Personal loans are a great way to raise money for your short-term needs at reasonable rates. Their main attraction is the freedom you get on how you want to spend this money. Normally you only need a few documents to apply for a personal loan. It is important to note that the documents required for salaried and non-salaried documents may differ depending on the lender.
Here is a general Eligibility criterion that most lenders may follow to evaluate their borrowers. Please note that the eligibility criteria may vary depending on the lender you choose.
Simply search for an online personal loan eligibility calculator for self-employed candidates to see the maximum amount you might be able to acquire based on your income and current monthly obligations. You can choose a tenure using a personal loan EMI calculator so that the EMI payment is within your price range.
Please note that the documents required may vary depending on the lender you choose. Here is a list of general documents you may require irrespective of your employment status:
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