SEBI reportedly plans to standardise lot size for stock derivatives based on their value from March 31. Under the new guideline, stock derivatives priced above Rs1,600 will have a lot size of 125 units, while those priced above Rs800 but below Rs1,600 would be tradeable in lots of 250 and for above Rs400 in 500 units.
Share derivatives priced between Rs201 to Rs400 would have a lot of 1,000 units; between Rs101 and Rs200 in lots of 2,000 units; Rs51 to Rs100 at 4,000 units and Rs25 to Rs50 in lots of 8,000.
All derivatives priced below Rs25 will be tradeable in multiples of 1,000, the SEBI stated.
SEBI further said that stock exchanges would review lot sizes every six months, based on the average closing price of the underlying for the last one month. Any revision in lots would be done after at least a two-week notice and any higher lot would be applicable only to new contracts.Related Tags#SEBI sets new lot sizes for stocks derivatives
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