipro, BPCL, and ITC while Coal India, Britannia Industries, Cipla, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, and Reliance Industries emerged as the top losers.
Sectorally, sell-off was seen in capital goods, power, oil & gas, and real estate stocks. However, sectors like metals, IT, telecom, and media saw increased buying activity.
The BSE Midcap Index gained 0.3%, while the Smallcap Index rose by 0.5% outperforming the major indices.
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